MIUI Rom users? Speed, battery life, endless customization---

Just wanted to throw this in the MIUI post.. though this is on the 1.3.18 FROYO version... and yes it is light usage and being on facebook at every break at work for those 2 days....
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just to clarify a few things. The lockscreen I only wanted WIDGETLOCKER, not the MIUI lockscreen. But it was doing widget ontop of MIUI, and yes i ALWAYS do a full wipe when i install anything, its just always better and always takes a few seconds. delvik, battstats, full wipe, etc. manually AND with caulkins fullwipe. And no I didnt try any other kernels. I alreayd went back to 1.3 and am able to have everything the way I want it. I did have a random reboot in the middle of the say though, but other than that everything is perfect. Thanks for the input though. I'll wait a while to see if they make any other updates, or maybe try again one day when I'm bored.

Beta???MIUI 1.4.1-ENG Is the latest release of the rom. The full rom was released on 4/1 followed quickly by its English patch, I think on the same night or the following day. Then on 4/4 stiff re-released the full rom as 1.4.1-eng. He just added the English pack, Google's quick search app and Tiamats new 3.3.5 + SBC kernel. The rom is as up to date as I will get this week.

If I'm understanding this part right, what your looking to do is have widgetlocker on top of the miui lockscreen???

I use widgetlocker as my main lockscreen to so I tried to do what it sounds like what you want and to recreate what your seeing. I set it(in widgetlocker) to retain the miui lockscreen and then setup a lockscreen pattern and pin. The best I could come up with was the standard miui lockscreen to show its self. But then only for a fraction of a second or so.

Did you try another kernel or charging to full then wiping battery stats???

I had the same issue when I updated from .3.18 to .3.25. If I remember right .18 had a SavageZen kernel and .25 had Tiamats 3.3.2 kernel. When ever you flash a new kernel its always good to do a wipe of your battery stats. Even when the kernel is baked in to the rom package.

I haven't heard if this one yet. Only things I can think of is maybe something got messed up in a backup you used. I can't remember if the Gmail app is included in the rom again. I know it was pulled out of the last 2.2 miui rom. Did ya try signing out of your accuont, then clearing data in app manager? Even uninstalling it and doing a fresh install? That might have helped.

I think this has something to do with Launcher on miui. I wanted to setup GoLauncherEx and had a hard time keeping it active. I would start setting it up and getting some Widgets placed and all. And everytime it would somewhat lockup on me. it wouldn't let me add, remove or stretch anything. Would just give me a toast warning saying something like page needs to reload, or something like that. I would have to completely uninstall it and reinstall it to make it work again. I email the devs about it but haven't heard back from them yet. The only thing I could think of is that GoLauncher isn't completely setup to run on gingerbread.

Also did you do a full wipe when coming from 1.3.25 to 1.4.1???

Miui is touchy as hell to install to begin with so I would have to say doing a full wipe of everything is a must. There was a couple of changes made to a few system files to get things like video recording to work.

Anytime a rom goes from (like miui) xx.3.xx to xx.4.xx that means there has been some serious changes made. I would just treat it like a new rom. Wipe everything really good and start from scratch.

In the long run you'll thank yourself.

Sent from my MIUI havin, Gingerbread Throwing EVO
Just Read the update on 4g for MIUI. 99.9% sure that 4g will not come to Miui.Goodbye MIUI hello Cm7
Every update this ROM gets closer to looking like iOS. WTF? Can't understand the love with that, but to each his own.
Just Read the update on 4g for MIUI. 99.9% sure that 4g will not come to Miui.Goodbye MIUI hello Cm7

Ok... can you make sure to close and lock the gate for us... thanks. :-)

Every update this ROM gets closer to looking like iOS. WTF? Can't understand the love with that, but to each his own.

Ok... first the UI of Miui hasn't really changed that much. And second how is it iOS looking???
Looking at a friends iphony now.... and well.... they are both black in color, rectangular in shape and shiny so I'll give you that. Oh and they both make phone calls too.

But as far as when you turn on the screen.... I'll give you that yes Miui's screen transitions are as smooth as IOS. And apps open insanely fast and it looks more polished. But that's about where the similarities end... well in my book anyway. Soooo........

Thanks for stopping by... and have a nice day.

Sent from my MIUI havin, Gingerbread Throwing EVO
I agree they DO NOT look like iOS. I had a 3G and a 4G iphone in my hand to compare and they are not alike. Have not held an iphone in like 8 years, i also assumed they were trying for a clone look, but turns out they are not even close.

I think most people ASSUME its what iphone looks like because its so different looking than standard Android look, and seems somewhat similar when they try and brainwash you ny showing you the iphone on their commercials like they do. Like scrolling through screens and stuff.

But.. I think there is a THEME on MIUI that you can flash that will make it look like iphone, but who would want that....
Every update this ROM gets closer to looking like iOS. WTF? Can't understand the love with that, but to each his own.

I agree with you on this one. The MIUI rom looks very similar to iOS. Whereas iOS there is no home screen and app screen separation like there is in Android. Everything is on the main screens and the only way to make room is to make folders. The folder ideas are from iOS also with the first four apps in the folder are shown in the folder icon. Next, there are the pop up messages on screen, which is what iOS implements also. Lastly, there is the whole settings menus. They have the sections just like iOS, and even the menu items have an iOS feel. Don't get me wrong, MIUI is still android, but it is also iOS flavored. I love the pop up texts, and how you can reply to them in the pop up. The lock screen is the most amazing lock screen I have ever used, and especially with 1.4.8 how you can hold the home button and torch will turn on. These are my two favorite things about MIUI, but not enough for me to keep it as my daily rom. I have been using Warm Z lately, but switched over to nightly #37 last night for CM7.
Hmmm....having trouble with USB charging. MIUI 1.4.15

EDIT: Probably kernel. Going to roll back to SZ 1.0.1 (No SBC)
I just flashed this ROM, it's definitely interesting. There are several little things I've noticed that I like quite a bit - and one major dislike. I don't like all the apps being on pages like iOS. From the small bit I've read so far, I think i can just throw them all into a folder, so that may be a suitable work around. Nice ROM overall, so far as i can tell in just one day!
quick question if i wanted to update PRL do i just have to flash to any sense rom ?
quick question if i wanted to update PRL do i just have to flash to any sense rom ?

We don't have the option on Miui that Sence roms have where you can check for/download / install PRL updates. Best I could say to do is flash a Sence based rom and do the PRL updated and nandroid back to your Miui setup.

That's what I'm going to do when someone figures out what's up with the weird PRL numbers some people are getting after doing the update.

Sent From My Miui Haven, Gingerbread Throwing eVo4g
LOVE the rom. So smooth and slick. Great battery life and hot themes.

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I am using the MiUi v5 Beta on my evo 4g, even installed seeder, for some reason, miui v4 and higher are really slow. cant find v3 anymore

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