Nexus One: T-Mobile Partners with Google


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Dec 18, 2009
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Sprint has the Moment but after trying it out at the store, I don't think its all that great. The keyboard is nice but it doesn't have that Android 2.0 goodness.


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Oct 21, 2009
Neither of Sprint's Android offerings run 2.0. And the moment doesn't compare to the Droid, not a fan of either Motorola or Samsung. But in this case the Droid beats out Moment hands down.

Come the first of the year the playing field will be leveled with the upgrade to 2.1


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Nov 25, 2009
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I understand why Verizon did it. They didn't want to interfere with the great sales of the Droid and can you imagine how pissed off people who go the Droid would be with this phone coming out just 2 months later? Granted there's the physical keyboard on the Droid but the Nexus One seems to have faster hardware and there would be probably be outrage among those with the Droid. I'd be pretty upset, as much as I love the Droid. At least now with it being on T-Mobile there's no way possible for me to get one so I really don't care at all. If it was on Verizon I'd be a little peeved with the Droid getting replaced so quickly.

Chris Kerrigan

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Nov 16, 2009
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People are not taking into account the business decision behind Verizon supposedly turning down the device. I agree with Genetic Bloom, I think Verizon looked at the device and realized that it could potentially hurt the great success that the Droid has had thusfar. Yes, we want a lot of variety, but Verizon doesn't want to supersaturate it's network with Android devices before the Droid or Droid Eris has even had a chance to make something of themselves.


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Nov 24, 2009
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it's either that or they took a look at this, decided they were going to take the HTC Passion offering in Feb or so instead

I don't think "replacing" the droid is going to be an issue, they got the license on the name "Droid" to make it a franchise and use it to promote brand awareness.

You just have a new "Droid" in the lineup, this one without keyboard and with HTC goodness


Dec 20, 2009
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Verizon did not pass on this phone - it is GSM/UTMS/HSDPA, so Verizon couldn't have gotten it, though they may get a CDMA/EVDO version of this phone. It was designed for T-Mobile, not Verizon, in the first place, because they have the longest standing positive relationship with Google.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2009
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People are not taking into account the business decision behind Verizon supposedly turning down the device. I agree with Genetic Bloom, I think Verizon looked at the device and realized that it could potentially hurt the great success that the Droid has had thusfar. Yes, we want a lot of variety, but Verizon doesn't want to supersaturate it's network with Android devices before the Droid or Droid Eris has even had a chance to make something of themselves.
That may be true, but if this phone does live up to all the hype and becomes the Iphone of Android phones, Verizon is going to be kicking themselves again.
As usual, no love for Sprint. If they can't get some top tier phones that people actually want they are going to tank.
Both the Palm Pre and Pixi are really nice devices with a great OS. If Sprint had set up a better advertisement campaign, WebOS and Palm would be a lot more popular. I'm really hoping that they'll make a GSM version available to the U.S. carriers.
Verizon did not pass on this phone - it is GSM/UTMS/HSDPA, so Verizon couldn't have gotten it, though they may get a CDMA/EVDO version of this phone. It was designed for T-Mobile, not Verizon, in the first place, because they have the longest standing positive relationship with Google.
I'm pretty sure google offered them the HTC Bravo which is pretty much a CDMA version of the Passion. Verizon was probably given the option before the phone details were finalized

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