Nexus 4 is overheating


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Apr 25, 2013
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If it is turning itself off while using it, then yes I would replace it. It should not get that hot while playing games, browsing, watching videos, or anything that one would normally do on a smartphone that it turns itself off due to heat. I would look at any apps recently downloaded and delete them and see if the problem persists, not all apps are coded properly and/or cause major issues on different phones. Also if you are using a case, take it off to see if the case is preventing the heat from escaping, I know a long shot but you never know.



Well-known member
Sep 23, 2010
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I was just in Florida recently and I noticed my phone wouldn't charge with navigation on b/c the phone was overheating. I'm wondering if its due to running the navigation and the FL heat causing the issue.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2010
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Phones like the nexus 4 feel very warm because glass is actually a fantastic conductor of heat. a pane of glass by itself offers little to no insulation, which is actually very good for dissipating heat. as a result all of that heat comes out through the glass back, which is again what you want. You want the heat to make it out instead of getting stuck in the device. That is what will damage it long term.