next nexus release question

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Sep 25, 2010
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What has been the pricing scheme for the new Nexus phones right after they are released? I know the current one is $350 but what did it start out costing? I'm trying to decide if I can wait for the next iteration or just get the current Gnex.

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May 6, 2012
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What has been the pricing scheme for the new Nexus phones right after they are released? I know the current one is $350 but what did it start out costing? I'm trying to decide if I can wait for the next iteration or just get the current Gnex.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Central Forums

The gnex direct from el Goog was 399 when first offered.


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Nov 4, 2010
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A lot of great ideas in this thread. I don't agree with the 2 different OS for phone and tablet, I think they needed Honeycomb because tablets were new, but JB worked great on the N7 demo, and Alex, Phil, and Jerry all are amazed at how well it works on the GNex. It looks to me like JB is the first universal OS for Android. What I'm looking for in the next Nex is the hardware advances, like super display, 12MP camera, etc. If the new Nex comes with advanced hardware and JB, it will be awesome. Another point of disagreement: thinner doesn't mean better. How thin do you want it to be? If it's too thin it will bend in your pocket. I think the SGS3 is the perfect thickness, because it has a removable battery, which I consider essential. The only way to make it thinner is to have a non-removable battery, which I don't want.
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Oct 1, 2011
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I think Google should separate the tablet and phone ui. The whole point of honeycomb was to do so. Phones never saw honeycomb and aren't tablets mentioned for high media usage. So I think a tablets ui should be geared towards that. A phones ui is mentioned for multitasking and making phone calls. Google merging the two makes it harder for people to justify buying tablets. Why buy a tablet if phones are getting bigger anyway and I can call people with it too. That being said Google is also making it harder to come out with new devices. If the software is the same on every device and you need a new device to debut it. We will probably only see one nexus device a year. A tablet this year a phone next year.

I don't think that's quite right. While it's true that Honeycomb was a more tablet centric rendition of the Android UI, it was meant to be a transitional stopgap. Ice Cream Sandwich was meant to unify the phone and tablet UIs into one cohesive unit, which Jellybean builds upon. I think Google realized that you don't need a UI created specifically for a tablet; you simply need apps that can take advantage of the additional real estate.

To the second part of your post, people will buy tablets because phones will naturally, and arguably have, top out at a certain size. 5" has proven to be the upper limit for most people, with 4.3 to 4.7" being the most comfortable/desirable. Moreover, if you're serious about having a dedicated media consumption device, a tablet is going to do a lot more for you than your phone. Then there's the practical side of actually needing your phone to be a phone, thereby preventing it from being used as a dedicated media device.

I do believe we'll still a Nexus smartphone this year though. I don't see Google moving away from that, not with every other Android manufacturer releasing a top end smartphone and tablet each year, to say nothing of Apple.


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Mar 15, 2011
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I don't think that's quite right. While it's true that Honeycomb was a more tablet centric rendition of the Android UI, it was meant to be a transitional stopgap. Ice Cream Sandwich was meant to unify the phone and tablet UIs into one cohesive unit, which Jellybean builds upon. I think Google realized that you don't need a UI created specifically for a tablet; you simply need apps that can take advantage of the additional real estate.

To the second part of your post, people will buy tablets because phones will naturally, and arguably have, top out at a certain size. 5" has proven to be the upper limit for most people, with 4.3 to 4.7" being the most comfortable/desirable. Moreover, if you're serious about having a dedicated media consumption device, a tablet is going to do a lot more for you than your phone. Then there's the practical side of actually needing your phone to be a phone, thereby preventing it from being used as a dedicated media device.

I do believe we'll still a Nexus smartphone this year though. I don't see Google moving away from that, not with every other Android manufacturer releasing a top end smartphone and tablet each year, to say nothing of Apple.

You have to see it like this. How much money are you willing to spend on electronics? If tablets and phones both cost around 200to300 which would you rather buy? With tablets and phones both coming out now more rapidly I don't believe that most people will be shelling out money for the newest phone and tablet every 6 months. And now with the Google debuting the nexus q your media can be streamed to the biggest screen you own. So why waste the money? Also you can't compare apple products to Google smh. Apple is like a children's book and Google is like a novel. Apple is for the hypebeasts of the cell cellphone world. People buy ipads cause the Iphone is the smallest relevant phone on the market. You know what they say about dudes with a small phones Lol.


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Jul 10, 2011
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YES. That's exactly what I did. No regrets.

Oh, god. This is making my choice really difficult. Earlier today buying a Nexus wasn't even an option. Now it's being something I could see myself doing.

Ok, so what do you see that is superior over the S II on the Nexus? Does it perform as well? Is the camera noticeably worse or do you even think about it after ditching the S II? Is the screen that much better? Does the Pentile Matrix ruin it in any way? What do you think might be in store for us this fall and do you think it will be worth waiting for?


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Jan 18, 2012
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The Nexus will arrive in Q4 of this year before the holidays. It will run a higher version of Jelly Bean. Google is hoping the Nexus 7 will boost play store sales, so when it arrives they can sell it there alone. It will be made by none other then Samsung, or Maybe Google will give it to Asus and release something to coincide with a Nexus 10-Chrome tablet to take undercut Microsoft's Surface.


