Linux: Which distro do you run and why?

Tall Mike 2145

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Feb 8, 2013
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Re: Which distro do you run and why?

I just wrote a nice, long post which got rejected because AndroidForums said the token expired. Grrr... So, I'm going to try this again.

I think the biggest hurdle in actuality for the potential new user of GNU/Linux is that GNU/Linux has become as much about what in the horse, cat, or dog show world is called "pedigree" as it is about the idea of being open-source. It isn't that this is a weakness, per se, but it just adds an extra layer of confusion to an already complex subject.

In the beginning, you had Richard Stallman and his GNU Project folks, and on the other hand you had Linus Torvalds, who wrote the Linux kernel (Linux being a play on his own name of Linus, and only intended as a temporary name, but it stuck). These folks, and many others who came along after, contributed to creating what one can think of as the "GNU/Linux environment/platform/etc." and it is, to put it crudely, from this that any copy of this operating system you might choose to use comes from.

I would ask that the new, potential user of GNU/Linux understand something: at its heart, this operating system is "by geeks, for geeks" and that ultimately it was never designed to be a "user friendly" operating system, at least not in the modern, conventional sense. So, to the extent that you can get GNU/Linux without per se having it be from some organization like LinuxMint or Canonical or Fedora Project, you wouldn't want to do this unless you are a hard-core, experienced coder. Trust me.

Distributions like Debian, or openSuSE, or Slackware, or LinuxMint, exist for two basic categories of reason. The first is that they wanted to take GNU/Linux and have some control over how it is assembled, either because they wanted certain software packages or certain versions of software packages included, or they wanted to make a more stable product, or they wanted it to be more optimized for some particular use, or what-have-you.

As these groups set to work to, in a sense, make GNU/Linux in their own image, they created what we today call "distributions" or "distros". When you D/L Debian, or openSuSE, or Fedora, or LinuxMint, or a hundred others, you are downloading a "distribution" of GNU/Linux.

"Back in the day" the distributions all just took the raw materials of GNU/Linux and rolled their own copy. However, what has happened over time is that process evolved. Certain groups who did this work became more established, respected, accumulated numerous supporters and users, etc. Ultimately, these distros won out over others. And what's happened since that time is that most distributions are actually based off of these parent distributions, or distributions which are based off of them. This is where my initial comment about "the pedigree of GNU/Linux" at the top of this post comes from.

I choose to use LinuxMint. LinuxMint is actually based on Ubuntu, with changes made to it which suit their own ends (like not using Unity, providing MATE and Cinnamon, etc.) but still benefitting from the many things Canonical did right with Ubuntu. And then, Ubuntu is itself based on Debian, which is good and solid and known for being very stable, if somewhat not-so-polished and not-so-up-to-date.

Fedora, for example, is based on RedHat.

openSuSE is (or at least was) based on RedHat as well.

CrunchBang, which is designed specifically to be a VERY minimalistic distro, is Debian-based.

And so it goes...

I apologize to anyone here who, reading this post, is still left feeling a bit perplexed, confused, or overwhelmed. All I can tell you is that at least you now have enough information to start asking useful GNU/Linux-related questions, the answers to which will hopefully help lead you to one (or more) distros to play with, which in turn will help you pick something to use that best suits your needs and/or tastes.
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Ryan Pacheco

Dec 14, 2013
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Re: Which distro do you run and why?

Well, thats a pretty broad question IMHO. I suppose for me the answer is, "depends on what Im doing with it". I started many years ago with Ubuntu. As I got better I wanted to prove what a digital bad *** I am, so I started trying new things like Gentoo, Arch, etc. I did that for a while, and now I own a few websites, and servers to host them. I would say that now that I do it full time, I want something easy, so Im back to Ubuntu Server or Centos.

I think its normal to go full circle. Everyone who really gets into Linux tends to "prove their worth" and then once thats done, its back to apt-get. :)

I do prefer Debian based distros in general.


Well-known member
Nov 9, 2011
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Re: Which distro do you run and why?

I run Kubuntu. I really like KDE4 interface which is very flexible. It let me split 4 windows on one screen which is useful. It resemble Windows interface more for me, while Ubuntu resemble Mac interface which is restricted which I don't like.
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Jan 28, 2014
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I'm a huge fan of Linux so for the past four years I'd gander, and all I use is Ubuntu. I have used Xubuntu, Lubuntu and a few others when I had to install a linux distro on one of my old PCs and I couldn't use Ubuntu because it was too heavy. My current PC has Ubuntu as well as Windows 8. I update every-time an update comes out. :D


Jan 27, 2014
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Ubuntu with KFCE, it has a pretty nice software selection plus it is Debian-based so allows easy installation of packages and updates. Also all the usual software for development runs perfect (Netbeans, all browsers, SVN/Git etc. etc.). Only minus is that there's no Unity player and under virtualbox with windows unity player doesn't work too... would be nice to have it for games/apps on linux
Apr 25, 2014
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Got a free laptop for christmas for a friend who crashed it. Dual booting Ubuntu with Fedora 20. Love Ubuntu, giving Fedora a try. I recently took a trip to Red Hat Linux here in downtown Raleigh and am curious to try Linux.

Ed Briggs

Well-known member
May 14, 2013
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<-------See my tux tattoo? Yeah, I'm kind of a hardcore linux user. ;) I've been a linux user for about 7yrs. full time, but first started using it around 2003. I mainly use Ubuntu Gnome, but check out other distros using virtualbox from time to time. I still have windows to play pinball occasionally, but that's about the only reason I would consider booting it up. I can't imagine using anything other than linux for day to day stuff.


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Sep 23, 2012
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My linux adventure began about eight years ago, with Debian. I was satisfied after installation because it took me so long to install. Then I thought I would like to check other distros so the second one was Slackware. As I became more familiar with linux from the inside I switched to Gentoo. For a moment I was using ubuntu and linux mint, but my daily driver is now Archlinux (started about five years ago). This is my favourite linux, it's fast, lightweight and pretty easy to configure if you know what you're doing.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2014
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LinuxMint. For me, this was my first linux OS and after trying many others, such as Ubuntu, LinuxMint proved to be great for me.

I second that went from Ubuntu and their stupid Unity crap to Linux Mint and never looked back. If it wasn't for the driver and game support Mint would be my goto OS on the desktop. It is so easy to configure and yet so powerful, I absolutely love the possibilities of the terminal


Sep 3, 2014
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I've been using Linux for years and I switched distros many times since then. But I think that I finally got my closest to ideal distro - ArchLinux. It's lightweight, customizable and more importantly, it uses rolling release scheme. I don't like upgrade every 6 months like Ubuntu. I want my apps new and fresh. :D

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