Nexus 5X won't turn on

Hi. So here's my experience.
- 5X suddenly rebooted during the night
- Bootloops in the first hour I woke up
- Freezing on animation thereafter
- Sometimes made it to home screen, but freeze
- Was able to invoke recovery, wiped, but no change

- Spoke with a fairly rude LG operator (Google didn't reply to initial query, but maybe I did something wrong)
- Operator says that based on IMEI, phone is in warranty for ONE more day
- decided to FedEx the phone "Next Day" delivery
- After phone delivered, contacted LG to confirm the Account Repair number
- Was then told that after a second check of the IMEI, phone was out of warranty for four weeks
- I said I was not paying and the first CSR should have said so
- Phone repaired and delivered in five days, instead of the estimated six AT NO CHARGE!!!
- Haven't powered it yet... it came yesterday, and I'm not home yet :(

I'm on the 10th business day since LG received the wrong phone they shipped me. They shill haven't shipped the correct phone. I sent the Nexus 5X to LG 86 days ago. This has to be one of the worst customer services experiences of all time.
this exact sequence has just happened to me... have I now got a useless phone?

did this happen for you after installing the latest android update? it did for me, bit of a coincidence...
this exact sequence has just happened to me... have I now got a useless phone?

did this happen for you after installing the latest android update? it did for me, bit of a coincidence...

It's been so long now since I sent the phone to LG I can't remember what happened to the phone. It was just bricked. Google wouldn't offer support so they punted to LG.
It's been so long now since I sent the phone to LG I can't remember what happened to the phone. It was just bricked. Google wouldn't offer support so they punted to LG.

fortunately i was able to take it back to the store i bought it from, under 24 month guarantee from LG. we'll see what they say!
I'm at day 97... issue still isn't resolved.

Not surprising that when I sent back the incorrect G4 phone they were unable to send the replacement immediately. I'm now on business day 17 since they received the phone. I'm not sure what's going on at LG's repair facility, but it's a debacle.

I probably should have just sold the AT&T phone and cut my losses.
On day 101, I finally received the G4 phone from LG. I haven't turned it on yet so I'm not out of the woods yet.
I bought my phone last year and a few months later it had this issue. I sent it in to repair and they repaired it. Now it's having it again. Froze, rebooted, now won't turn on. I'm now a month out of warranty. Does anyone know how much LG would charge for an out of warranty motherboard replacement? Trying to decide if it's worth it, but LG says they can't tell me how much it'll cost until i send them the device.
I bought my phone last year and a few months later it had this issue. I sent it in to repair and they repaired it. Now it's having it again. Froze, rebooted, now won't turn on. I'm now a month out of warranty. Does anyone know how much LG would charge for an out of warranty motherboard replacement? Trying to decide if it's worth it, but LG says they can't tell me how much it'll cost until i send them the device.

This is what's happening to me. Haven't looked into customer service yet since it's a month after warranty.
This is what's happening to me. Haven't looked into customer service yet since it's a month after warranty.

that's the power button problem. i had it in nexus 5 (d820). had to replace the power button to fix. that is a problem in lg phones.
Hey guys. I had the same issue this week and the only thing I thought it had to be was the battery needed replacing. I was right. Swapped them today and all is fine. I admit I didn't take care of it charging wise and that must of lead to its death. Froze randomly and only half booted again and again. Till it wouldn't charge or boot at all. It's easy and cheap to fix. Just need a screwdriver and be able to take the back off. YouTube it there's a few videos on it. The battery was only £10 but had to wait nearly a week to get here.
It fixed it tho, guaranteed it's your battery. They aren't built to last forever. Especially when its charging/discharging incorrectly.
Good morning all!

A friend and have had the same happen to us and we have both had the same results and have been running fine ever since. So I'm on vacation and I plugged in my phone to the usb A to C cable (didn't have the USB C charger in the truck) go into the store to get a pack of butts and DOA when I come back 5 minutes later....can't boot to recovery or see it charge...nothing just a brick. Now mind you this happened to a friend as well, same exact thing. FYI both phones are LG Nexus 5X on Google Project Fi. I left the phones unplugged (this happened @5 pm) overnight til 8 am, as it turns out the battery is still draining even though you really only have a brick. DO NOT plug in your phone during this time, be patienX, the battery must bottom out. I touched the power button in the morning and saw a flashing red light at he bottom of the screen (the other 5X previously the red light was already blinking by that time). Immediately plugged in the power supply and started the phone. Battery is charging from DOA as we speak. No return or customer service headache so far even with the first 5X. I did survive with Google Hangouts in my down time taking calls and sms on my Chromebook (should work with any tablet or laptop) so it wasn't that painful. Hope this helps someone out!!
Good morning all!

A friend and have had the same happen to us and we have both had the same results and have been running fine ever since. So I'm on vacation and I plugged in my phone to the usb A to C cable (didn't have the USB C charger in the truck) go into the store to get a pack of butts and DOA when I come back 5 minutes later....can't boot to recovery or see it charge...nothing just a brick. Now mind you this happened to a friend as well, same exact thing. FYI both phones are LG Nexus 5X on Google Project Fi. I left the phones unplugged (this happened @5 pm) overnight til 8 am, as it turns out the battery is still draining even though you really only have a brick. DO NOT plug in your phone during this time, be patienX, the battery must bottom out. I touched the power button in the morning and saw a flashing red light at he bottom of the screen (the other 5X previously the red light was already blinking by that time). Immediately plugged in the power supply and started the phone. Battery is charging from DOA as we speak. No return or customer service headache so far even with the first 5X. I did survive with Google Hangouts in my down time taking calls and sms on my Chromebook (should work with any tablet or laptop) so it wasn't that painful. Hope this helps someone out!!