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Oct 6, 2010
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Android unified the OS with ICS. The UI between tablet and phone is still remarkably different. The xhdpi XML used for Gnex is completely different than the mdpi XML tablets use giving a unique style for both. The Nexus 7 looks like a hybrid and I haven't looked at the which XML its using but imagine its new.


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Mar 25, 2010
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Alright, here's my situation... I get a concession line from my work through VZW... so i'm going with vzw regardless...
I love roms and all that jazz..
Should I just get the galaxy nexus because of all the closeness with google advantages?
Should I go with the s III?
The only disadvantage I see with the Nexus vs s III is the camera...



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Nov 17, 2011
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I think it's a safe bet that a new Nexus will be released this year and it'll be running Jelly Bean. Feel free to quote me on that. I'll eat an iPhone if it doesn't happen!
I agree, Google can not afford avoiding this Holiday period with a new top-of-the-line Nexus phone. They need to stay ahead of Apple and the iPhone 5. I also have zero problems with the next Nexus phones launching on Jelly Bean. Even though it won't be 'new' anymore, it will still be the first phone on the market with Jelly Bean (or maybe cut it really close to first) and of course no bloatware.

The mobile hardware advancement race is moving at such a brisk pace that the Galaxy Nexus is really starting to be out-dated (only in terms of specs), having quad-core, a better screen, 2 GBs of RAM, a better camera and of course Jelly Bean, is enough of a reason for Google to release a new phone (or multiple new Nexus phones as the rumors go) this Holiday period.


Dec 29, 2011
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I think that they will have to come out with new Nexus device. Just cause they didn't release one with the announcement of JB doesn't mean they are not going to. I hope that they do, I am happy with my GSII right now for a while. But, I by the end of the year I will be ready for something a bit more powerful.


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Jul 3, 2012
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I am an avid user of ios which I will be switching to a galaxy nexus when it arrives tomorrow(can't wait) from a iPhone 4. From what I've seen the last couple weeks of catching up to what's going on in the android world I will say the Nexus will probably be out by Nov-Dec. Made by Samsung or maybe Asus. Will run 4.1 or even 4.1.1 Jellybean. Quad core better screen microSD card slot and better camera.

Do you guys think they will keep the on screen button lay out on bottom or actually put a physical home button?


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May 4, 2010
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I think they will go the multiple manufactures route for the next nexus. If they are able to pull that off, you can't beat Motorola with the superior radio quality they have.

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Aside from Moto's typical poor screens and weird ergonomics...

I would love the HTC Edge design even though I'm loving my EVO LTE so far.


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May 4, 2010
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I don't think that's quite right. While it's true that Honeycomb was a more tablet centric rendition of the Android UI, it was meant to be a transitional stopgap. Ice Cream Sandwich was meant to unify the phone and tablet UIs into one cohesive unit, which Jellybean builds upon. I think Google realized that you don't need a UI created specifically for a tablet; you simply need apps that can take advantage of the additional real estate.

To the second part of your post, people will buy tablets because phones will naturally, and arguably have, top out at a certain size. 5" has proven to be the upper limit for most people, with 4.3 to 4.7" being the most comfortable/desirable. Moreover, if you're serious about having a dedicated media consumption device, a tablet is going to do a lot more for you than your phone. Then there's the practical side of actually needing your phone to be a phone, thereby preventing it from being used as a dedicated media device.

I do believe we'll still a Nexus smartphone this year though. I don't see Google moving away from that, not with every other Android manufacturer releasing a top end smartphone and tablet each year, to say nothing of Apple.

I do wish that the GNex and EVO LTE were basically a thinner version of the OG EVO. That phone to me had the right dimensions and 4.3" screen size, but just thinner with the new specs would be perfect.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2010
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I am an avid user of ios which I will be switching to a galaxy nexus when it arrives tomorrow(can't wait) from a iPhone 4. From what I've seen the last couple weeks of catching up to what's going on in the android world I will say the Nexus will probably be out by Nov-Dec. Made by Samsung or maybe Asus. Will run 4.1 or even 4.1.1 Jellybean. Quad core better screen microSD card slot and better camera.

Do you guys think they will keep the on screen button lay out on bottom or actually put a physical home button?

Well as far as the button layout. I would say it will stay the same as the Gnex now. That is the standard they are working towards. Now the OEM's are free to do what they want when they bring out phones to market as Android is a free os. But when it comes to a flagship phone from Google itself, they will work with the manufacturer to create a Phone THEY want not the other way around.


Dec 21, 2010
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Ummmm no. That's a tablet. Phone is a completely different thing.

Im not an idiot. I understand the Nexus 7 is a tablet. I said i think it was this years nexus Device. If a Nexus phone comes out this year, what ui would Google showcase on it? I doubt we see 4.1 and 5.0 in the same year.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2011
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If Google carries thru with Nexus models from multiple vendors, we may finally get rid of vendor and carrier specific versions of Android.

Looking forward to that.


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May 17, 2012
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Well they better release one soon or I'm getting the iPhone 5. I almost got a Gnex last year until I saw the benchmarks and also saw that it had the exact exact same GPU as the iPhone 4 did almost a year and a half prior so I went with the 4s. I'm all about hardware, both OS's are good. Now the big hardware in the game is the S3 but I'll be darned if in going to get another carrier phone that has ruined Android with their own garbage on top. Played with my friends S3 over the last 2 weeks and no thank you. I'm waiting for a nexus or nothing at all.