I used to enjoy politics and political discourse/debate until I had an epiphany and realized it wasn't doing one single positive thing for me - or for anyone around me. That was 20 years ago and "us vs them" political tribalism has only gotten worse in the intervening years. That would be bad enough, but at the same time we seem to be using our brains less often for critical thought and are more inclined to participate in groupthink - some of which comes from our social media connections - more.
Unfortunately, IMHO, technology is, and will continue to be, one of the leading influences in diminished critical thought in North American (and other) societies. Why use your brain (which is, after all, hard work) to do math, spell a word, form a sentence, figure out how to solve a problem, analyze a political promise, memorize something, or even make a friend, when a computer chip and a 99¢ app (free with ads) can do it for you?
I don't know how we are going to make the world a better place for our children and grandchildren to live in, but I am convinced the internet, social media, AI - and politics - ain't it!
I was going to take your advice and be "pissed off," but I asked Gemini about the issues you have raised and she said, "Don't worry, be happy." Then I went onto my Everybody Sucks Facebook Group and found out you are actually a Martian anarchist and that you like fried liver and onions. How could I possibly take you seriously, now?
PS: This post may seem a little disjointed and maybe even a word salad, but in my defense, my AI-Writer app hasn't been working properly these past few days and I am still waiting for an update.