Looking for a Droid


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Mar 6, 2011
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OK here is my deal. I am an iPhone 4 user and do not want an iPad. I am jailbroken and use MyWi to tether to other devices. I am interested in an Android Tablet that is no more than $350 (less is ok). I need to be able to hack the Droid to use Ad-Hoc so I can tether to my iPhone - This is an absolute must. I would like a better resolution screen to play movies and size is not a huge factor (small is ok) I do not need a camera at all. I mainly want it to surf, watch movies, play games, and app usage. I am new to Droid's but will root and not afraid to tinker at all if needed. I looked at the Nook Color and thought it was pretty good for what I want, just not sure if there is an Ad-Hoc hack out there for it. Is there some Droids others I should be looking at in this range or even less or more?