One way to "clean install" UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1


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Feb 20, 2011
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UPDATE: After much deliberation, I have joined the ever-growing number of those who have jumped ship to a new phone due to the missed call issue (an issue which has likely played a role in the Fascinate being discontinued). I can no longer attest to the validity of the links here (although my guess is they should still be pretty decent), and I will no longer be able to update with changes (like the ED05 update for example). I am not sure how useful this was for users (whether it be due to my verbose nature, specificity of focus, or plain lack of display/searchability), but I hope some good can still come of this for the die hards that have stuck by the Fassy. Thanks for reading!

While I am still unsure on whether this is needed, I have been a benefactor of this fine fascinate community for a few months now and wanted to do something to "give back" so to speak. Yes, I could try to answer questions, but there are very few questions that I am confident enough of the answers to tell someone else what to do - I am much more of the sit-in-the-background-and-attempt-to-absorb-the-knowledge-of-those-around-me sort of guy then the this-is-what-you-should-do sort of guy (the ever present fear of sounding like an idiot I suppose, although this post still leaves me very open to such interpretations). As I am extremely deficient in actual programming knowledge, I figured an excessively detailed recap of how I went about the process of hopping on the UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1 bandwagon was my next best bet. This made for a very long first post, so after reading a little feedback I thought I would edit a few things - primary among them being an "abbreviated" how-to list, followed by the much more drawn out explanation for those that are interested in reading it (or are confused at one of the how-to steps listed in this post and want more information). My hope is that this makes the thread both somewhat "noob"-friendly (at least as an excessively detailed step-by-step resource with links to a number of other resources with which noobs can begin to shake off the shackles of noob-hood) and still relevant and useful to those that are a little more experienced (as a quick and dirty step-by-step resource with links to relevant threads/files).

I am also trying to keep things updated as they change and possibly expand/add things as they are discovered - once UKB/ComRom 2.2 is out I will go through and make some edits to this, although given all of the not-so-trivial issues with leaked-EC09-based ROMs (read through here, here or here for some discussion on the matter) I will likely hold off on that transition (unless of course all is resolved by the time UKB/ComRom 2.2 is released) for a bit. That being said, I hear the EC09 modem that can be found here is pretty snappy and works well with UKB/ComRom 2.0 and 2.1 - some say the best they've seen for network speeds and signal strength. I agree with that - much better signal and download/upload speeds. I began having some other issues however (which may or may not be related to the radio), so I went back (or forward I guess :p) to ED04.

It should be noted that there are other routes to obtaining UKB/ComRom goodness (for a GREAT example check out this thread), and the route I am about to describe (especially the abbreviated version in this post) does have an underlying assumption of SOME knowledge of what rooting and ROMs are all about (check out this thread if you want/need a refresher on such knowledge).

For those that don't like to scroll, click here for the uber-detailed version of the below list. If there are things you don't see here (or the uber-detailed version) that you think you should (or for that matter errors that are in need of addressing), please let me know. As I'm a fan of learning (there is no way to say that without sounding like a complete dork), I would greatly appreciate any and all input/feedback! Enjoy!

See the second post for much wordier specifics - trying to keep things short after all. The take-home is DO THIS OR ANY OTHER SIMILAR PROCEDURE ON YOUR PHONE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

It seemed like it might be useful to offer a condensed list of links to files (or threads the files can be found in) used in this guide:

Ok - on to the much-abbreviated route I took to a "clean install" of UKB/ComRom 2.1. Each main number in the below list corresponds to the same-numbered Step box listed in the second post - this should make looking up more detailed information on a particular step here a bit easier (or at least that's the hope):

  1. Backup your contacts, apps, etc. - some suggest a "clean" nandroid backup approach - I have only tried this once but it worked FANTASTICALLY!
  2. Make sure all files needed for this are on your SD card (e.g. update files, formatter utilities, ROM, patches, etc.).
  3. 'Reset' your phone
  4. Install UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1
    • Under PDA ODIN CWM3_Voodoo.tar.md5 OR cwm-recovery-ALL-3-30-FIX.tar - I used the former.
    • Use three-finger salute (hold volume up, volume down, and power buttons) to power on and boot into recovery - DO NOT LET PHONE BOOT, OR YOU WILL HAVE TO RE-ODIN CWM!
    • Wipe data/cache/dalvik/voltage (or flash the - not sure on this, but it seems you still will have to wipe voltage) - see post 2 below or here for more info.
    • Install the UKB/ComRom 2.0 zip you already placed on your SD card.
    • Wipe data again.
    • Reboot.
  5. Apply UKB/ComRom 2.1 patch (if desired) and any other desired patches/mods/themes using CWM.
  6. Reload phone by using Nandroid Advanced Backup (Restore data ONLY) OR syncing with Google account, using Titanium Backup (only missing apps with data - NO SYSTEM DATA); Dial *228 1 and 2, etc.
  7. If using OTB variant of UKB/ComRom, modify voltage settings if desired.
  8. Fix permissions
  9. Calibrate battery, starting with wiping battery stats once fully charged (check here for more info).
  10. Recreate backups so you are ready for the next great ROM!

Like I said - this was my attempt at "short and sweet" (something I am not very good at). Hopefully this (in combination with the more detailed second post) will be helpful in getting those desiring a "clean slate" install to the end-goal of UKB/ComRom goodness! Any suggestions on additions/deletions/modifications are more than welcome, and check out the next post for LOADS of details!
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
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One VERY DETAILED way to "clean install" UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1

Here is a modified and updated version of the original post - it was a bit of a beast (I should know, I spent unwilling-to-admit-numbers-of-hours on it...), hence the short list above. Again, if there are things you don't see here that you think you should (or for that matter errors that are in need of addressing), please let me know. As I'm a fan of learning (there is no way to say that without sounding like a complete dork), I would greatly appreciate any and all input/feedback!

