News and Weather 2.1 widget

Awesome. It looks pretty sweet. There are graphs showing humidity and temperature in the past 12 hours, and tons of headlines. I'm not sure there's a way to add your own feeds, though. Which makes me sad.

An RSS feeder would be nice.
BTW, this is version 1.1.7, RC6.
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Odds are my word isn't worth much, since I already commented, but I'll say that it isn't a virus. I loaded it onto my friend's Droid too, and she would've killed me if it were.

It is still a beta version, however late a beta. The landscape view doesn't work well with the weather window.
Can you use just the news app and no weather? It's not a big deal but I already spent my $2 on Weatherbug Elite and like it a lot so I'd like to be able to just use the Google news widget and save space by not having the weather part.
Oooh, this thing is really nice! I like the customizable news categories, and how you can swipe back and forth between them, as though you were switching home screens. Also, long-term weather forecast.

I now have three different weather apps on my home screens, but it's okay - I have four home screens, so who's counting?
Can you use just the news app and no weather? It's not a big deal but I already spent my $2 on Weatherbug Elite and like it a lot so I'd like to be able to just use the Google news widget and save space by not having the weather part.

When you tap the news & weather selection in the add widget menu, it lets you pick between news, news and weather, and just weather. So yes. That's what I use since I also have Beautiful Widgets.
I have Beautiful Widets (not so beautiful as it once was) and Weather Widget Donate (by far the best and most customizable flip-clock available now) and I still use the weather on this thing, because it gives a much longer-term forecast. This is why dxTop gives us four home screens.
The weather-only widget gives the long-term forecast?
I thought it only gave the current weather.
I've never tried the weather-only one, I use the News & Weather widget. And it gives a 6-day forecast, which is three days more than my other two weather widgets. Now as for its accuracy... that remains to be seen.
it pulls data from the weather channel it seems (at least i assume they do since the logo is in the app) so it should be fairly accurate.

however, i live in socal, so the forecast is almost always sunny followed by sunny, and maybe a little bit of clouds thrown into the mix.

the rain forecast is almost never right, which always makes me so sad.
How do I get this installed on my phone?
Edit: Nevermind I figured it out.
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