No launcher....

Apr 26, 2010
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I have used adb and Nova launcher over the years. Since owning the turbo, I haven't seen a need to. I don't even have HD widgets anymore.

Do any of you run the stock launcher? I don't think you can add screens, but figured I'd ask how many are like or not like me.

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Jan 23, 2014
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I don't have a Droid Turbo but I'll bet you have a launcher.:)

I've tried the Google and Nova launchers but the stock launcher does what I want without any overhead so that's what I've stuck with.
Do any of you run the stock launcher? I don't think you can add screens,

The stock Android launcher actually has five pages (swipe horizontally to see them). I have my clock and weather widgets on one and my most used apps on another. The other three are blank for now.


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Feb 9, 2012
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Do any of you run the stock launcher? I don't think you can add screens, but figured I'd ask how many are like or not like me.

You can add pages in the stock launcher, just grab an app icon and when placing it swing over to the right side of the screen. Viola!

I'm back to stock since the lollipop update, but I'm sure I'll go back to Nova in a few months simply for the customizable options--- cosmetic things like icon packs and display options.

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Jan 3, 2010
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Yes, the stock launcher has five pages (at least on my Moto X 2013 since Kit Kat). The Google launcher has two.

The stock launcher on the turbo doesn't not. It is built like the Google now launcher, except without the Google now app on the left most page, and you can remove the Google search widget.

Like the Google now launcher, you can create more pages by dragging an app icon or widget to the right of the far most right page to create a new home page. It's not limited to fix pages, either.


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Dec 11, 2011
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Nova and/or Apex for life. I haven't found a stock launcher that offers the additional and welcome extras that these two do, and will alsmost always have one or the other installed as my "go to" launcher. I ran Apex for years, but have been running Nova on my Turbo for many months, as they seem to leap-frogged Apex for now. Both were worth the purchase price.


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Jul 15, 2012
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I use the stock launcher. I use to use different launchers on some of my older phones, but i found when it comes down to it i like the stock the best. It does what i need.
The only thing i had to get use to was on the turbo, you can add screens but the home screen will always be the far left screen. Im use to it now but i used to like having my home screen the middle one.
I only have three screens, the far left is just a clock (i like the home screen empty) the middle screen has my folders and the far right screen is a full page calendar.

I just dont have a reason for a different launcher.

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Jan 3, 2010
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After a few years of using Nova Prime, I started using the Google now launcher and I really like it - the look, the simplicity (and it's had the white search bar, app drawer icon, and app drawer and folder background for a while now on KitKat, so I was a little surprised to see people complain about it - I'm long since used to it.)

However, I've now switched full time to action launcher. No launcher is as good as action launcher, in my opinion. So many powerful features (which you are not required to use), and I do really think it makes me a little more productive.


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Apr 7, 2015
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I used the stock launcher for about 3 months and recently started running Nova launcher. I am much a fan of Nova. It allows a stock(ish) Android experience with little tweaks that I appreciate.


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May 25, 2012
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I have used adb and Nova launcher over the years. Since owning the turbo, I haven't seen a need to. I don't even have HD widgets anymore.

Do any of you run the stock launcher? I don't think you can add screens, but figured I'd ask how many are like or not like me.

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Yes, I use the stock launcher, the stock email and the stock messaging apps.

Sent from my Droid Turbo 64-gig from Tapatalk.


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Nov 16, 2013
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I have just very recently switched from the stock launcher to the Google Now launcher. I was ignorant to being able to customize my phone with launchers since this is my first Android phone. I used the Google Now one because it's just like the stock one with Google Now stuff just a swipe to the left, rather than a swipe and a tap.

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