Long-time iOS users...what is your real opinion of the Note 7 having made the switch?

Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

Hangouts is great in theory, lousy in execution. For those in the Google ecosystem is can be great, but the app is not very optimized. It really sucks to try to use across ecosystems. The implentation in iOS is horrible (no notifications). Since my wife is on iOS and not changing, that has made Hangouts a nearly useless app for me. Its a shame, because I like the stickers and the way it works on my PC and Android phones. I have moved over to WhatsApp (like most of the world) to get around the cross platform issues.
I tried What's App, but nobody I message regularly uses it so I deleted it. I just can't get my iOS friends to try anything other than iMessage. I get why. All the people we chat with on a daily basis use iOS. There's just no real reason for them. Personally I like to try new things and experiment, but they've found a solution that works for them so they stick with it.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I miss the better battery life, iMessage and the the fact my BT is not working with my BMW X3.

Everything else is miles ahead of the iPhone. Apps to me are not the different in terms of execution. All the major apps I used on my iPhone are fine on this.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

If you like to log in with your fingerprints, you can use Samsung's stock browser for websites that don't have their app's updated to accept fingerprints. I know that isn't a perfect solution, but it works until the app's can be updated to accept fingerprints.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I'm going back and forth in my head about keeping the Note or going back to the iPhone. Battery life improved a little bit today but maybe it was due to me not using wifi all day. Who knows. My mind is still telling me to pop this sim back on my iPhone. We will see.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

android auto pales in comparison to car play for those that have vehicles equipped. A Minor issue but still an issue for me at least. haha.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I converted to the Note 7 from the iPhone 6 and the only things I miss about it are the speed/ fluidity (especially when playing Pokémon Go, it is as smooth as butter on an iPhone). What made me convert was seeing the video quality on my fiancé's S7 compared to my 6, even the letters of text were less pixilated and looked like perfect curved on an "o" when mine looked blocky a bit. I was going to convert to the 7 plus but I couldn't justify it knowing it is going to have those ugly bezels and low-res outdated LCD display
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I switch between the Note and iPhone. My last phone was the 6s+. I like the ease of use with iOS but also like the flexibility of Android. But, I like the fact that the Note 7 is lighter and smaller than the 6s+.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

Losing iMessage is no big deal for me, the Verizon text app seems to work very well.

There are far better texting applications out there then the verizon text app. The built in Samsung Messages app is one. But Google's Messenger is my texting app of choice.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

As far as texting/media sharing...I've always felt like why can't Apple just offer to sell the FaceTime and iMessage apps on the Play Store...I know it's what they think helps sell the iPhone, but wouldn't they be getting plenty of revenue if they sold the apps to us Android users? I would gladly pay to buy the apps so I could put the whole debate away of what platform/programs to use to communicate. Bottom line...Skype is fine for Android users and I'd be willing to keep it in my arsenal for anyone who feels THAT strongly against installing FaceTime, but having access to FaceTime WOULD be so much easier so I don't have to explain to my iPhone friends why I can't communicate that way with them. I'm not saying Android users are more tech savvy but MY experience has been that my iPhone touting friends love their iPhones because they just work and they don't have to think about it. I'd rather bend to their way a little and be done with all of this...but I'm not giving up Android.

I downloaded Google's new video chat app Duo. It's dead simple to use and is easy to invite others to use. Arguably even easier than FaceTime. I'd highly recommend checking it out. And then inviting your friends to do the same. The "knock knock" feature is super intuitive too.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I downloaded Google's new video chat app Duo. It's dead simple to use and is easy to invite others to use. Arguably even easier than FaceTime. I'd highly recommend checking it out. And then inviting your friends to do the same. The "knock knock" feature is super intuitive too.

Thanks. I did download it but not sure how to also get it on my wifi only iPad. And I really hope they bring it to desktop.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

Not missing my iPhone at all today my brother texted me and said wow you got a new phone just because he noticed the color of the bubbles was different. All of my apps are working fine. Will be downloading the new video chat and then sending invites to my niece, brother and sister. Only my brother is a hold out to Android and even my non tech Mom wants a Note if I can just get her to go to the store and buy it.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

There are far better texting applications out there then the verizon text app. The built in Samsung Messages app is one. But Google's Messenger is my texting app of choice.

i will try those, thanks. now what should i use to get airplay to work on my note :)
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I tried What's App, but nobody I message regularly uses it so I deleted it. I just can't get my iOS friends to try anything other than iMessage. I get why. All the people we chat with on a daily basis use iOS. There's just no real reason for them. Personally I like to try new things and experiment, but they've found a solution that works for them so they stick with it.

WhatsApp is very popular with the international crowd -- due to roaming and higher Android use I think. Folks I message with are on iOS, Android and Windows, so for group texting, it had to be WhatsApp. We have a lot of ex-US friends and family in the group, so everybody used it. I, like you, had deleted it long ago due to no usage, but came back in the last year or so.

iMessage lock-in reminds me of BBM. That kept me on Black Berry for a generation or two longer than I should have stayed.

