So to start off a few days ago my galaxy s6 froze up, turned off and would not come back on. I tried all the different button combinations, tried plugging it in, tried connecting to laptop, and even tried physically removing the battery. Still nothing. At this point I assume my only hope is to do a chip-off data recovery. I really do not want to send my phone out to anywhere to get it done and am considering attempting it in house after practicing on some other chips to start. I already know about removing it as well as the reball process, my biggest question is what programmer and software would i need. So far i have been looking at getting the dediprog NuProg-E programmer and 095 connecting socket. My biggest question is that everything i read says this is a programmer with no mention of data recovery. Does anyone have any experience with this and can help steer me in the direction I need to go? Also, this isn't my first time around small microchips, just haven't gotten into data recovery as of yet. Thanks for the help!
Edit: Dear Admins, please forgive me for not realzing i was in the Galaxy note section *facepalm*
So to start off a few days ago my galaxy s6 froze up, turned off and would not come back on. I tried all the different button combinations, tried plugging it in, tried connecting to laptop, and even tried physically removing the battery. Still nothing. At this point I assume my only hope is to do a chip-off data recovery. I really do not want to send my phone out to anywhere to get it done and am considering attempting it in house after practicing on some other chips to start. I already know about removing it as well as the reball process, my biggest question is what programmer and software would i need. So far i have been looking at getting the dediprog NuProg-E programmer and 095 connecting socket. My biggest question is that everything i read says this is a programmer with no mention of data recovery. Does anyone have any experience with this and can help steer me in the direction I need to go? Also, this isn't my first time around small microchips, just haven't gotten into data recovery as of yet. Thanks for the help!
Edit: Dear Admins, please forgive me for not realzing i was in the Galaxy note section *facepalm*