Nexus Prime Slider


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Jan 9, 2011
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For anyone not following this thread, if the Droid Panda is reliable, it looks like at least one of the major carriers will be getting a QWERTY slider version of the Nexus Prime.

This is great news for QWERTY fans. I've been debating between getting a D3 or a Stratosphere, but if these rumors are true, I might wait another month to get the Prime slider. I'm hoping it will come to Verizon with LTE, but I might even be willing to switch carriers for this one...


Aug 6, 2011
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I'm not in the know so this is 100% speculation.

I very much doubt Verizon is going to get a slider Nexus Prime (or whatever it is going to be called). First of all, Verizon, as you have already pointed out, has a line up of slider phones already. They already have the Droid 3 which has sold quite well and soon they will be getting the Stratosphere. Considering that VZW tends to stray away from sliders, besides their Droid line, I would find it highly unlikely that they would add another so quickly. The fact that VZW is getting the Stratosphere, a samsung device, in October leads me to believe that we will not see the Prime as a slider.

My second reason is that we have heard no rumors of a slider coming to VZW. In fact there has been no mention of it anywhere from what I can tell. Many writers, like Kellex at droid-life, have come out and said that what was mentioned in the tweet was not the same phone as the one we are all thinking of. Right now it seems like Kellex knows more about the device than he is letting on. He seems pretty adamant that he is right on this one.

Lastly, there is no way that a slider will become a flagship device. There has not been a single slider flagship device on any network since the OG Droid. On top of that, even after the success of the OG Droid all sliders have on every single network have been mid range devices. Market patterns seem to indicate that consumers want choices, which is why we have sliders, but that a vast majority of them want them without it.

Of course I could be horribly wrong and the VZW device will be a slider, but then again this is all speculation anyways.


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Jan 9, 2011
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It's all rumors at this time, but people seem to think the Droid Panda and tfleming have a certain amount of credibility. If so, then someone will be getting a Prime with a physical keyboard, though not necessarily Verizon...


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Apr 18, 2011
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I very much do NOT want a slider. So that means VZW probably will be the one to have their version as a slider since they are so good at finding ways to kill my phone hopes.

Actually to be more serious, I feel like if it does go to VZW then there will probably be a non-slider version for them as well. VZW did not pass up on the S2 to end up giving us a slider only. Also agree that most people don't seem to care about having a physical keyboard, so I doubt they bring three out within a few months of each other, especially with the Stratosphere already looking to come out soon.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2010
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The most likely scenario is that Droid HD slider has ICS. If Samsung is making the Galaxy Nexus (which no one has said is a slider), it's not likely they're making a slider as well.


What if the Nexus comes to other carriers as a slider so as not to compete with the GS2?


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
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I'm a geek for a slider.. but I still cannot concoct a reasonable scenario, given all announced phones and schedules, that results in a Nexus slider or a Samsung LTE slider for that matter..

Serial Fordicator

Well-known member
May 15, 2011
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Not to be a smartass, but why does everyone keep making new threads with the same subject being discussed in other threads? There are a couple of iphone 5 to prime threads and Ive read about this slider in at least 2 other threads:confused:


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2010
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You could always just tape a bluetooth keyboard to any LTE phone and call it a day.

Especially when it's so thin to begin with. ;)

On a serious note ... I thought whomever came up with the case for the iPhone with the integrated bluetooth keyboard (virtually making the iPhone a slider) was brilliant. With it, people are able to have the full touchscreen experience, and those that prefer the QWERTY can get the case to satisfy their needs/desires. It's a win-win. I haven't seen the same cases for any Android phone though (I admit I haven't looked either).


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2011
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This is closer to the Samsung Stratosphere. This is spec-bumped Galaxy S with a slider, and no LTE.

The article says (incorrectly, I think) that it is a dual core 1.2GHz, which would be a nice surprise, but unlikely I think. It's most likely a single core Qualcomm 1.2Ghz Snapdragon, like in the Galaxy S Plus that has popped up overseas.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2011
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This is closer to the Samsung Stratosphere. This is spec-bumped Galaxy S with a slider, and no LTE.

The article says (incorrectly, I think) that it is a dual core 1.2GHz, which would be a nice surprise, but unlikely I think. It's most likely a single core Qualcomm 1.2Ghz Snapdragon, like in the Galaxy S Plus that has popped up overseas.

I think this is the SGS2 slider that passed through the FCC and is rumored to be heading to AT&T. It looks identical to the leaked images, and the specs (dual-core 1.2 GHz) seem closer to the SGS2 than the Stratosphere -- unless there's some very surprising news about the Stratosphere's CPU...


Active member
Apr 26, 2011
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Have we definitively ruled out that the stratosphere is the prime? Stratosphere name has been around for a while. Maybe it was the codename before google chose it as the next nexus phone...

Just a theory (fingers
Sent from my R800x using Takale


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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Have we definitively ruled out that the stratosphere is the prime? Stratosphere name has been around for a while. Maybe it was the codename before google chose it as the next nexus phone...

Just a theory (fingers
Sent from my R800x using Takale

Stratosphere is definitely NOT the prime. Images of it were leaked a while ago and it's a Epic 4G w/ lte instead of wimax, and without Sprint's "yellow" accents on the keyboard.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2011
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It would be great if the Stratosphere came out with a dual-core 1.2 GHz processor and vanilla Android, but that's not very likely... At all.

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