This worked (somehow)! The same type of problem had happened to me 6 months ago and I sent in to LG and they replaced the motherboard. I was afraid I would have to do the same, but I let the phone sit overnight then hit the power button in the morning and saw the red light. Plugged in the charger and turned it on, working fine.

Does anyone know if this means the battery is on it's way out?
Re: Nexus 5X won't turn oname issues.... my nexus 5 died the same way my Nexus 5X did :( yesterday

Well, my Nexus 5X would not turn on, when charger plugged in nothing happened. I tried all what is
mentioned on the internet.
Finally I found my problem: The internal battery has a mini plug, when I pressed hard on the plug, the phone
worked again and still is. plug in the charger while you do that.
You could try to press hard on the back cover where the sim slot is, or better remove back cover - find instructions on Google for that.
Hope that helps.
Hi all,
We had the exact same thing here.
My wife and I both have a Nexus 5X.
A couple of weeks ago my wife's phone was experiencing this boot loop issue (on-off-on-off..).
Eventually it dropped dead.

Now, a couple of weeks later, my phone started to show the same behaviour.

This is how I solved it:

Note: during this procedure you'll browse through a couple of screens that are very un-smartphone like and kind off techie’ish. No worries, it's supposed to be safe and according to some websites no personal data or app data will be altered or deleted. I applied the procedure to my phone and after 24 h it is still working with no apparent data loss

- during an "on"-moment, 1) shut down your phone using the power button
(perform the first step as soon as you notice your phone is showing the reported behaviour; the "on"-moments will become less frequent and last shorter with time)

- after your phone shut down, 2) press the power button and volume down button simultaneously for about 8-10 sec. Your phone will start in "Fast boot" mode (SCREEN 1).
(do not be alarmed by the interface you'll see. As stated before get ready for a couple of un-smartphone like techie’ish screens. On your screen you’ll see an android character lying on his back with his belly opened; right above the android character you ‘ll see a big arrow with “Start” written in it)

- Browse through the menu with the volume up/down button. Options are:
  • Start
  • Power Off
  • Recovery Mode
  • Restart boot loader

- 3) Choose “Recovery mode” and 4) press the power button
(will appear in the following order: “Google” > a black screen with an android character lying on his back (belly open) and the text “No command (SCREEN 2)”

- 5) Press the power button and the volume up button simultaneously
(You’ll end up at another techie’ish screen (SCREEN 3): the first line (orange bold type) reads “Android Recovery”)

- Use the volume-down button to 6) scroll down to “Wipe cache partition”
(Yep. That is exactly what you are going to do. If you’re in blind panic now, take a deep breath and read the Note at the start of this message; or google around and find solace in some of the posts on the subject)

- 7) Press the power button on your phone (you can do it)
(The third techie’ish screen will appear where they’ll try to scare the **** out of you. (SCREEN 4) Remember: you are in Brave & Bold mode now; think “can’t touch this”)

- Use the volume-down button and 8) choose “Yes”

- 9) Press the power button (don’t listen to your girl/friend)
(After 0,5-3 sec you’ll return to SCREEN 3; at the bottom of SCREEN 3 you’ll see three lines of text: the third line reads: “Cache wipe complete”)

- Still in SCREEN 3 use the volume-down button to 10) scroll to “Power off”

- 11) Press the power button and your phone will shut down

- 12) Restart your phone the normal way

- You’re done.

Let me know how it went (

Hope this helps.

Hi All,

I have an issue with my Nexus 5X showing no signs of life. A few days ago I noticed when I woke up that the phone had restarted randomly in the middle of the night as it was on the "enter your PIN to start Android" screen. Not a big deal - but never had this happen before. The phone was charged in and battery at 100%. Good thing I didn't have any alarms set!

Then yesterday, while plugged in and charged about 80%, the phone completely froze. I've had this phone freeze before, but only while running an intense application or something with high load, never while just sitting idle. I waited about 30 seconds just to see if it would recover, and then held down power to restart it. Then, when it restarted, it seemed to get stuck on a boot loop where it kept showing the Google splash screen, then going black for a second and then repeat. It did this about 5 or so times, until I unplugged the power cord, and it booted after this (not sure if the unplug had anything to do with it).

After it started, I was thinking how odd that was and that I hope it's not messed. I plugged it back in so it could finish charging. I checked back about 5 minutes later, to find it completely frozen again just on the home screen. I unplugged the power so I could sit down with it (why does it come with such a short cord? :p), and when I did that the screen went black. That was the last time it ever worked.

Since then I've tried everything from the usual steps including:
-leaving it alone for a few hours, not connected to anything
-plugging it into the wall charger and waiting
-plugging it into a computer and waiting
-every combination of holding just power, and holding power and volume down in the above combinations
-removing the back cover and disconnecting the battery for a few minutes, then reconnecting

The only sign of anything I got was, after disconnecting and reconnecting the battery, when I plugged it into the computer, and pressed and held power, the red led blinked about once every 10-15 seconds so long as I held power. Then I plugged it into the wall, and the red led blinked about 1 time per second for 5 seconds, and then that was it. Never any battery icon or anything on the screen.

I contacted Google, who put me on the line with LG. I was told the phone needs to go into a servicing, and because it is a year and one week old, I would need to pay them for the repairs. Of course I don't want to do this, especially considering I've owned multiple LG phones (including the completely terrible Nexus 4 - an experience so bad it made me not buy the 5, and almost not buy the 5X) over the years and spend lots of money on Google products (mainly G Suite for work). Although I believe the warranty issue is fully with LG, as they make the phone?

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong? Since it always seems to be charging related could it be a battery issue? Would a broken battery prevent the phone from turning on even if plugged in? I would like to point out this phone doesn't and has never had any other damage, and physically appears to be in excellent condition.


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