Nexus 7 or Nexus 10?


Dec 27, 2012
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I've never owned an android device before but have always wanted to. I am deeply invested in the iOS ecosystem but I think I am going to purchase either a Nexus 7 or a Nexus 10 (or, if I feel really out there, a Nexus 7 and a Nexus 4). Since I cannot ditch my Apple products all together, which would be best to get to supplement what I already have or just to have for the experience? I currently use an iPad 4 for most my needs which makes me think that a Nexus 7 would fill the gap between my iPhone 5 and iPad 4 (the savings is also a plus) but, then again, the fact that the Nexus 10 has the highest resolution display and is also the fastest tablet on the market (I believe) makes that just as tempting. So, which do you think I should get?


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Sep 12, 2010
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If money is an issue for you, and you are not into the Android ecosystem already. I would recommend going with the Nexus 7, it's extremely fast. Not as fast as a nexus 10 however much more portable. If you're not sure about Android yet why pay more? I do however recommend the Nexus 7 for another reason. Give Google and Motorola a short amount of time to announce some sort of X phone like they've been talking about. So far it's all speculation, but I believe the Wall Street Journal reported this. To me it seems like the best case scenario for you is to get a nexus 7 would you be extremely happy with, try out Android get to know it and then if the fabled phone is announced, get that If possible based on your plan and carrier.

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Apr 4, 2010
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I have the Nexus 7 16gig and love it's speed and size. I also have a Lenovo Thinkpad tablet which is nice, but sometimes that 10" screen is a bit more than I need, which is why I really like the 7. Since you already have an ipad, you would probably do fine with the Nexus 10.


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Oct 3, 2009
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I'd go with the Nexus 7 since you already have the iPad 4. Smaller size makes it easier to carry around.

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Jul 31, 2012
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I will recommend you Nexus 10. 10 inch screen Beautiful screen resolution. 299 ppi. I love my nexus 10. It's awesome and it's made by samsung. You can always trust samsung built devices. It's made in korea not china. Camera is awesome. Rear and front facing camera. Also the speaker is amazing! The speakers produce nice rich sound. Go with Nexus 10! You will never regret it ^o^

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Oct 12, 2012
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I'd love to recommend the 7 but at the moment, Android 4.2 runs very badly. It's become worse and worse! It runs best on the Nexus 4. Still, I'd recommend the 7 because of price and size.
So at the moment, it's not the best Android experience but, it's still a fantastic device.
Also, already having an iPad 4 would make the Nexus 10 a bit pointless. Although the screen is better on the N10, the performance on the iPad it's better (browsing, gaming).

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Sep 6, 2012
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I would definitely recommend the Nexus 7 since you already have a 10 inch device the IPad.

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Jun 29, 2012
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Since you have an iPad 4 I would suggest the Nexus 7. Although it would be kinda fun to compare the best of Apple and Samsung if you got the 10.

I have had my N7 for a few days and it is amazing, but if you don't care about portability and price and don't need a middle of the road screen size go with the Nexus 10. It has twice as much RAM and has the best tablet screen at 300 PPI.

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Dec 10, 2012
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I'd suggest neither.

You have a smartphone and an iPad. Who needs TWO tablets?

If you're going to get one anyway though, go with the Nexus 7. It would make even less sense to have two 10" tablets


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Feb 10, 2012
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I'd suggest neither.

You have a smartphone and an iPad. Who needs TWO tablets?

If you're going to get one anyway though, go with the Nexus 7. It would make even less sense to have two 10" tablets

This. Try out the 7 inch Nexus 7. It is relatively cheap but it is very very nice. This thing flies. Maybe the 7 will sway you away from ios lol

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Dec 27, 2012
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The only reason why I would want another tablet is to have a complete experience with iOS and Android. I was going to make the switch ages ago but the cost of change is too great with the amount of digital content I have invested in iOS. With that being said, I was first (before posting here) leaning towards the Nexus 7 due to the price and power, then started to change my mind to have the 10 as it has a better screen and should be faster than my iPad 4 (according to the geekbench benchmarks) but, from the recommendations here, it sounds like the Nexus 7 may be the better bet. Would the 32GB be worth the extra $50? I am not sure the content size of Android apps (I have 64GB iPhones and iPads and both are filled to the brim, with probably 65% being app related storage).


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Jul 31, 2012
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The only reason why I would want another tablet is to have a complete experience with iOS and Android. I was going to make the switch ages ago but the cost of change is too great with the amount of digital content I have invested in iOS. With that being said, I was first (before posting here) leaning towards the Nexus 7 due to the price and power, then started to change my mind to have the 10 as it has a better screen and should be faster than my iPad 4 (according to the geekbench benchmarks) but, from the recommendations here, it sounds like the Nexus 7 may be the better bet. Would the 32GB be worth the extra $50? I am not sure the content size of Android apps (I have 64GB iPhones and iPads and both are filled to the brim, with probably 65% being app related storage).

Go with Nexus 10, please trust me. It's faster than Nexus 7 and iPad 4. Dazzling resolution of nexus10. Please trust me, you won't regret it......

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Jul 31, 2012
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Have you ever used an iPad 4 to use for a comparison?