- I am in no way taking credit for any of the fine work that has been done by any of the original authors referenced (whether directly or indirectly) - what I am presenting here is nothing more than my particular amalgamation of absorbed how-to information. - Neither myself nor any author I reference is responsible for the always-possible (although hopefully improbable) consequence of trying to change the way your phone behaves - follow these steps at your own risk! Another way to think about this - you better have a few backup plans ready in case things go screwy. - As I never stop learning, this approach I am about to outline may change (at least for me personally). I can say with certainty that this was my approach for the last week of June 2011 - but more efficient/appropriate methods will surely come along, and I will (hopefully) adapt (or at the very least make note of them). Who knows - maybe they already have and I just haven't adapted yet...

Before getting started - there are a number of useful links that I reference throughout this, and it seems it would be well served to list some of them here for ease-of-finding. It should be noted that there are other routes to obtaining UKB/ComRom goodness (for a GREAT example check out this thread), and the route I am about to describe (while overly detailed) does have an underlying assumption of SOME knowledge of what rooting and ROMs are all about (check out this thread if you want/need a refresher on such knowledge).
The list below is a bit fluid, but they are nonetheless some of my current favorites:

- ADB is something often talked about, and while I know next to nothing on it I nevertheless have made some attempts at learning - so should you, and this might be a good first step - it contains a variety of links that may be useful. - This thread is FULL of things-you-should-know material on rooting. - This thread is pretty much a one-stop information thread on just about anything you might want to know regarding root, flashing, etc. - This is a great oops-I-bricked-my-phone resource, as well as a centralized locale for instruction on (and files for) Odin and Heimdall. Don't know what those are? That lack of awareness is a red flag - and I trust all who read this will address such "red flags" before moving forward. - This contains information on the end-goal of this post - the highly (and deservedly) touted ROM that you oh thread-finder are seeking. NOTE: The kernel-included UKB/ComRom 2.0 variants from this thread are already rooted and are VOODOO (check out here if you want more info on what it is to be "voodoo") - read the original thread for info on how to do this non-voodoo, or use the ODIN approach mentioned below. Also - UKB/ComRom 2.1 is a patch, meaning you must first flash UKB/ComRom 2.0 before moving on to 2.1. - This thread provides an ODIN-based route to UKB/ComRom 2.0 goodness (among other things) - if the current guide doesn't work for you check this out! - Here is where you can find one of two "clean slate" files (this is not to say they are the only ones that can function in this capacity - this is just how I have been using them) - the other one can be found here. - For non-OTA (over-the-air) upgrade routes, this can get you to ED01 (Not sure what that means? Red flag moment...), but if you are just looking to upgrade the modem/radio then this will be a more efficient route (and can get you to ED03/ED04). - For those wishing to tweak the modem further, initial reports for the EC09 modem seem mostly positive in regards to signal strength and up/download speeds. I tend to agree, although I was struck with random reboots soon after flashing this - very possible that the two are unrelated, but ultimately I used it as an excuse to go back (or forward I suppose :p) to ED04. - I have had success using the recovery found here (which handles both amend and edify - red flag check anyone?) and here (this is edify only, and what I used for the current approach) - I leave it to you to decide. - This is a GREAT source for information on CWM recovery and how to use it. - This provides information/files on a nifty formatting utility that has already begun to be implemented into kernels. - This provides links to threads for the OTB and PBJ kernels used in UKB/ComRom 2.0 - this is just one post in a bigger thread that has LOADS of great info.

It seemed like it might be useful to offer a condensed list of links to files (or threads the files can be found in) used in this guide (this is the same as what was in the first post):

FILES - or threads with the files at least
- Samsung Drivers. - ODIN 1.3. NOTE: Other versions exist (1.7 and 1.8 can be found here), and while I have not tested them personally most agree that they all behave similarly. - HashTab 4.0 - this lets you check md5 values for verifying the integrity of downloads. - CI500_VZW_DL09_ECLAIR.tar.md5. - atlas_v2.2.pit. - 2 files. - dl09_modem.tar.md5 and various files. - EC09 modem. - CWM3_Voodoo.tar.md5 OR cwm-recovery-ALL-3-30-FIX.tar. - - Whatever version/patches of UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1 desired.

Okey dokey - let's get on with the show. Some of the steps I list may be a bit me-specific, but who knows - it may help someone out.

"Clean" upgrading to UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1 - one possible path:

