nexus 10 running hot


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Nov 15, 2012
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Anyone having this issue but the upper left hand of the screen actually is a bit hot to the touch and in the same spot in the back where I assume the battery is located.


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Jul 8, 2012
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yup it warmed up for me too when playing graphics intense games but was not too warm.
since nexus 10 is using A15 architecture it is expected to emmit more heat than A9. thats the downside of A15


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Nov 11, 2010
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I've noticed the back getting warm/hot, but have not noticed the heat through the screen. I'll pay more attention next time and see if it is significant.


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2012
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Anyone having this issue but the upper left hand of the screen actually is a bit hot to the touch and in the same spot in the back where I assume the battery is located.

Mine got overly warm when I was using one of the 3rd party browsers; I can't remember which one but I posted here about it. I uninstalled that browser.


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Oct 8, 2011
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I tested mine out and using the knuckle side of my finger I can feel the glass is warm in the same area its hot on the back. I guess the makes sense. It doesn't appear to be effecting performance....


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Oct 8, 2011
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Did some more testing...

If I'm running Netflix with HDMI out I can get then tablet to overheat. It takes about an hour of quality video (no anime). Bluetooth will start dropping out then WiFi will start dropping out then the app will start to crash, finally the tablet will go into standby.

Let it cool off and its fine for another hour or so.

I'm currently trying this on my Xoom and its not even warm.

I use my N10 connected to my TV quite a bit but usually for web browsing. I would use my PS3 for Netflix normally.

Regardless the tablet gets extremely warm around the entire upper left corner back and front when problems start to occur. Kind of disappointing to be honest....

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD


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Jan 15, 2013
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Had my Nexus 10 for 2 days with no overheating until I upgraded to 4.2. Now gets very hot top left and eats battery as others have described. Would prefer not to factory reset. Just running G+ and email, no games.


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
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Had my Nexus 10 for 2 days with no overheating until I upgraded to 4.2. Now gets very hot top left and eats battery as others have described. Would prefer not to factory reset. Just running G+ and email, no games.

Mine tends to get quite hot, but only when playing games. For example, tonight I was playing Airport Mania 2 for about 40 minutes and it got uncomfortably hot. My Xoom never got this [localized] hot playing the same game... however, it also was thicker and heavier, so it had more thermal mass. I expect the two models also use differing heatsink methodologies (for example, the N10 might be using less area for the sink, due to design considerations). So even if they threw off the same amount of heat [while doing the same tasks] it would appear one is hotter than the other if the heat were concentrated in a smaller area.

I have never had my N10 "overheat" (meaning it starts to show problems due to too much heat) but I also use it very casually.

Tyler Lietz

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Dec 9, 2012
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Stuff like mild web browsing and netflix/youtube/hulu doesn't heat up the tablet. Stuff like games do. I don't know if its because samsung made a bug in its hardware or it Android but even casual games work the processor to hard. The device doesn't seem to realize its wasting power. Like if I play Final Fantasy 3 (a low quality game originally made for ds) my tablet would heat up and drain battery like crazy, but if I were to play a high end game like Dead Trigger at maximum graphics I would get about the same heat and drain. Same with other casual games like stupid zombies. To bad this didn't have the samsung octa-core processor in it.


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
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To bad this didn't have the samsung octa-core processor in it.

Adding more cores would do absolutely nothing to the amount of heat dissipated or the battery life. It would also show 0% speed improvement in about 99% of typical, real-world use. So I am not sure I understand how your statement relates to the rest of what you wrote.

Tyler Lietz

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Dec 9, 2012
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Adding more cores would do absolutely nothing to the amount of heat dissipated or the battery life. It would also show 0% speed improvement in about 99% of typical, real-world use. So I am not sure I understand how your statement relates to the rest of what you wrote.

Because such casual games would be pawned off on the a7 cores and shut off the A15 cores. The A15 is whats making so much heat. The battery is not whats getting really hot. I saw the tear down of the Nexus 10 and the battery is in the middle, not in the upper left or behind the camera. Samsung promised 70% lower power consumption with its octo-core processor and less power usually means less heat.To assume technology doesn't evolve is efficiency performance and managing to add speed is pretty ignorant. 8 cores doesn't mean 4 times the battery drain, plus 4 or more of the cores are usually off. If you saw the big screen at CES when they were showing the Octa-core in action it was mostly a7 cores running with the A15 kicking on and off when speed was needed.


Linux: The power beneath
May 31, 2010
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Because such casual games would be pawned off on the a7 cores and shut off the A15 cores. The A15 is whats making so much heat.

Good info. Although I am not so sure that would make much difference either, but who knows yet.

The battery is not whats getting really hot.

Never claimed it was the battery. It is certainly the CPU/chipset.

Samsung promised 70% lower power consumption with its octo-core processor and less power usually means less heat.

I just don't believe it :)

To assume technology doesn't evolve is efficiency performance and managing to add speed is pretty ignorant.

I hope that wasn't an insult... did sound like one though. I am just saying I don't believe many of the claims made by manufacturers... and I base that on experience, not thin air. I have been following computer and other technology very closely for over 30 years. It pays my bills.

8 cores doesn't mean 4 times the battery drain,

Of course not. It doesn't mean any additional drain (which is what I said the last posting- I said no change)

plus 4 or more of the cores are usually off. If you saw the big screen at CES when they were showing the Octa-core in action it was mostly a7 cores running with the A15 kicking on and off when speed was needed.

I hope to be pleasantly surprised :)


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2011
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Stuff like mild web browsing and netflix/youtube/hulu doesn't heat up the tablet. Stuff like games do. I don't know if its because samsung made a bug in its hardware or it Android but even casual games work the processor to hard. The device doesn't seem to realize its wasting power. Like if I play Final Fantasy 3 (a low quality game originally made for ds) my tablet would heat up and drain battery like crazy, but if I were to play a high end game like Dead Trigger at maximum graphics I would get about the same heat and drain. Same with other casual games like stupid zombies. To bad this didn't have the samsung octa-core processor in it.

An emulator takes a lot more processing power then the original system does.

Running a PS3 emulator takes far more power then running the exact same game optimized for PC/Mac.

Kelli Jo Isaak

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Feb 1, 2013
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I have had a similar problem with my Nexus 10. I only purchased it yesterday, along with a warranty. It is version 4.2. It did get hot/warm to the touch and restarted four or five times consecutively. The problem started when I began playing TeamLava's Monster Story. I shouldn't think that would take up too much processing power - it is an online 2D game. Any advice would be awesome. :D

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