Note 4 Verizon difficulty connecting to 4G


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2012
Since about December my Note 4 when set to global mode exclusively connects to 3G or 1x. Only way I can get it to connect to 4G LTE is put it in LTE / GSM / UMTS mode but then my reception gets spotty and many dead areas. If I put it in LTE / CDMA mode it stays on 3G similar to global. Anyone else have this problem and found a solution. I've cleared the cache and done a factory reset without any improvement.
You might contact your carrier and ask to have the connection reset. I just went through this a while ago and apparently the connection does need to get reset whenever this happens. Has been working fine for me since. I'm on VZW also.
You might contact your carrier and ask to have the connection reset. I just went through this a while ago and apparently the connection does need to get reset whenever this happens. Has been working fine for me since. I'm on VZW also.

Thanks, I called them and went through troubleshooting, they think it needs a replacement SIM card. They are sending it to me. We'll see if that works.
Thanks, I called them and went through troubleshooting, they think it needs a replacement SIM card. They are sending it to me. We'll see if that works.
Good luck, I hope it works with the new sim.

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