Step 1 - Back Up Stuff
There are LOTS of ways of doing this (see here and here for some great examples), from account syncing to apps to nandroid backups (such as the method described here). It seems the latter offers a simpler approach, but I am unsure as to the full extent of flexibility had by such an approach. I have only used it when re-installing UKB/ComRom (so using a nandroid backup from UKB/ComRom to restore after a fresh reflashing of UKB/ComRom), but for that purpose it worked AMAZINGLY well. I am unsure how this would behave if using it to backup user data from ROMs like CM7 or those based on EC09. In that case, the steps after the first would be how I would go about the backup process:
  • Make a "clean" Nandroid Backup - This method worked extremely well when restoring user data from a UKB/ComRom backup after reflashing UKB/ComRom.
    1. NOTE: This method REQUIRES you to already have CWM - if you do not, please see Step 4 below for instructions on how to do so. I was using CWM 3 that can be found here.
    2. Boot into CWM.
    3. Some recommend going into "mounts and storage" and make sure the word "unmount" is to the left of /cache, /data, /datadata, and /system. NOTE: I seriously doubt all 4 are necessary (and question whether this checking process is necessary), but I lean on the better-safe-than-sorry approach to things.
    4. Select "wipe cache partition" (often referred to as simply wiping cache).
    5. Check the "mounts and storage" again.
    6. Select "advanced", then "Wipe Dalvik Cache" (often referred to as simply wiping dalvik).
    7. If coming from a previous version of UKB/ComRom (with OTB kernel), select "advanced", then "Wipe Voltage Settings".
    8. Go to "backup and restore", then "Backup". NOTE: As the above steps make you wipe cache/dalvik, the reboot after the nandroid backup is complete will take a bit longer than usual - this is perfectly normal. Also, be mindful that much of what follows this is likely not necessary (still haven't checked this).
  • Backup Contacts This is usually done automatically through Google account syncing. For entered-into-phone-only numbers, you can export your contacts (saves as a .vcf file I believe) and manually isolate those (modify the file in a text editor or even Excel) - OR just sync everything with your Google account - your call. Titanium Backup can even do this (not sure how).
  • Backup User Apps I use Titanium Backup (requires root), and I have not had a problem provided I NOT back up system data. That being said, I usually end up having to download some apps from market anyway (or install .apks using ADB or Root Explorer), so I try to keep a list (in Excel - man am I anal) of what apps I am using just in case.
  • Backup bookmarks Some might not find this to be necessary, but regardless I tend to use the Chrome To Phone app anyway, so as long as I have a list somewhere (or restore the app data, keeping the links I chromed to my phone) it's not too hard to "manually" redo these.
  • Backup LauncherPro While many have opinions on it, LauncherPro happens to be my preferred launcher at present. If you get it to behave/look just the way you want (and you want to save a few minutes - it doesn't take long to get things set up again), there is a backup option (under Preferences). If you don't have it or don't care about it - move on to Step 2. NOTE: I was not using any Widgets at the time of upgrading - may explain why it was relatively smooth.
  • Backup SD Card With the number of individuals reporting SD card issues after flashing ROMs based on the EC09 leak (read here, here, and here for examples of said reports), it makes more salient the need to BACK UP THE CONTENTS OF YOUR SD CARD!! I have been guilty of not doing this as often as I should, but thankfully was not burned by my semi-relaxed stance on this potential risk. Better safe than sorry, so back up your SD card regularly (or at least before flashing stuff!)!

Step 2 - Prepare SD Card
Beyond backing up your SD card, there are a number of files that should be on your SD card to facilitate the upgrade process. These would include any ROMs and patches that you might need, as well as a formatting utility, update files (whether they be OTA-esque or are modem-specific), and anything else you might need. Make sure you keep your SD card organized (sheesh - never realize how anal you are until you start rehashing your process...)!! This will vastly decrease your chances of using a file incorrectly later on. - For example, I have a general folder in the root of my SD (called "Modifications") that has a ROMs folder, a Recovery folder, a Kernels folder, a Modems folder, etc. Keep track of file names, where things go, and (again, very anal) I find it useful to have a similarly structured directory on my computer as well (hooray for organization - and an extra backup!).

