And you want them to fix this? I saw it too on my N4, by swiping the widgets so fast that I couldn't see what I was doing anymore.
This whole obsession with lag is getting absurd. Any little hiccup anywhere and people start crying.
Here's the thing: no computing device will be 100% lag free, given the current paradigm of hardware/software design. My 2011 iMac with 12 gigs of RAM lags and stutters more than my N4. The homescreen on an i*5 is far less pleasant to swipe around than my N4.
i* owners don't see their devices lagging because nobody complains about lag on those devices. But they do lag, trust me. It's just that it doesn't register in the user's mind, or they quickly relegate it as a fluke. They don't have a reputation for lagging so they "get a pass" even when they hiccup.
Unfortunately, Android has developed a reputation for lagging (possibly well-deserved as a result of pre-JB issues). So now we are hyper-sensitive to lag. Any little bump in scrolling makes us self-conscious about the device we are holding. And we want that feeling to go away. Fine, I understand.
But please people, get a grip. We are not at a point in technology where devices are going to run absolutely lag-free. Hardware maxes out, and there will always be bugs.
The N4/Android 4.2 combination is absolutely amazing. It is 98% lag-free in my experience. The remaining 2% is just a friendly reminder of the incredibly hard work it takes to make hardware and software work this well.
//end rant