I really don't want to be a hater, and I am not. I absolutely love this device. But would like all of you new owners to keep an eye on network speeds and see if there is a problem.
I was getting some buffering on Youtube today. Then notices some slow page loads on WiFi. Did a speed test and was getting 1.66 download speed. Testing my connection on another device... 126 download speed. Then I turned off WiFi and tested on the cell network. 80 download. Then toggled WiFi back on and 123 download... so it fixed itself with a toggle off and on the WiFi.
I also noticed over the last few days that I have been getting very poor results on LTE with 5 bars... like 3.08 on one and 8.6 on another. But most others have been 80+ downlaod speed.
My question is if anyone else is getting random slowdowns... maybe the modem firmware is having issues?
I was getting some buffering on Youtube today. Then notices some slow page loads on WiFi. Did a speed test and was getting 1.66 download speed. Testing my connection on another device... 126 download speed. Then I turned off WiFi and tested on the cell network. 80 download. Then toggled WiFi back on and 123 download... so it fixed itself with a toggle off and on the WiFi.
I also noticed over the last few days that I have been getting very poor results on LTE with 5 bars... like 3.08 on one and 8.6 on another. But most others have been 80+ downlaod speed.
My question is if anyone else is getting random slowdowns... maybe the modem firmware is having issues?