Step 3 - 'Resetting' Phone
  1. Get to Eclair - This is considered one way to start with a "clean slate" (and I believe this is a necessary step if you are coming from a CM7 or Gingerbread MIUI build - see here for more information if this applies to you).
    1. Install appropriate Samsung drivers on computer (you can find the drivers here).
    2. Enable USB Debugging on phone.
    • Make sure phone is FULLY (100% when OFF) charged, then
    • Remove (case and) back of phone.
    • Remove battery.
    • Start Odin 1.3 (this is the version I used at least) on computer (can be found here and some general instructions can be found here - that being said there are plenty of instructions on how to use ODIN out there!).
    • Connect phone to computer.
    • Hold volume-down button - should now enter "Download" mode (yellow android on screen).
    • Within ODIN, in PDA (PDA PDA PDA!!!!) choose the CI500_VZW_DL09_ECLAIR.tar.md5 (found here).
    • FOR A MORE THOROUGH CLEAN SLATE: (be wary - there is definite risk when playing with non-PDA buttons!)
      • In PIT, choose atlas_v2.2.pit (download from here).
      • Make sure the "repartition" box is checked.
    • Flash - if successful disconnect phone.
    • Replace battery ONLY (will need to ODIN again).
    • Reboot phone and verify all is well (i.e. DL09; stock... yuck, but that's just my opinion).
  2. Get to Froyo and/or ED01/ED03/ED04 (see here and here for thoughts on ED04). As UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1 is based on an ED01 build, it seems like a good idea to have your phone in a somewhat similar state before flashing (I believe ED03 and ED04 are just modem/miscellaneous tweaks on the original ED01 build - regardless, there are no problems running the UKB/ComRom ROMs on any of these). This can be done 1 of 2 ways (although there is a modem-specific third method listed as well):
    • Do OTA system updates (NOTE - this can take quite some time):
      • After first update, verify EA28 modem (i.e. Settings -> About phone; both Baseband version and Build number should end in EA28).
      • After second update (this is the one that takes a while), verify ED04 modem and Froyo (i.e. Settings -> About phone; both Baseband version and Build number should end in ED04, and Firmware version should be 2.2.1).
    • Use files (MUCH faster approach - found here) but this will only get you to ED01 Froyo, not ED03/ED04. Important things to remember with this approach:
      • These need to be flashed from your SD card, but you need BOTH files to be called and in the SD root to use the "stock" recovery. As there are 2 update files, you will have to do some file name changing...
      • To boot into stock recovery, you must turn off the phone and give it the "three-finger salute" - i.e. hold down the volume up, volume down, and power keys until the Samsung logo appears (it's a good idea to wait a second or so after the logo has appeared before letting go of the buttons).
      • Stock recovery controls (see here for more information on recovery) - Volume up and down = Scroll up and down; Menu = Screen sleep; Home = Select. You will need to "apply" to flash the updates.
      • Flash the EA28 file (this MUST be already called and in the SD root), reboot and verify the change (i.e. Settings -> About phone; both Baseband version and Build number should end in EA28).
      • Move the ED01 file (renamed to to the SD root at this point, and then reboot into stock recovery (i.e. turn off phone and three-finger salute) and flash - see here for instructions. Reboot and verify the change (i.e. Settings -> About phone; both Baseband version and Build number should end in ED01, and Firmware version should be 2.2.1)
    • OR - if you are only after the latest modem (or used the files approach to upgrading to Froyo and want the latest modem) go here for files and instructions. Important things to remember with this approach:
      • This will ONLY change the modem (unlike the bloated OTA and approaches), not upgrade to Froyo (if on Eclair obviously).
      • Remember - this process requires CWM 3.# - if you ODIN the CWM described below you will be VOODOOed unless you have a disable-lagfix file in the voodoo folder BEFORE you ODIN. This isn't a big concern when going through the flash process for UKB/ComRom 2.0 (the kernel-included varieties are already voodoo kernels), but it may not behave nicely if you do not disable this conversion on the stock setup (which you are if you followed the directions immediately before this). Personally I went through this process once to get to ED03 and once to get to ED04 AFTER I flashed UKB/ComRom 2.0, and I had no issues.
      • If you ODINed the CI500_VZW_DL09_ECLAIR.tar.md5 above (and have not done any other system upgrades yet), you DO NOT need to ODIN the DL09 modem file (already have it). If you have already updated (whether by OTA or the update files) then you DO need to ODIN the DL09 modem file (you are no longer on the DL09 modem).
      • If the DL09 modem is needed (or if a CWM recovery is needed - which it likely is at this point), you must engage in the same ODIN start-up process described above:
        • For the DL09 modem, assuming the initial setup was already completed (getting ODIN, installing drivers), you again remove the battery from the phone.
        • Start Odin 1.3 on computer.
        • Connect phone to computer.
        • Hold volume-down button - should now enter "Download" mode.
        • Within ODIN, under PDA (PDA PDA PDA!!!) select dl09_modem.tar.md5.
        • Flash - if successful, disconnect phone, replace battery, and verify DL09 status (i.e. Settings -> About phone; Baseband version should end in EA28). NOTE: To avoid problems it is highly recommended you ODIN DL09 FIRST before progressing to your modem goal-state.
      • If the CWM recovery is needed:
        • Assuming the initial setup was already completed (getting ODIN, installing drivers), you again remove the battery from the phone.
        • Start Odin 1.3 on computer.
        • Connect phone to computer.
        • Hold volume-down button - should now enter "Download" mode.
        • Within ODIN, under PDA (PDA PDA PDA!!!) select CWM3_Voodoo.tar.md5 (this is the edify-only variant found here - I did not test the amend/edify compatible version).
        • Flash - if successful, disconnect phone, replace battery, but STOP THERE!!! The reason for stopping - if coming from stock, a reboot will rewrite the ODINed recovery back to the stock recovery, so you will have to re-ODIN CWM 3.# after each boot unless you get a custom kernel involved.
      • Now boot into CWM using the three-finger salute.
      • Wipe cache/dalvik cache (red flag moment?), and then flash the appropriate radio file (the one that matches what you are currently and what you want to become - I have successfully used the DL09 to ED03 file as well as the DL09 to ED04 file). How do you navigate CWM to do such things? Check out this site for more information. Reboot and verify modem change (i.e. Settings -> About phone; Baseband version should end in whatever the four character end state was of what you flashed - e.g. ED01, ED03, ED04).
    • NOTE: Some have reported the EC09 Modem (original post can be found here) to not only be functional with UKB/ComRom 2.0/2.1 but also to be a noticeable improvement when it comes to signal strength and network speeds. My personal experience is that it definitely did those things, but it was unfortunately paired with an increase in random reboots (more annoying than anything else) so I went back to ED04. If you are interested in utilizing the EC09 modem:
      • Assuming the initial setup was already completed (getting ODIN, installing drivers), you again remove the battery from the phone.
      • Start Odin 1.3 on computer.
      • Connect phone to computer.
      • Hold volume-down button - should now enter "Download" mode.
      • Within ODIN, under PDA (PDA PDA PDA!!!) select ec09-modem.tar.md5.
      • Flash - if successful, disconnect phone, replace battery, and verify EC09 status (i.e. Settings -> About phone; Baseband version should end in EC09).

