Long time WP user, convert?


Jul 15, 2011
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Long time WP user (have a Nokia 925) considering moving to Android. Besides the better app selection why should I switch? I like the WP home screen with all the live tiles, wireless charging, and dedicated camera button. Can widgets simulate the richness of live tiles? I like the Note 4. Can it be updated with wireless charging? Also, I hear the SG6 is something to wait for as it will be a whole new design (I love the build quality of Nokia) Should I switch?


Feb 6, 2014
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Long time WP user (have a Nokia 925) considering moving to Android. Besides the better app selection why should I switch? I like the WP home screen with all the live tiles, wireless charging, and dedicated camera button. Can widgets simulate the richness of live tiles? I like the Note 4. Can it be updated with wireless charging? Also, I hear the SG6 is something to wait for as it will be a whole new design (I love the build quality of Nokia) Should I switch?

FWIW if I had to pick, I would prefer the live tiles. While widgets are often more useful, they're not as ubiquitous as live tiles are. What I mean is that if I have the same apps installed on my moto x as I do my 830, then more apps will take advantage of live tiles, but the ones that use widgets could be more useful.

I can't speak for the Note 4, however as I don't have one, but I know that there were cases for the Note 3 that gave it wireless charging, so I would assume that would be the case.

Posted via Android Central App

B. Diddy

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Mar 9, 2012
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Things I love about Android:

1. High degree of customizability right out of the box, and even more if you root.
2. Huge selection of excellent hardware, all with different strengths.
3. Huge selection of apps, and no, they're not unpolished.
4. Very engaged user community (just look around here!:)).
5. I find Google to be the most exciting and innovative tech company around.

It's hard to compare widgets with live tiles, because widgets come in all shapes, sizes, and functions. I think widgets are much more versatile than live tiles, but Jas00555 makes a good point--there aren't a huge number of really useful widgets. But the ones that are can be very useful, and give much more info at a glance than live tiles, and can also perform certain functions as well.

There are plenty of devices that have wireless charging out of the box. It's a great feature to have.


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Feb 15, 2011
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I've owned 3 Windows Phones and still have my Lumia 1020. We know the app availability is greater on Android. But for apps that are on both platforms, in general, the Android version tends to be better. More features, better functionality, more support, more updates. Even some apps by Microsoft are better on Android than WP, IMO. Pandora, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, Flipboard, etc, all better on Android. The lameness of such apps on WP detracts from the overall experience, IMO.

It seems that some apps were developed in haste for WP just so whoever can have a WP presence, and then its just left alone. This isn't always the case, but there are many examples of prominent apps that haven't been updated since forever.

I do enjoy the WP platform, but if forced to choose, at this point, I'd have to go w/Android.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk


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Aug 2, 2012
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I can agree that live tiles are more ubiquitous than widgets. But when an app does have a widget it is that much more useful than a live tile. And in my experience most apps I have used had a widget or at least a push notification to keep you updated and informed.

And another reason I like Android is its notifications. I can type this reply while I get an email push notification, and either reply or delete right from the notification tray. Notifications is one area where Android is above all other OS's. Though I give points to BB10 for having a unified notification area, and built in notification reply out of the box.

Posted via Razr M on the Android Central App


Jul 15, 2011
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Thanks for the comments on widgets vs. live tiles. The other big differentiator is smart watch support. The Moto 360 and LG's new R watch have me wanting to switch as well.


Aug 27, 2014
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I've owned 3 Windows Phones and still have my Lumia 1020. We know the app availability is greater on Android. But for apps that are on both platforms, in general, the Android version tends to be better. More features, better functionality, more support, more updates. Even some apps by Microsoft are better on Android than WP, IMO. Pandora, Facebook, Amazon, eBay, Flipboard, etc, all better on Android. The lameness of such apps on WP detracts from the overall experience, IMO.

It seems that some apps were developed in haste for WP just so whoever can have a WP presence, and then its just left alone. This isn't always the case, but there are many examples of prominent apps that haven't been updated since forever.

I do enjoy the WP platform, but if forced to choose, at this point, I'd have to go w/Android.

Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
That was my experience as well when dabbling with WP. A lot of people in WP forums kept rallying around excuses too, like it 'has all the apps you really need'. Which just isn't true. The alternatives to missing official apps were not as good as the official apps on android/iOS, there are not nearly enough independent apps, and many user specific preference apps like banks continue to be MIA.

A lot of the apps that are there are abandonware as you say, or poorly coded and executed. MS are abysmally slow at introducing features long present on other OS's. Cortana was pretty cool and nearly on par with Google Now. But in the months since Cortana was released, Google Now has added more features. Catch up time for Microsoft yet again.

It and blackberry are both in the same boat. Nice OS hamstrung by lack of developer support. It's like having a nice car that uses a special type of fuel nobody makes.

Even an MS pundit like Mary Jo Foley was recently on record saying she's not sure of recommending WP to people.


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Aug 2, 2012
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What is interesting to me as well is that WP users like to be all nonchalant when apps are pulled or taken down as if relying on third party developers is plus. There were two official apps taken down over the weekend, the GEICO app and the Pinterest App. Apps mean a lot nowadays, and losing any app is a blow for any platform. Life of a WP user I suppose.

Sent from my HP Split 13 x2 PC using Tapatalk


Aug 27, 2014
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What is interesting to me as well is that WP users like to be all nonchalant when apps are pulled or taken down as if relying on third party developers is plus. There were two official apps taken down over the weekend, the GEICO app and the Pinterest App. Apps mean a lot nowadays, and losing any app is a blow for any platform. Life of a WP user I suppose.

Sent from my HP Split 13 x2 PC using Tapatalk
I find WP fansites to have an unusually high ratio of the types of people you find in pitchfork and torch bearing mobs when it comes to other platforms. Google are part of some secret world domination brotherhood of evil, Apple runs a cult that creates mindless zombies out of its users and other such hysterical nonsense. Not literally of course but they might as well just cut to the chase and say those ludicrous things because that's the general impression I get from posts on those sites.

Edit: I just read some um... interesting points of view on crackberry. I take back what I said about WP sites, these guys wear the championship belt
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Marquis de Faux

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Nov 28, 2014
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Windows Phone user here, but I do enjoy Android as well. It depends on your needs and what type of user you are.
Android is much more customizable and has much better apps.
If you do go Android, I would highly recommend a Sony Xperia Z3. It has a dedicated camera button like the Nokia phones we are used to, and pretty great cameras as well (comparable with Lumia 930).
I would definitely miss Live Tiles though.


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May 12, 2014
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Should I switch?

OP, only you can know if you should switch. I considered switching from WP a couple months ago, and investigated all the new Android and iPhone options. Ultimately, I decided to wait and see what comes up when WP rolls out Windows 10 before I decide on a new phone. However, that doesn't mean I won't continue to consider the alternatives because there are a lot of good products to choose from.