Music Player Bug


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2009
I don't know if this has been discussed or even acknowledged. Anyways go into your music player, turn shuffle on, when the song starts playing place your phone on a table upside down. When I do this (To have the speaker facing out making the sound clearer and auible) it starts skipping through the song randomly and when I pick it up it changes songs:confused:

What do you guys get?
I use another app, MixZing, and have had no such problems. You may want to give it or another similar app a try. Other than that, I don't know.
This used to happen to me when I had it plugged into my car. So annoying. Then I used Pandora for a while, but now when I use it, it seems to be fine.
Redman213... once you select you song just hit the homescreen button and you can turn your phone over or whatever you want to do with it.the touch screen is so sensitive that i had the same problems as you.. if you want to change the song or turn it off just bring down the pulldown screen,select it and you are back to the music player
Redman213... once you select you song just hit the homescreen button and you can turn your phone over or whatever you want to do with it.the touch screen is so sensitive that i had the same problems as you.. if you want to change the song or turn it off just bring down the pulldown screen,select it and you are back to the music player

Never thought of that but its still annoying me that its there well I just cleared up a home screen and put the music widget back on that seems to work better. And faster!:eek: Lol but yeah just wanted to put the issue out there.
yeah redman213 your right, the widget is much faster ! maybe this bug will be addressed in one of the upcoming updates !!!

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