Name the G6!

James Falconer

Former Community Manager
Nov 1, 2012
Do you think LG will keep up the 'G' line with their successor to the G5? If you do, fine, be that way :P

If you DON'T, what do you think they should name it? Let's have some fun with this... :)
I think they may go through a name shift. No idea to what, but maybe something like super mega awesome line is too much to say....doesn't really roll off the tongue
I'd actually be surprised if they went away from the naming convention, but you never know. We shall see!
Do you think LG will keep up the 'G' line with their successor to the G5? If you do, fine, be that way :P

If you DON'T, what do you think they should name it? Let's have some fun with this... :)

I think they will stick to the numbering at least. So people know it's newer than the 'G5' so it should have a '6' somewhere.

They could possibly do what HTC did and drop the first letter 'M9' - to HTC10) just call it the LG 6. But the letter at the front almost gives it more meaning and make it sound better :)

A droid a day keeps the Apple away
I think they'll likely stick with the G6 but after the 'failure' of the G5 you almost wonder if they wouldn't be better served attempting to start afresh with a new naming scheme?
I think they will stick with the G6 name...... Even though the G5 didn't sell that well, i don't see them changing the name because of it :-)

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