New overheating + wifi + bluetooth + battery drain problem as of 12 hours ago


New member
Sep 8, 2014
my 100% factory original G930V S7 has just today began having major problems. I have never had any of the following issues until today, I have not installed any updates (at least I never agreed to install any updates).

- battery drain, even in ultra power saving mode battery is draining extremely fast, ~10-15% in 30 min of standby
- phone running extremely hot at all times
- wifi will not turn on, just displays "turning on..."
- bluetooth will not turn on, go into bluetooth settings and moving the slider to on, close out the screen and come back and its back to off, never actually turns on

Does anyone know if there were any Samsung Updates pushed that may have been auto-installed? I've already checked and force-stopped the Gear VR service (I have never used Gear, and do not have Oculus installed) and that's not the problem. I have also already gone through and removed any apps that updated in the past 48 hours (identified via Addons Detector).

Battery view simply shows Android System using up the overwhelming majority. I've cleared cache as well.

I am still on 6.0.1 / G930VVRU2APE1, have been avoiding updating in case I decide to root.

Also trying to avoid a factory reset.

Has anyone else had this problem?
Could be a deeper software issue or hardware problem. The only things you could try left is a factory reset in case an update came and messed something up that even safemode is affected, or take it in for repair. In any case, taking it for repair means factory reset too anyway. Just make a full backup on SmartSwitch and Samsung Cloud.
Tried both installing updates and a factory reset, no change.. this will most likely be my last samsung phone.
Tried both installing updates and a factory reset, no change.. this will most likely be my last samsung phone.

Having a similar problem. Phone was running hot last night, restarted on its own, battery is draining faster. Haven't noticed the same problems with wifi or Bluetooth though. However, to me this seems just like the oculus issues a month ago or so, though I've uninstalled all oculus apps and force stopped gear VR service (which had been using 18% battery for some reason). I feel like this has to be another rogue update from that or another app.

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