OnePlus 5 - Post your pictures here!

Thanks for pictures. I'd love to see more indoor shots and maybe some selfies to see how those look.
Can anybody tell me if the camera works fast? How long does it take for the camera to be ready? Any noticeable lag when you press the shutter?
Can anybody tell me if the camera works fast? How long does it take for the camera to be ready? Any noticeable lag when you press the shutter?
Haven't noticed any lag. It opens quick and it's also fast in auto focus and taking pictures.
Reading a lot of reviews that knock it for not having ois. Does it truly matter

I use the camera as a point and shoot, or for quick videos. If I want more, I'll pull out a DSLR - even a crappy one is better than the best smartphone camera, at any price. So to me, the lack of OIS with its tiny moving parts in a smartphone is not a benefit. The last OIS I had was in a CASIO, and after having it fall a couple of inches to the table, the OIS was hosed permanently. I'm more than happy with EIS and the lack of moving parts.
Reading a lot of reviews that knock it for not having ois. Does it truly matter

It really depends on the shot you are taking. Still, shots and non-shaky hands mostly don't need OIS in daylight. But night shots, unless you are going to hold your phone still, you will have trouble taking a good shot due to the lack of OIS.
I'm really debating on pulling the trigger on this but the pixel leaks just landed and I may wait

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