Only want contacts from one Google account displayed in Phone app


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
I have two Google accounts on my phone.
My main account (account A) syncs everything. My second account (account B) doesn't sync contacts or people details.
In the Contacts app, it shows only the contacts from account A. Exactly how I want it.
In the Phone app, it shows contacts from accounts A and B.
I only want contacts from account A displayed in Phone app.
It's frustrating when the Phone app isn't using the same settings as the Contacts app.
I've removed account B, cleared the app data for the Contact and Phone apps, but the issue is still there after re-adding account B.
Any ideas?
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No problem , in the contact app make sure only 1 Google account is being sync , as in mine I have multiple lolScreenshot_20210206-220545_Contacts.jpg
@mustang7757, I think the issue is that both accounts show up in the Phone app's Contacts list (not the Contacts app itself), even though only one account's contacts are set to sync.
Mustang - Ok, I checked again and verified that only the main account contacts are syncing in the Contacts app.

BDiddy - The Contacts app is fine, it's the Phone app that's having the problem.
Phone app>contacts tab>three dot menu>manage contacts>sync contacts then disable account B. Is that what you're going for?
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Mustang - Ok, I checked again and verified that only the main account contacts are syncing in the Contacts app.

BDiddy - The Contacts app is fine, it's the Phone app that's having the problem.
Ok thanks for verifying, now when you open the contact app tap 3 bars to left , at the very top it has your account you want not the other or custom? I'll show one with custom and other with just one account in screen shot .Screenshot_20210206-224930_Contacts.jpgScreenshot_20210206-224908_Contacts.jpg
I currently use Custom with the main account to show certain tagged contacts
Contacts now shows all from main account.
Phone app still showing everything.
I did just try only using contacts on the phone only, but still the Phone app shows everything.

It seems the Phone app isn't grabbing the settings from Contacts and may need to be fixed or have a contacts filter option. Maybe Samsung will fix it 🤷 Thanks for helping everyone.
I always do that with issue like this and have restarted a few times, but still same issue.
I had the same problem. Here is how I got around. First, remove the Google account that have the contacts that you do not need. If you go back to the Phone app, you won't see those contact anymore.
Now, add the Google account that you removed and real quick go to Accounts and Sync where you disable contact sync for the new account. You gotta be quick, because contact sync is enabled by default.
I had the same problem. Here is how I got around. First, remove the Google account that have the contacts that you do not need. If you go back to the Phone app, you won't see those contact anymore.
Now, add the Google account that you removed and real quick go to Accounts and Sync where you disable contact sync for the new account. You gotta be quick, because contact sync is enabled by default.
Welcome to AC!
Thanks for posting your fix .
I have recently had an issue where Account A and Account B are both linked to my s10 5G.

My issue was that I didn't want B's contacts to show up, while keeping A's Contacts viable. There were repeats and I didn't need B's contacts on my phone.

I attempted solutions on this page and another, however nothing seemed to work.

So I went to try my idea.
Auto sync for all is on.
Log out of B
Log into B
As fast as possible, turn off Sync.

It immediately fixed my issue. I will update if anything else happens! Tysm for ur help.
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