Mic cutting out mid call, seems to be a widespread issue.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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I'm not suggesting that there is not a problem, just that exchanging another phone when you've already had 3 with the same problem that not everybody has, isn't going to fix it. It has to be related to a combination of ICS and the apps you have installed. I understand that you're running the same apps you've been running on a number of different phones, but I'd bet that none of those phones were running ICS. i know that creating a dummy account and resetting your phone is no fun, but if it was my phone, and I wanted to find a solution, that's what I'd do. Verizon is certainly not going to find a solution and neither will exchanging a few more phones. If 8 out of 10 people were seeing this (or even 4 out of 10), I'd say it's the phone. But right now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

I understand. But I didn't change the phones because of that issue. I had a blown pixel on one and the other was way to purplish in color. I realized the mic cut off happened with my phone now, as it did others and decided to look into it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


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May 5, 2010
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I understand. But I didn't change the phones because of that issue. I had a blown pixel on one and the other was way to purplish in color. I realized the mic cut off happened with my phone now, as it did others and decided to look into it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

Are you in a pretty much 4g all the time area? I ask because where I spend most of time, we're still 3g, though I do spend many weekends at tennis tournaments in 4g areas. I am running one of the newer radios (rooted), so I guess that could also be a reason that I haven't had the problem. Any chance you'd want to root and try one?


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Dec 16, 2011
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I have had this happen twice so far. Both times on BT, when they couldn't hear me, I tried to switch to either speaker or 'normal' phone with no luck. Both times at home, in area with good coverage.
Not rooted and minimal apps, no Volume +, or anything to take over phone function except Light Flow.
I suspect it is software as hardware is ruled out due to trying BT & phone mic...


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Are you in a pretty much 4g all the time area? I ask because where I spend most of time, we're still 3g, though I do spend many weekends at tennis tournaments in 4g areas. I am running one of the newer radios (rooted), so I guess that could also be a reason that I haven't had the problem. Any chance you'd want to root and try one?

I am in a 4G area. But most of the time Im on Wifi. But it doesnt matter because voice calls go over 3G. 4G is just the LTE Network with fast speeds. 3G does the voice and slower network speeds. So Im not sure if 4G honestly would have anything to do with it. A lot of people are having this issue which is bringing me to feel like if every Nexus owner at some point, might hit that breaking point while on a call. Most talk more then others. I rarely talk on the phone at all really. But when I did a couple of times it happened. Then other times I was on the phone for awhile and nothing happend. Its weird. But the problem needs to be fixed on Googles or Samsungs End. I dont think with Verizon.


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Aug 30, 2010
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Happened to me 3 times a row when calling out today to the same number; did not cut out in the middle, the other party NEVER heard me at all. Rebooted the phone, and all was fine. First call was made on the native phone, second call was made with Groove IP over wifi, third call was made with the native phone again. I heard them fine, but they couldn't hear me. (Rooted, stock rom, 4.02, with 4.03 radios, volume+ installed) It happened right after turning bluetooth off, don't know if that had anything to do with it, but it is still a bug.

I wish I knew if these problems were going to be worked out with a software update, because if they are not, I want to return the phone before January 15 deadline.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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I cant believe they posted about the softkeys someone put a thread up about instead of putting this one on the front page. This is an issue that Im sure a lot of Nexus users will look out for in the future if an update is not pushed.


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Apr 19, 2010
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I had this happen to me a few times with my gnex. I had the phone replaced and so far it hasnt happened again. This happened in both 3g and 4g areas with no volume+ installed.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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I had this happen to me a few times with my gnex. I had the phone replaced and so far it hasnt happened again. This happened in both 3g and 4g areas with no volume+ installed.

Thats good for the moment. But Ive had it happen with 2 of my 3 replacements. Report back if it happens on this one you have.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
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I have two gnex's in my house....mine and my wives. Both of our phones do not have any of the issues that others are reporting on in the forums. We have no signal issues whatsoever. We have never dropped a call....we got no keyboard lag....etc...etc....we both have experienced this issue. Mine has done it three times and hers twice. She talks a lot, me not so much. For us this not a big issue as it is rare. It is an issue though that i would love to see resolved because you never know when it will happen during an important phone call......of course ive said all that earlier in this thread. The point is that our phones are perfect. We have two. They both do it, albeit rarely. I dont think it is a phone problem.....i believe it is a software related problem....something that could be fixed with a patch.
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Jan 5, 2012
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I have the problem...longest ive made it is twenty minutes...i have volume plus but it was dropping mic before i installed it. I think its a tower exchange issue due to it happening to me only at certain locations. Could be app problem but i donthave many apps installed and none of which should affect mic. I might root phone and wipe out apps. Then i could test. Totally a deal breaker if u use your pgone for business!.


May 15, 2010
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maybe you're holding it wrong and covering the mic with your hand? do your snapshots look funny too? check how you're holding it.

good luck.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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I have the problem...longest ive made it is twenty minutes...i have volume plus but it was dropping mic before i installed it. I think its a tower exchange issue due to it happening to me only at certain locations. Could be app problem but i donthave many apps installed and none of which should affect mic. I might root phone and wipe out apps. Then i could test. Totally a deal breaker if u use your pgone for business!.

For some reason, I dont think its an app problem. Because if it was, then everyone who has the problem has to have the same app installed. Which Im sure is pretty rare. I truley believe this is a problem on their end, not ours. Pretty much all the same apps I have now, were installed on all of my Android Handsets. They never had this happen though. We might just have to sit tight.

maybe you're holding it wrong and covering the mic with your hand? do your snapshots look funny too? check how you're holding it.

good luck.

How ya doing Gekko? Not to be confused with Geiko! lol. Anyway, is that a serious question? If so, then No sir. I do not cover the mic or the camera lens when I take pictures. Which Im almost sure that everyone else doesnt either :D

If your serious, Im pulling your chain. If your pulling my chain, you just did a pretty good job!


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Man this just happened again. Twice! We have to figure out what this problem is. Its starting to become annoying.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Oct 25, 2011
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never had an issue. However, I talk on my phone for maybe.... 10 minutes per day, so i'm probably not a great indicator if there is a problem.


Italiano Papi
Jul 12, 2010
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Right. I barely talk on the phone myself. It just happens randomly. When I looked into it, I noticed a lot of people hitting that point. Just keep on the lookout. They really need to address this. People have fully wiped there phone and it still happened.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


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Jan 10, 2012
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I've been having this problem as well. For me both the speaker and the mic are cutting in and out, it's almost like there's a bad hardware connection or something. I don't have Volume+ installed. It doesn't happen all the time but it's been more frequent recently.


Jan 3, 2012
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My wife and I both have a GN (since the first day they were released). We have not had any dropped calls, but once my wife called me twice in a row and I could not hear her, but she could hear me. I called her back and all was well. I was in my car using bluetooth and she was using the phone (not bluetooth).



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Dec 30, 2011
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I too have been experiencing the call drop issues but there doesn't seem to be a consistent pattern of occurrence. I have been able to hold a call for up to and hour with no issue, and as little as 5 minutes before dropping. There seems to be a cluster around the 15 minute mark. I can still hear the person on the other end but they cannot hear me. It has happened to a couple of my co workers who also bought the Galaxy Nexus. We all bought them in the first day or two after release. We live in an area with strong 3G coverage (no 4G here yet). THIS IS NOT A 4G ONLY ISSUE. Has happened using the built-in mic and Bluetooth.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2011
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Any news on if this is something that google.knows about and is looking into. Happens very rarely for me and my wife but it still is annoying.

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