Noob lvling >.<


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Dec 26, 2012
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Hi, i am new here, so do ingress, i wan to ask about:
how to up level with all my area are same side as i am?
What is portal key for?
How do i capture the portal? use fire Xmp ?
some how i don understand how to play it
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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2011
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You gain levels by either A: hacking enemy portals, B: filling up the empty spots on portals with resonators, C: destroying enemy resonators, D: linking portals together, E: discovering new portals.
You might want to do your training missions over again, as it gives you the rundown on what you're suppposed to do. You can't capture a portal, if your team already owns it.

Scott Kenyon

Well-known member
Apr 2, 2011
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Hi, i am new here, so do ingress, i wan to ask about:
how to up level with all my area are same side as i am?
What is portal key for?
How do i capture the portal? use fire Xmp ?
some how i don understand how to play it

Portal keys are for making links and remote recharging.
Capturing a portal means placing resonators on it to gain the portal for your team. If the portal is the enemy teams color, you use xmps to destroy their resonators. Once they're all destroyed, the portal will turn white. Once is white (neutral) you place resonators to capture it. If the portal is already your teams color, it is already captured. Hacking your teams portals yields more items.
You can link the portal's your team owns together using portal keys to create control fields.
You should read the post in here "what to do when you start playing"

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Android Central Forums.

If I have been helpful to you, please go to the store, buy a bunch of beer, and send it to my house.