Step 4 - Get your ROM on (UKB/ComRom 2.1, but you can skip the patch to stay at 2.0)
  1. Make sure phone is AGAIN fully charged (i.e. 100% with power OFF).
  2. IF you have not (or do not have) installed CWM, then -
    • Remove (case and) back of phone (if necessary).
    • Remove battery.
    • Start Odin 1.3 on computer.
    • Connect phone to computer.
    • Hold volume-down button - should now enter "Download" mode.
    • Under PDA, flash EITHER cwm-recovery-ALL-3-30-FIX.tar (CWM 2.5.x.x found here) OR (especially if interested in flashing formatting scripts or flashing modems; this is what I used) CWM3_Voodoo.tar.md5 (found here - note that the file name I listed is the "standard" variety, but you can get different colors if desired - see post).
    • If successful, disconnect phone.
    • Replace battery (and back and case if you no longer need ODIN), but DO NOT RESTART PHONE YET!!
  3. IF you already have an appropriate CWM installed, turn on phone via the three-finger salute.
  4. Release buttons once you see Samsung logo for ~1 sec.
  5. Should now boot into CWM recovery (again see this site for information on using CWM).
  6. "Wipe" the phone - Note that the first three wipes may not be necessary with formatter utility use - however I did them anyway just to be sure.
    • While some might not believe it to be necessary, go into "mounts and storage" and make sure the word "unmount" is to the left of /cache, /data, /datadata, and /system.
    • Select "wipe data/factory reset" (often referred to as simply wiping data; YOU ONLY NEED TO PERFORM EACH WIPE ONCE, NOT THREE TIMES!!).
    • Check the "mounts and storage" again.
    • Select "wipe cache partition" (often referred to as simply wiping cache).
    • Check the "mounts and storage" again.
    • Select "advanced", then "Wipe Dalvik Cache" (often referred to as simply wiping dalvik).
    • IF you want to try a formatter utility (REQUIRES CWM 3!) -
      • Select "install zip from sdcard", then "choose zip from sdcard", then select the formatter zip file (as the kernel-included UKB/ComRom 2.0s are voodoo, use found here).
      • NOTE (from original link): To see if it worked using ADB, mount each partition in CWM3 recovery (see above for how), then connect phone to computer and open command prompt (without using the quotes you can verify the device is found by typing ?adb devices?). Then (again, without quotes) ?adb shell? into your device and type ?mount?. You should see what file system your big 4 (e.g. data, dbdata, etc.) partitions are using - they should now be ext4.
      • ANOTHER NOTE: You may want to unplug phone from computer before rebooting, as I had an odd shutdown occur when I was still plugged in to the computer.
    • If coming from a previous version of UKB/ComRom (with OTB kernel), select "advanced", then "Wipe Voltage Settings".
  7. Before moving forward, word on the street is to make sure the system and data partitions are mounted prior to flashing (see above for how) - not sure if this is necessary, but I did it.
  8. Install ROM by selecting (from main menu) "install zip from sdcard", then "choose zip from sdcard", then selecting the particular ROM zip you want to install (for UKB/ComRom 2.0, those files are found here).
  9. Go to "voodoo" and make sure voodoo lagfix will be enabled on next boot (usually is - may not be an issue if you used the formatter utility, but always a good idea to check!).
  10. While it may seem odd, before rebooting wipe data again (this is believed to be for a GPS fix included in UKB/ComRom).
  11. Reboot - this one may take a while (voodoo-izing, although I noticed no voice after using the formatter)!
  12. Let it FULLY boot (can take 10ish minutes or so).
  13. Verify all is well.
NOTE: When using the PBJ version, it flashes a yellow CWM (imnuts) that does not (at least currently - see here for links to more information) do full data wipes correctly (there are also some issues reported with fixing permissions and wiping battery stats not working when done through terminal emulator). A similar issue is said to exist in the CWM included in the OTB version (again at least currently - see here for links to more information). Therefore, the first time I decided to go back into ODIN and again flash CWM3_Voodoo.tar.md5 (at least until these are fixed). Upon redoing these steps, I decided to play with the kernel-specific CWMs, but after flashing the PBJ -50 UKB/ComRom variant it appears that the CWM was not in fact overwritten...

Step 5 - Apply patches/mods (if needed/desired)
UKB/ComRom 2.0 already has some optional patches that can be flashed (see them here). UKB/ComRom 2.1 is also a patch and listed in the same section. If you do not require/desire them, skip this section (this will leave you at UKB/ComRom 2.0).
  1. Reboot into recovery (either through the Power menu (which you get to by holding the power button down for a second) or turning off phone and giving it the three-finger salute).
  2. Apply patch/mod zip files ONE AT A TIME.
  3. Before EACH patch/mod, wipe Cache & Dalvik.
  4. Note that for the UKB/ComRom 2.1 patch, the original post states wipes are not needed - I am paranoid however and did them (Cache & Dalvik); I had no issues.
  5. After EACH patch/mod, allow phone to fully reboot.
  6. Continue going into recovery until all desired patches/mods are flashed.
The same general approach typically applies to the installation of themes, updating/changing kernels, etc. NOTE: You may be able to do multiple flashes at once (my gut says this may not apply to the 2.1 patch, but this is not verified), but I tend to err on the side of caution and do them one at a time. NOTE 2: If you flashed the 2.1 patch, the phone will still say UKB 2.0 under Settings -> About phone -> Firmware - this is fine, as long as the patch says it installed properly in CWM you are indeed on 2.1.

