media area


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Jun 11, 2012
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what is the advantage of moving files to the media area vs. phone and what types of apps can be moved to the sd card and how (have the motorola droid razr)


Samurai Dev
Jan 3, 2012
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i assume buy media you mean system/media... system/media is contained on your phones internal storage... it is where your bootanimation and sounds are stored... if youre droid is rooted then you can obtain access to the folders by using a root capable file explorer and change/delete/replace the above to your personal preferences...
rooting also offers many, many, many, many (i could keep going, and going but you get the point) other benefits that allow you to make your droid yours... its definitely worth your time and then some to check into it!...
as far as moving apps to the sd card, you can go to settings>applications and move applications that you have installed to run from the sd card thereby freeing up more internal space (usually to optimize ram)... if youre rooted then as i said above, you have many more options (link2sd, apps2sd, etc.)... i, however, only move apps that ive installed to the sd card... with the exception of things like my browser, launcher, superuser, etc... i hope this helps...
the link below will help you on your way... :)


Sūpā Saiya-jin Fō
Jul 27, 2011
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what is the advantage of moving files to the media area vs. phone and what types of apps can be moved to the sd card and how (have the motorola droid razr)

The only advantage I can think of is if you get a new phone, some of your app data can be saved more easily (not that you couldn't do the same VIA file transfer if your old phone was still working). Or, if your phone were to break and not be able to turn on, you wouldn't lose all of the data (so long as the phone didn't take a bath or something and the SD card was also in disrepair).

I have had some success in moving app data from one phone to another, but, it didn't work for all of my apps.

Additionally, there is most likely a nominal increase to app load time, due to the SD being removable media. But, like I said, I'm sure that's nominal for this scale.

If you want to move apps to the SD card, you can do so VIA Manage Apps. There should be a button that says something like, "move to media area." If this is not grayed out, you can do so. I believe there are also apps that will do this for you, but, I'm not sure if they will enable apps with a grayed out box to be moved. If not, I see no point to an app to do this. I think the app is called App2SD or something like that.