Mobile view websites


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2009
My browser keeps defaulting to mobile view web sites. Does anyone know where the setting to change this is. I can't find it anywhere.
In the browser bar type "about:debug" without the quotes, and hit enter.

Then go to the menu, debug, UAString, select Desktop. Go to, then clear your cookies and cache, you should be good to go.

Repeat the entering of about:debug to make those added debug menu items go away.

There really should be a better way to do this...
In the browser bar type "about:debug" without the quotes, and hit enter.

Then go to the menu, debug, UAString, select Desktop. Go to, then clear your cookies and cache, you should be good to go.

Repeat the entering of about:debug to make those added debug menu items go away.

There really should be a better way to do this...

I have done this in the past and tried it last night. It works as expected, but I had to make the change for every browser session. That is, every time I close the browser, it defaults back to Android as the UAString and I am out of Debug mode. I have to make the change every time I open the browser. Is their a way to get it to save?
I really hope for an easier way until the 3rd party browsers are updated.
I posted yesterday here browser fail. it is no different then your android browser. it is not a true browser experience. and folks just snickered at my post.
I agree, the browser is a big time fail for defaulting to mobile view. I find it to be super fast at time, then a minute later its slow and glitchy.
I like using Dolphin Browser because it defaults to Desktop every time, but it still isn't 100% optimized. They said they are in private beta right now and should open up soon.
I've just been doing it every time.

About:debug - Enter. About:debug - Enter

You don't have to change it to Desktop after the first time.

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