Step 6 - Reload phone
Okay - now it's time to make the phone "yours" again! This section will be a bit light on details - I'm hoping most can figure out basic phone functions with little hassle. Note that this is a section that tends to be pretty me-specific (it's what I did after all). I've also included as a first step a process taken from here that I have only used when restoring user data in UKB/ComRom from a previous UKB/ComRom nandroid backup. In that scenario, I for the most part did not need to do steps 2 through 9 (although in my paranoia I still went through and checked that all was well, which it was):
  1. Do a Nandroid Advanced Restore.
    • Boot into CWM - IMPORTANT: Don't do this until AFTER the phone has had a chance to fully load at least ONCE after all the ROM flashing in Step 5.
    • Go to "backup and restore", select "Advanced Restore", then select the nandroid backup you will use.
    • Select "Restore data" - this should restore all User Data and apps.
    • Reboot
    • Note that some user setups in the flashed ROM may be lost in the restore. Also, some have reported issues with GMail - if you update/install Gmail, it seems to fix it. NOTE: Many of the steps that follow may not be necessary, depending on the success of the Nandroid Advanced Restore.
  2. Sync phone with Google account.
  3. Complete any ROM specific changes needed (e.g. TSM parts stuff - common things involve checking/unchecking options and then rebooting, or changing font colors when things don't appear on Status Bar - read through the original thread for more information. I highly recommend checking out the TSM Parts settings - there are a lot of tweaks that can be played with!).
  4. Set up Google Voice (unless of course you don't use it).
  5. Import phone contacts that aren't Google-synced (unless of course you don't have any of those).
  6. Download Titanium Backup from market (this is what I use - there are other options of course).
    • Load backed up apps - use the "Restore missing apps with data" batch option.
    • If you encounter problems with Titanium Backup - word is you can click on the "Problem?" button, then click Yes Yes on reinstalling busybox. I did not have a problem, so I cannot verify this.
  7. Check market for updates (depending on when you did the backup, this may not be necessary) and download anything that couldn't be backed up (e.g. Flash 10.3).
  8. Lately it seems that after I launch LauncherPro for the first time the backup automatically is activated (along with the full version key) - just thought I would point that out.
  9. Use Chrome To Phone to update bookmarks (unless of course you have a better way, then by all means do that).
  10. Dial *228 then 1 to "program" the phone (and it then reboots).
  11. Dial *228 then 2 to reset PRL (and it then reboots).
  12. Verify all is well.

Step 7 - Modify voltage settings (OTB only)
As the title implies, this is only done with the OTB version of UKB/ComRom. I ended up not running this version for very long, but on UKB/ComRom 1.3 with OTB 1.5 I had reasonable success with the following setup (as you will see, it was a simple UV):
  1. Go into Voltage Control app (comes packaged with the OTB version of UKB/ComRom 2.0).
  2. Make sure all steps from 1000 down are checked under the center tab (I can't remember what it was called at the moment).
  3. Modify those same steps, changing all to -50 (or even -25 if it acts funny).
  4. Set bfq as scheduler.
  5. Apply for Now, although once things seem stable make sure to Save As Boot Setting.
I did not mess with this as much as others. For more info check out this thread and this thread.

Step 8 - Fix permissions
While I have rarely encountered force close issues (with one notable recent exception), it seems fixing permissions is generally a good idea. To do so:
  1. Reboot into recovery (by whatever means you deem appropriate - because you know how to do these things by now, right?).
  2. Go to "mounts and storage" and then mount ALL partitions (i.e. make sure all say "unmount"; this may have been only a CWM 2.5 issue, but again - I try to be cautious).
  3. Go to "advanced" and then "Fix Permissions".
  4. Reboot
NOTE: You can do this in Terminal Emulator (without quotes type "su" then "fxpms") as well, although some kernel-specific issues (both PBJ and OTB) with this approach have been reported.

Step 9 - Battery stats wipe
While I am going to outline my approach here, for more info check out this thread. I tend not to do this until I am happy with the setup. Once I am I -
  1. Charge phone to 100% (while on).
  2. Turn off phone while on charger, and again charge to 100%.
  3. Take phone off of charger for a few seconds, then put the phone BACK on the charger (sounds odd, I know) and again charge to 100%.
  4. Boot into recovery (using the three-finger salute).
  5. Go to "advanced" and then "Wipe Battery Stats".
  6. Reboot phone and use as normal.
  7. FULLY deplete battery (until shutoff, or at least <5% - this is IMPORTANT!).
  8. WHILE PHONE IS OFF fully charge the phone (with the unplug-replug technique if desired - I'm not sure if it changes things much).
You should see a change in battery life (hopefully for the better) after 4-5 full power cycles (fully deplete, fully recharge). NOTE: You can do this (battery stats wipe) using Terminal Emulator as well (without quotes type "su" then "bstats"), but again kernel-specific issues (both PBJ and OTB) with this approach have been reported.

Step 10 - Recreate NEW backups
Once everything is behaving how you want it to, I recommend going through the process of making new backups. For me at least this includes:
  1. Making sure to keep Titanium Backup backups updated (and only user apps!). If using LauncherPro (and changes were made), updating the backup of this as well.
  2. Making sure to update backups of non-synced contacts (if you have those).
  3. Making sure to update the list of installed apps and websites (man am I anal...).
  4. Making a "clean" nandroid backup - To do this:
    • Reboot into CWM (in whatever way is most appropriate).
    • Some recommend going into "mounts and storage" and make sure the word "unmount" is to the left of /cache, /data, /datadata, and /system. NOTE: I seriously doubt all 4 are necessary (and question whether this checking process is necessary), but I lean on the better-safe-than-sorry approach to things.
    • Select "wipe cache partition" (often referred to as simply wiping cache).
    • Check the "mounts and storage" again.
    • Select "advanced", then "Wipe Dalvik Cache" (often referred to as simply wiping dalvik).
    • If coming from a previous version of UKB/ComRom (with OTB kernel), select "advanced", then "Wipe Voltage Settings".
    • Go to "backup and restore", then "Backup".
    • After this has been completed, I recommend going into the SD card after the fact and renaming the backup folder so you remember what ROM the backup is for (things I include in the title are ROM/version, kernel, modem, date; see here for some discussion on how to do this).
    The approach outlined here made the need to reflash UKB/ComRom a hassle-free scenario - I was very impressed and highly recommend it (at least for the particular scenario I used it in )!