Well yes once. My friend of mine owns ipad 4. It was little faster. I won't say it anymore. I think I went to far. Sorry about that. It's your right to decide.... I'm sorry. It your decision and I respect that.

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Dec 27, 2012
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Well yes once. My friend of mine owns ipad 4. It was little faster. I won't say it anymore. I think I went to far. Sorry about that. It's your right to decide.... I'm sorry. It your decision and I respect that.

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I was just curious as I have never used a Nexus 7 or 10 and wanted to know the difference (especially since the Nexus 10 has a quite higher geekbench score). I just upgraded a month or so ago from the original iPad and have used many friends' iPad 3's and I can say the 4 is really fast, can multitask well (Before, Atomic Web Browser would always crash with multiple tabs, etc.), and you can tell that the software is pretty polished in regards to performance (lets ignore some other bugs for now). I just can't decide if it is worth the extra $250 I would spend from a Nexus 7 to the 10 considering I have an iPad 4. I recently purchased a Koby Android Tablet for my father as a Christmas tablet and even though the experience is crappy (for me at least), it allowed me to finally play with Android more and realize what a device with decent specs can offer (one thing I am really interested in is the file system and what can actually be done with this since iOS doesn't have this). The part that put more decisions in, however, was the fact that I can get a Nexus 4 and 7 for the same price as a 10. I would go that route if I had more international traveling in my future than what I do but two toys are always tempting (except the lack of LTE on the 4).


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Mar 10, 2011
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I have and love both the 7 and 10. Can't really go wrong. It'd be a good idea to go with the 7 in your case, IMO. You're more likely to just not use either the iPad or nexus 10 since they're roughly the same size, and then its a waste of a lot of money. You'd probably find yourself using the 7 and iPad in slightly different ways, which would be more worth it.

Regarding 4.2, it's installed on my 10, but I keep pressing install later on my 7 and I'm still on 4.1.2 for now. Hoping they fix the Bluetooth issues in 4.2 before updating my n7

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Dec 27, 2012
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I have and love both the 7 and 10. Can't really go wrong. It'd be a good idea to go with the 7 in your case, IMO. You're more likely to just not use either the iPad or nexus 10 since they're roughly the same size, and then its a waste of a lot of money. You'd probably find yourself using the 7 and iPad in slightly different ways, which would be more worth it.

Regarding 4.2, it's installed on my 10, but I keep pressing install later on my 7 and I'm still on 4.1.2 for now. Hoping they fix the Bluetooth issues in 4.2 before updating my n7

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Hmm, that is what I am leaning towards the 7 for now, but still being tempted by the 10 or the 4 and 7 options. That's the other reasoning, not using the iPad or the 10 if I went that route. Just to give some background on my current state of computing, I typically use my Mac Pro for the heavier work I have in college, the 15" Macbook Pro for my excel work when I need to be out and about, and the iPad and iPhone come where ever I go on a daily basis. So I guess I am just trying to figure out where this new device will fit in my repertoire. I've heard that the 7 is a nice screen size for reading things and some browsing but I have only experienced this on a very crappy tablet display (Koby $100 unofficial tab) so far.

D Mac

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Dec 8, 2012
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Firstly I own a Nexus 4, a Nexus 7 & a Nexus 10. (and an iPhone, iPad 2 & iPad 3)

I use my Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 differently so it really depends what you want it for.

Overall I would say: If you are keeping your iPad 4 then I would say get the Nexus 7. If you are selling your iPad 4 then get the Nexus 10.

I use my Nexus 10 more than my 7 because overall it is a better tablet. However there is 2 ways that the 7 is hands down better: 1. Portability. My 7 leaves the house much more than the 10 simply because it easily fits in a pocket. 2. eReader. The 7 makes a much better reader simply because it is pocketbook size and it much more comfortable for long reading sessions. (and of course reason 3: Price)

So overall it's hard for anyone to tell you which is better for you, it depends what you want and how you are going to use it. But of course both are great tablets so either way you can't go wrong.


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Sep 2, 2012
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I'd say for sake of portability go for the 7 I can easily fit it in the pockets of most of my pants though a few have really small pockets and I can't get it in there but still it's great for on the go or in a car especially if you have the data on it or a hotspot I have a WiFi only one but then again I don't feel like paying for it but it's still great for gaming if you aren't concerned about portability then go with the 10 there are alot of things you can do with Android you can't do with iOS and since android is open source the possibilities are just about endless with what you can do with the os plus any nexus really only has 1 command to screw it up but most people aren't dumb enough to do it it's 'fastboot erase bootloader' and they're working on getting apx mode working for the 7 that will make it unbrickable and lastly, cost if you are looking for the best value go with the 7 it has a great processor and a good amount of RAM and I haven't seen anything it won't run at a decent speed (other than something that is either a limitation that every device has for example the vnc bottleneck with Ubuntu on a loop device OR something meant to test it's limits for example a GPU tester) hope this helps : )

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Dec 27, 2012
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I guess the real question should be, how much better is the Nexus 10 over the Nexus 7 in terms of a cost-benefit ratio?

- - - Updated - - -

I guess the real question should be, how much better is the Nexus 10 over the Nexus 7 in terms of a cost-benefit ratio?

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