OP3 Users - Still a Good Buy?


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
I'm looking at picking up a cheaper Android option right now. Looking real hard at the Honor 8 and the OP3. Being they're both the same price, it comes down to features and bugs. The Honor 8 seems to be a real solid performer and they seem to be decent with updates. But EMUI isn't my FAVORITE skin. The OP3 seems to be real solid as well, but I do know that there have been some decent bugs. What are everyone's thoughts? I'd like to get something soon. Our financial situation took a minor hit and would like to save some coin on tech - currently on a 6s Plus.
Well honestly this is the best mobile I have had(my opinion only) and I was in the same position as you. I got a S7 edge and then took a hit so needed to return it. I got a OP2 because they became widely available and then the OP3 came out so I returned the former and got the OP3. So I have had it since launch and it is awesome. All phones have bugs no matter who the manufacturer is. So it's always just hope you get one that isn't. I used google launcher for a while but now I am using Oxygen and I really like it. Do some more research to satisfy yourself and to make sure you make the right choice for your needs. My personal experience with the OP3 is a fantastic one. It doesn't feel cheap or act cheap and the camera is fine, although not S7 levels perhaps.

Don't let the price point make you think it's a budget device. It is not. Apparently production costs are still high on these.

I know quad HD is the standard basically but full HD is still awesome. Anyway, good luck!
I was waiting for the Nexus Pixel until I heard the price point was $650.

OnePlus is going to sell a LOT of phones on October 4th. Can't wait to replace my PoS Samsung Galaxy S5.
At this point, I would wait a week for the Google phones to be released and if there is nothing compelling in your price range, then either of the two devices mentioned will suite you very well I'm sure.

Having owned the one plus 3 since launch, I can only talk about my experience with that vs the honor 8.
The one plus will not do you wrong at all, especially for the price point. Like mentioned above, every phone will have its bugs, but the software on this has been so solid since day one. There's nothing that I personally have found that is incomplete or broken or laggy. Everything has worked as advertised.

The minimalistic "features" it has work very well. Fingerprint sensor is the fastest I've ever used. Camera is extremely solid (rear AND front). Gestures from lockscreen work well. Dash charging is amazing. One plus has pushed many updates with fixes and additives. The "telephone" function it has works super duper awesomely. (partial sarcasm)

I can go on.

But I won't.

Get the phone.

Feel warm inside.

(Btw, I am by no means bias towards any manufacturer or particular device, if I had the proper means, I'd buy every phone out there, including the hot burning.....-I mean hot selling- Note 7.)
I was waiting for the Nexus Pixel until I heard the price point was $650.

OnePlus is going to sell a LOT of phones on October 4th. Can't wait to replace my PoS Samsung Galaxy S5.

I feel much the same way. To the point where I was considering moving from my old(er) GS4 (i337) to the iPhone 7+ if the Pixel XL fails to excite me, especially if the rumored pricing is true. My thinking is that if I'm going to pay Apple-esque prices, then I expect Apple-esque support (including being supported for more than 2 years OS/3 years security updates). So the Pixel is going to have to wow me at this point. All the other Android flagships leave me uninterested either due to hardware or support issues (lengthy OS updates).

So I've lately been considering my options to stay with Android and not jump to iOS. And the $400 phones have caught my attention. I pretty much like what I see of the OP3, but wish it were sold in local retail stores like BestBuy, etc. And with the personnel loss (developers), now Oxygen and Hydrogen are merging. I'm not sure what that means down the road. I know OnePlus has announced that Nougat will come to the OP3 this year... so here's hoping that works out. I assume OS updates are simple, OTA updates?

I also like the Moto Z Play. But it won't be released unlocked in the USA until 10/20. And Motorola has had some massive layoffs very recently... which make me wonder about the viability of their products too. Also, Moto hasn't had a stellar history of keeping their promise about updating their older phones.

The Xiaomi MI5+ sounds very interesting. But I have no idea if it will be sold in the USA.

The ZTE Axon7 sounds very interesting too... but I've read it has some sort of connectivity issues. And probably a funky UI which doesn't excite me either.

Sigh. So many phones. So many compromises. But right now I have to say I consider the OP3 #1 and the Moto Z Play #2 on my short list of $400 Android 2016 phones for consideration.

I want a decent camera that responds quickly when I need it, timely OS and security updates, no lag, decent battery life, and a good screen I can actually see outdoors in bright light. I'd love water resistance too, but have survived without it thus far. I would love a removable battery and an IR blaster, but I think only LG offers that now... and their history of boot loops across multiple devices deters me... not to mention the same problem as Samsung in regards to timely OS and security updates... although I hear Samsung is doing well putting out monthly security updates. Still... I have a 2013 Sammy flagship that's stuck on 5.0.1 while my wife's iP5 (also 2013) just updated to iOS 10. So iOS does have its appeal. But at a price.

So I keep coming back to these $400 Androids while I hold off waiting for the Pixels to come into the light of day. While I'm becoming impatient with the process, it does give me time to read and meditate on my options.
Pretty much what mchockeyvette27 said. The OP3 has been rock solid for me and I can't say enough good things about Dash charge and the battery life in particular. It hasn't been this easy to keep a charge in a phone since the days before touchscreens. Making it through a whole day on a full charge is a given with a reasonably "normal" usage pattern. If you go as far as charging for 15-20 minutes at some point in the day you'll never have to worry.
Is there anything unique about the auto charger ($30) that you can order when you buy the OP3? Or can I simply use my existing 2.4A auto chargers I currently have with an appropriate USB-C to USB connector?

I like to use a thin metal plate between the back of the phone and case (I like Speck CandyShell Grip cases.. but don't find one for the OP3) to magnetically attach to my magnetic vent mount. Is the back of the phone flat enough to accommodate that plate?