Oh - there are two little miscellaneous tips I have heard repeated time and time again that I figured I should include here (as I try to remember to use them as much as possible - again, not sure if they do anything (something to do with partial wake locks I believe?), but I figure it can't hurt at all):
  1. After turning the phone on, turn on Airport mode (I do this through the Power menu, which you get after holding the power button down for a second or two) for 10 or so seconds, and then turn it off again.
  2. Also after turning the phone on, open up Google Maps and let it "find" you (I typically only have Google location services turned on). Once it has, close it.

Well, I hope the details listed here will be useful to some. If not, I'm sure it will be quickly discarded. Regardless, at least I now feel as if I have made a contribution (or at least an attempt, however poor it may be).

Oh, and I'm still a noob...
As evidence of this I present my most recent experience of I-am-my-own-phones-worst-enemy. While most of my attempts at flashing have been met with little trouble, this most recent experience reflects both my noob-ishness and the lovely ability of the fascinate to recover from noob-ish mistakes. I initially installed the OTB version of UKB/ComRom 2.0, and then went and upgraded the OTB kernel to 1.6. In an attempt to activate the 100MHz setting (after the fact I did some digging and it seems this particular step has a bit of an unstable history) in OTB 1.6, I reflashed the kernel to overwrite the recovery to the OTB-specific one (I had gone back to the times_infinty CWM for the full data wipe functionality), as I would then be able to get at the enable/disable 100MHz option. This was apparently a VERY BAD idea (should have simply flashed the OTB CWM that was referenced in the OP here...). After reflashing the kernel and then going into the OTB recovery and enabling/disabling/enabling 100MHz, I rebooted and was in force-close hell. I didn't have to do a battery pull (although it was definitely warranted - I was just preoccupied with other things and therefore "patient" so the issues could pseudo-resolve themselves), but it took a bit to finally get back into recovery. Once there no matter what I did problems compounded on each other - at one point I started hearing the voodoo lady voice (in recovery?!), and no matter what I did I kept getting lots of FCs... Long story short I started again from scratch (and made this guide in the process). The kicker to it all is that it was running fine before I started to mess with things - oh well, I suppose it gave me the excuse to try the PBJ version (which is AMAZINGLY stable, snappy, and everything I could want from a ROM).

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2010
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That's gotta be the longest first post by a user ever - just saying. Skimmed the write up as I'm already on KB2.0, but it looked solid. Thanks for sharing.


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2011
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Same as Brett, I've been on UKB 2.0 since it came out; been ROM'd since the day I had my phone. That being said, this is a very concise write-up. Nice use of links and really spelling out what things work and mentioning which things you have not verified.

Welcome to the boards :)


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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It is preferred if the same info is available here at Android Central, you provide the Android Central link. There are a few in your post. When I get home I will take the time to go through all your links thoroughly and provide the necessary AC links.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
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That's gotta be the longest first post by a user ever - just saying. Skimmed the write up as I'm already on KB2.0, but it looked solid. Thanks for sharing.

I'm glad to hear the positive feedback (and the unofficial awarding of longest first post!) - I hope people find it useful (and maybe lessens some of the repetitive questions).

ive experienced all your issues...very nicely written

Thank you sir!

Same as Brett, I've been on UKB 2.0 since it came out; been ROM'd since the day I had my phone. That being said, this is a very concise write-up. Nice use of links and really spelling out what things work and mentioning which things you have not verified.

Welcome to the boards :)

I'm still a bit unsure on if I have much to offer to the boards - but I'm happy to be here!

It is preferred if the same info is available here at Android Central, you provide the Android Central link. There are a few in your post. When I get home I will take the time to go through all your links thoroughly and provide the necessary AC links.

Landshark - My apologies. While I very much appreciate the offer, you do so much already - I would not feel right about having you spend time searching for AC-specific links. I take full responsibility for my faux pas and I have made an attempt to correct this through the course of the evening. I must admit that I struggled for a bit between the ideas of forum-specificity and accuracy to actual sources used in my unquenchable quest for Fascinate knowledge. Given the original purpose of the post, in hindsight I should've realized that the "true" source is somewhat irrelevant as long as the information remains the same. Unfortunately I erroneously chose the latter approach. Again, I meant no offense by this, and I now have this corrected (as much as I can tell at least). If you notice anything else that should be addressed, please let me know! Thanks for all you do!
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Well-known member
May 10, 2011
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Hi dwitherell, I don't know if anyone else has had a chance to try your how-to yet, but I want to say thanks for the detailed writeup. Today I was successful in flashing to UKB 2.0 from Rooted Stock ED01!! I did a lot of reading beforehand, got ADB set up, and got my backup plan in order but it all went through on first try. Thanks again.


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Feb 20, 2011
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Glad to be of service swenpro! I've gone through and restructured things a bit, so hopefully more will find it just as useful.


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Feb 20, 2011
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Decided to make a few more changes, update some links that were no longer working, and add in some relevant 2.1 details. I welcome any and all feedback!


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Feb 20, 2011
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My phone started acting up this week, so I decided to go "clean slate" again and see how the how-to was doing. Along the way I updated it with some feedback on nandroid advanced restores and the EC09 modem. The end result of my reflashing seems stable currently - with the exception of my phone suddenly thinking it was 1999 once... but this appears to have been solved with a reboot. Crazy.

As always - any and all feedback (good or bad) is welcome!


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May 10, 2011
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I too just switched from EC09 back to ED04. Wayyyyy better!! I don't know what is up with that leaked EC09 modem, but it kept giving me 1x when I should have had 3G, signal was worse, speeds much worse. I guess that was my experience. Glad to be back on ED04 now. But missed a call tonight... oh, well.


