I discovered today that I was unable to sync my old phone's contacts that had been sync'd with Mobilelife. At least via the normal synchronization. I eventually discovered I was able to export a file, put that on my phone, and then import it and get my contacts on there that way. Apparently T-mobile is trying to get rid of Mobilelife in favor of Google solutions.
My problem with this is I have no desire to mix or integrate Google contacts into my phone contacts (Indeed, that was their initially offered solution which I declined.) However with the current system, there seems to be no way to automatically backup my contacts (I'm not sure how to manually do it either as my old phone's software is almost entirely incompatible with the Note 3.) Is there some way to automate this still, or should I just back things up every time I edit my contact information? And if it's the latter, how do I do that?
My problem with this is I have no desire to mix or integrate Google contacts into my phone contacts (Indeed, that was their initially offered solution which I declined.) However with the current system, there seems to be no way to automatically backup my contacts (I'm not sure how to manually do it either as my old phone's software is almost entirely incompatible with the Note 3.) Is there some way to automate this still, or should I just back things up every time I edit my contact information? And if it's the latter, how do I do that?