Not receiving text message notifications


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Jan 28, 2013
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This happens often - perhaps one out of every five texts... I receive a text, but there is no notification - nothing across the top status bar, no number next to the Messages icon on the home screen. The only way I know I have received a text is if I manually open Messages.

I found that HTC was aware of this issue in May of 2012 (lots of info on tech blogs), but everything only stated that they are "working" on a fix. Has any fix been made?

This is really frustrating! I sometimes won't see a text for hours or days because I can't seem to condition myself to manually check for them.

Also, this is a "stock" One X on the ATT network.

Thanks for any help!!


Well-known member
May 4, 2012
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Go into settings> apps> find HTC sense and clear cache, and find messages in there to and clear cache...I never had this problem myself though (ran it stock from May to November)


New member
Oct 12, 2012
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The last answer partially helped me - but what was missing was this: on Settings > Apps > All > Messaging (of whatever messaging app you want to use)
Under the Force Stop button, there should be a check box for "Show notifications". Mine was not checked and that was the cause of my issue. Hope this helps! :)