I still use SMS and Hangouts for certain friends. A unified messaging service would be awesome.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

WhatsApp is very popular with the international crowd -- due to roaming and higher Android use I think. Folks I message with are on iOS, Android and Windows, so for group texting, it had to be WhatsApp. We have a lot of ex-US friends and family in the group, so everybody used it. I, like you, had deleted it long ago due to no usage, but came back in the last year or so.

iMessage lock-in reminds me of BBM. That kept me on Black Berry for a generation or two longer than I should have stayed.

I still use SMS and Hangouts for certain friends. A unified messaging service would be awesome.
I was really hoping the rumor that iMessage coming to Android was true, even though I doubted it would actually happen.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

Ive used almost every iteration of iphone and samsung devices. never owned a nexus.

I traded in my iphone 6s+ for a note 7.

Iphone 6s is way more fluid, better camera (selfie wise) the samsung camera makes you look super fake and alien like (the back camera is good though)

texting on iphone is way better, sending videos, pics, emojis etc.

Note 7 is better in build design, water proof, less bezel, multiple security options.

IOS has come along ways, I dont want my phone looking super cartoony with customizations, I like it stock with options to change some widgets. IOS offers that.

I really really really want to love this note, but the battery, and lag is killing me. Also, the fact that apple will replace my phone on the spot in person, just is a winner to me. I dont have to deal with the carriers and etc.


Wish I could go back and forth between the two, but I have to choose. Im going to give it a few more days.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

I was really hoping the rumor that iMessage coming to Android was true, even though I doubted it would actually happen.

Well BBM finally made it to all platform, though too late to gain adoption. I guess there is hope for a compatible messaging app.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

People are gonna miss iMessage and silky smooth use, I'm betting. Those are really the only reasons most everyone I know uses iOS. I know WhatsApp is used all over tbe world, but in my social circle, it's 98% iOS. People just love them some iMessage and aren't willing to give it up. YMMV.

But yeah I've used both. Have a work iPhone. I don't dislike it, but prefer Android for my personal device. I do like iMessage too. It's aggravating getting a video via MMS that's grainy and compressed to hell. Nobody is going to install another app if they are an iOS user. If your message isn't blue, they don't care about you. Silly yes. True yep.

I'm the other way, I have an HTC One for my work device and an iPhone 6 for my personal device.

I initially got an Android device because Apple didn't make larger screen phones a few years back and I needed a larger screen to read long documents more easily. With the advent of the larger screened iPhones, I moved over to Apple but honestly if the iPhone 7 really doesn't have a headphone jack (worst idea ever) this could be a deal breaker for me and i'll move over to Android permanently unless Apple do something to absolutely wow me in their keynote in a couple of weeks time.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

"Iphone 6s is way more fluid, better camera (selfie wise) the samsung camera makes you look super fake and alien like (the back camera is good though)"

iPhone is more fluid, but I disagree with the rest. The S7 camera (which the Note 7) is universally praised for having the best camera on a smart phone, if the color accuracy (or lack there of) turns you off you can always tweak the colors but the OLED display makes the colors more vibrant, front and back.

"texting on iphone is way better, sending videos, pics, emojis etc."

There are third-party apps you can download that mimic whatever the iPhone can do pretty easily.

"IOS has come along ways, I dont want my phone looking super cartoony with customizations, I like it stock with options to change some widgets. IOS offers that."

Mmm iPhone widget's aren't really Widgets like Android user's know them to be

"I really really really want to love this note, but the battery, and lag is killing me."

You got to give the phone a week to break in the battery, you can optimize the battery manually too (lag can be helped with eliminating bloatware).

There is no reason not to love the Note... It packs the best camera and best display out of any smartphone, iPhone is still rocking the outdated 1080p LCD display. The Note is on the cutting edge of mobile technology with the iris scanner, which is completely useful. In the winter when you wear gloves it's great for when your finger or home button becomes moist and the fingerprint scanner won't work. The iPhone 6s plus is taller and wider than the Note but only packs a 5.5 inch display, the bezels make it look like a cheap picture frame. The Note manages to be smaller than the iPhone and fit in your hand better with a beautiful dual edged 5.7 display, if that's not impressive I don't know what is. With the iPhone you are locked on iTunes and can't download music or movies in your phone from anywhere else, it is like mobile prison (especially when it comes to file sharing). There is no comparison...The Note is the best phone out there. The iPhone is better at software/ hardware integration and optimization, which is a pretty big deal, but not nearly enough to overpower everything else the Note has (wireless charging, fast charging, usb type c...). It's no contest.
Re: Curiosity: iPhone transplants a week later

Here's one thing that annoys me a little about switching from iPhone. When I get a text message I have to open the screen to read it vs iPhone where it would pop up on lock screen. Now I use the always on display so maybe if that's not on the text messages will actually show up on the lock screen that I can read and respond to? I don't know or remember if that's possible but I liked being able to respond to text from lock screen

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