I almost came in here and just said OK, but I have a couple questions. Your Galaxy Nexus does everything your Nexus does and more..like what? And what did you buy it for, and why do you carry it with you? I'm very protective with everything I spend money on, especially tech, but I buy them to use them.
My Gnex makes calls & text over groove IP and voice, with 4.2.1 camera the pictures are half way decent. I use it for work, podcast, music and movies and videos on my commutes.
If I'm in an area with bad data, I will use the n4 to make calls, I do use the n4, its night & day in performance and speed.. certainly a pleasure to use.
The Gnex, now only on WiFi had great battery life, doesn't get hot and has no charging issues & calls sound great.. LTE was literally killing the phone, used with the n4 is a perfect combination.
I'm off VZ..! Saving $100 from my monthly bill and I do love my n4, this set up works for me, sooner or later it'll be ROMed and put to real use.. but not now..
I'm finally enjoying my Gnex... and it along with my HTC desire still has a lot of life left...!