Nexus 7 problem; Won't charge, and when it does, screen goes dead and pixels fly across the screen.

My tablet wont charge,i left it on charge for about 5 hours so I think it might have over heated and turned off cos when I came back it was off. but now when I connect it to power only the blue button lights blue. what does this mean?
i got a nexus tab 7 through kitkat promotion in kuwait and it not turn on . so please somebody give the solutions.
Charge for an hour then pull the cable then plug back the cable and press the power cable for half a sec. Maybe your battery is drained to the end.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Getting to the bootloader was a bit of a challenge since it would be random as to when the screen would actually flash on.

What I found helpful was to hold the power button down for 30 seconds and then plug it in. As soon as you see "screen" you have to hit the power and vol-down buttons. Eventually I was able to get to boot-loader then "power-off".
I am having the same problem. My Nexus 7 is dead and no amount of pushing buttons or charging and pushing buttons turns it on. One thing it does do though is when I push the button or buttons a light down by the charging port flashes 5 times. Is that an indication of something? It stops after 5 and when I let go of the buttons and then press again it flashes 5 more times.
I have had the same "Not charging " issue" but without the screen pixilation.
Having spoken to Google they deny any knowledge that there is a problem as do Asus their partners in this.
Funny how they have posted a video on You Tube and on the web on how to fix it then.
This all started after the operating system upgrade and destroyed what was a fantastic little tablet.
There are no mentions of fixes anywhere and none of the so called fixes on the web actually work on mine.
I'd had the system for 13 months and spoke to Google and Asus - unsurprisingly neither were interested.
I have sought legal advice - if anyone is interested - and under statutory law this kind of equipment should last longer than 13 months and as the issue was caused by their update, coupled with the vast number of people with the same problem, it can be deemed that their is a fault with this unit and as such should be replaced.

Any thoughts on that one Google and Asus?
I have the same problem. No pixels flying either but no matter what charger I use, I can no longer convince it to take a charge. For the last few weeks only a few chargers would work if I held the cord exactly in the right spot. Any small touch and it would stop charging. Now I can't get it to take any charge whatsoever. By tonight when I get home I expect it to be completely discharged.

Perhaps I'll try removing the cover to see if the battery or USB connector is loose.
Mine is worse. When I plug in the charger nothing happens. No battery icon. No nothing. Leave it charge for 10 hours and still nothing. Same charger meanwhile charges my second Nexus just fine. When I try to start it, nothing. If I either hold the on button or a combination of on button and volume down, I do eventually see the battery icon come on and off at intervals. But there is not lightning bolt in it and I assume it is not charging. The unit will not boot the OS regardless.

I have a spare battery for one, so I may just pry it apart, put the new battery in... install Helium.... back it up... and restore everything to another Nexus 7. Does anyone have any ideas I should try first?

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