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Jun 15, 2011
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i had been running comrom2.1 for awhile and the other night while sitting on the coffee table my phone just decided to crap out on me for lack of a better term, force close/reboot loop...sooo i tried this clean install (to a tee! ) thinking " hey, what better time to clean install then right now" lol

i'm currently on my 4th clean install and i'm getting really confused here. before my phone decided to crap out on me i was running the samsung weatherbug clock (thanks JaeKar99 for the widget) just fine, after i tried this install of comrom2.0, then patch to 2.1, then theme, i install the weatherbug and i get "TwGTGLauncher (process has stopped, please try again", click force close and a big blank box is on the screen where the widget would be and inside the box says "problem loading widget" for a fourth time (tried on comrom2.0 without theme, tried CM 3 all, tried CM that comes with OTB 1.6, tried CM 3.x)...

also tried the OTA rebuild to ED04, this clean install, the zip install to ED01, still running into same issue... any suggestions??
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
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i had been running comrom2.1 for awhile and the other night while sitting on the coffee table my phone just decided to crap out on me for lack of a better term, force close/reboot loop...sooo i tried this clean install (to a tee! ) thinking " hey, what better time to clean install then right now" lol

i'm currently on my 4th clean install and i'm getting really confused here. before my phone decided to crap out on me i was running the samsung weatherbug clock (thanks JaeKar99 for the widget) just fine, after i tried this install of comrom2.0, then patch to 2.1, then theme, i install the weatherbug and i get "TwGTGLauncher (process has stopped, please try again", click force close and a big blank box is on the screen where the widget would be and inside the box says "problem loading widget" for a fourth time (tried on comrom2.0 without theme, tried CM 3 all, tried CM that comes with OTB 1.6, tried CM 3.x)...

also tried the OTA rebuild to ED04, this clean install, the zip install to ED01, still running into same issue... any suggestions??

Hmm... I have to admit I am somewhat puzzled as to why there would be a problem. From the thread you referenced, I assume you tried the EB01+atlas2.2.pit+repartition route, correct? Using that, you could skip most of the stuff in step 3 (the DL09 and OTA-or-update-file route to a Froyo base) and you could still ODIN the DL09 modem and use the modemdeltas to get you to ED04 radio (if that's what you wanted). I think there's even an ED05 leaked modem that is ODIN-ready around nowadays...

Are there any other differences in how you got ComRom up and running this time beyond the use of the ext4 format utility? Are there any differences in themes/apps/settings/anything between your phone pre-force-close-bonanza to now (beyond the widget not working of course)? There is nothing in the how-to here that should elicit a change in functionality of apps that were previously working (at least I don't think there is - if so, I haven't encountered it yet). Are there any other issues since the reinstall? Anything odd leading up to the sudden force-close fest that initiated the clean install listed here? While I still am doubtful it had a role to play in it, have you tried a clean install without the ext4 format utility?

Sorry I'm not more helpful on this, maybe others more knowledgeable than I could offer a better course of action. Good luck!


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2011
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Hmm... I have to admit I am somewhat puzzled as to why there would be a problem. From the thread you referenced, I assume you tried the EB01+atlas2.2.pit+repartition route, correct? Using that, you could skip most of the stuff in step 3 (the DL09 and OTA-or-update-file route to a Froyo base) and you could still ODIN the DL09 modem and use the modemdeltas to get you to ED04 radio (if that's what you wanted). I think there's even an ED05 leaked modem that is ODIN-ready around nowadays...

Are there any other differences in how you got ComRom up and running this time beyond the use of the ext4 format utility? Are there any differences in themes/apps/settings/anything between your phone pre-force-close-bonanza to now (beyond the widget not working of course)? There is nothing in the how-to here that should elicit a change in functionality of apps that were previously working (at least I don't think there is - if so, I haven't encountered it yet). Are there any other issues since the reinstall? Anything odd leading up to the sudden force-close fest that initiated the clean install listed here? While I still am doubtful it had a role to play in it, have you tried a clean install without the ext4 format utility?

Sorry I'm not more helpful on this, maybe others more knowledgeable than I could offer a better course of action. Good luck!

as far as "start up" i have had the best luck with dl09 then OTA... until today.. i flashed the new leak ED05 and when to comrom2.1 no problem. now for the fun stuff - tried to put that weather clock on 2.1 without a theme, it runs the zip fine but don't show up in the widgets section... so i try to theme it and when i put steelblue back on, my contacts icon goes away, click on contacts from phone force closes. lol

i guess my question is how come i had NO PROBLEM putting it on the first time, yet every time i try to do a clean install, via ota or flashes, with or without ext4 formater i end up with a problem?

is there a way to to a insanely cleaner install ? lol

sidenote: after getting comrom2.1 to work perfectly, tried to nandroid backup and i get "error backing up boot image, aborted"

i'm becoming so frustrated i may just say screw it, i'm either comrom2.1 without theme and the weatherclock i want OR i stay stock and have my weatherclock.

UPDATE: i believe i figured it out.. the issue i was having is with the theme i am using. on first boot i was telling it to use TWlauncher instead of the normal launcher for comrom2.1 then here come the force closes... so i didn't choose to use that as defalt, used one launcher for a bit, did reboot..used other for a bit, did reboot THEN i made TW my default launcher AFTER i installed that weather clock and all is well! (i also put comrom2.1 over the new ED05 build)
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
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UPDATE: i believe i figured it out.. the issue i was having is with the theme i am using. on first boot i was telling it to use TWlauncher instead of the normal launcher for comrom2.1 then here come the force closes... so i didn't choose to use that as defalt, used one launcher for a bit, did reboot..used other for a bit, did reboot THEN i made TW my default launcher AFTER i installed that weather clock and all is well! (i also put comrom2.1 over the new ED05 build)

Glad to hear you got it figured out!

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