With a case as mentioned above (any suggestions?), I assume any of the protective cases are superfluous. Is that accurate? The protective cases on the order screen simply look like a skin that snaps to the back of the phone. I see no purpose in that if I use a Spigen or other similar case like the Orzly or Tudia. I'd also put a screen protector on the face too.

Are any of the accessories particularly useful in the experience of owners?

How about On-Guard by Assurant? Any value in any of those protection plan options? (I normally don't get the monthly insurance option when I buy a new phone... but I've never done the mail-order phone either).

Thanks for your thoughts.

And not to hi-jack the OP's thread, but it seemed like a good place to jump in and ask a few questions about the purchase experience. The OP3 strikes me as a good buy.
Is there anything unique about the auto charger ($30) that you can order when you buy the OP3? Or can I simply use my existing 2.4A auto chargers I currently have with an appropriate USB-C to USB connector?

I like to use a thin metal plate between the back of the phone and case (I like Speck CandyShell Grip cases.. but don't find one for the OP3) to magnetically attach to my magnetic vent mount. Is the back of the phone flat enough to accommodate that plate?

With a case as mentioned above (any suggestions?), I assume any of the protective cases are superfluous. Is that accurate? The protective cases on the order screen simply look like a skin that snaps to the back of the phone. I see no purpose in that if I use a Spigen or other similar case like the Orzly or Tudia. I'd also put a screen protector on the face too.

Are any of the accessories particularly useful in the experience of owners?

How about On-Guard by Assurant? Any value in any of those protection plan options? (I normally don't get the monthly insurance option when I buy a new phone... but I've never done the mail-order phone either).

Thanks for your thoughts.

And not to hi-jack the OP's thread, but it seemed like a good place to jump in and ask a few questions about the purchase experience. The OP3 strikes me as a good buy.

Good questions, I'll try my best!

The car charger offered by one plus I'm not too sure about. But I will say that if you have a good enough quick charge car charger, that should work fine. I have a quick charger for the car that I bought when I had my 6p, can't remember the brand, and it works just fine with the OP3, charges quicker than a regular wall wart even.

I haven't looked into accessories in a couple months, so not sure if much has changed. Here's what I know/think: the back has fairly faint, but decent sized tapered edges, so if the metal plate is really tiny, then maybe, but it's not iPhone flat. Maybe like an 1½" wide.
The snap on "covers" from one plus are nice if that's the type of thing you want on the back, I have the sandstone one. But it's no case.
I just use a clear tpu case, that's what I generally always use for my phone's.
Glass screen protectors for this phone are crap in my experience. I have tried three of them and they are either too narrow because they weren't made for the curved glass, or the current one I have on, which is curved, is all distorted in the center cause it doesn't stick properly.
Regular screen protectors, idk. I only use the glass protectors for better protection against my butterfingers.

As for insurance, I've never bought any for my devices, despite my butterfingers. So can't say much about it.

Hope this helps.
Yes, that is helpful. Thanks.

The thin plate is about 1 3/4 x 2 3/8 inches. I prefer the rectangular one as it gives me a larger target to aim for.
Here's an example of the Spigen version:


What do you mean curved glass? Isn't the display panel flat? I've never used the tempered glass screen protectors. I've been happy with the flexible cheap ones.
Yes, that is helpful. Thanks.

The thin plate is about 1 3/4 x 2 3/8 inches. I prefer the rectangular one as it gives me a larger target to aim for.
Here's an example of the Spigen version:


What do you mean curved glass? Isn't the display panel flat? I've never used the tempered glass screen protectors. I've been happy with the flexible cheap ones.

Not too sure how the plate will fit on the back to be honest. If the width creeps over the tapered edges, it may not hold very well. Or may come loose over time. Just don't know the dimensions well enough. Worth a try though.

The front glass has this 2.5d edge, I believe they call it. It's like a slightly rolled edge all the way around, so some screen protectors are only made completely flat and they don't extend all the way to the edges. But there are some manufacturers that make the edges of their screen protectors to also have the slight curve to them, however, the ones I've used are not that great of quality.
The simple plastic protectors may not have that issue though, not too sure since I dont use them.
Oh. I'd seen the 2.5d term but never knew what it meant. Hmm.

As regards the plate, I never attach it to anything, but sandwich it between the back of the phone and the case. I've never had any problem with that technique before. Is the back of the OP3 curved as well? IE, if you lay it face up on a flat surface, does it rock, side-to-side?
Oh. I'd seen the 2.5d term but never knew what it meant. Hmm.

As regards the plate, I never attach it to anything, but sandwich it between the back of the phone and the case. I've never had any problem with that technique before. Is the back of the OP3 curved as well? IE, if you lay it face up on a flat surface, does it rock, side-to-side?

Ah I see, I thought you stuck it to the back, like if it had an adhesive on the plate.
Well then in that case, you should be fine. It's flat enough on the back. And no it does not rock on a flat surface.
I'm looking at picking up a cheaper Android option right now. Looking real hard at the Honor 8 and the OP3. Being they're both the same price, it comes down to features and bugs. The Honor 8 seems to be a real solid performer and they seem to be decent with updates. But EMUI isn't my FAVORITE skin. The OP3 seems to be real solid as well, but I do know that there have been some decent bugs. What are everyone's thoughts? I'd like to get something soon. Our financial situation took a minor hit and would like to save some coin on tech - currently on a 6s Plus.

You could possibly try the Blackberry DTEK50. its $299 and provides some decent performance for the price. Also no bugs :P

But to answer your question, i would say the OnePlus 3 would be a good purchase. Both would actually be fine but its my favourite out of the 2. :)
Ah I see, I thought you stuck it to the back, like if it had an adhesive on the plate.
Well then in that case, you should be fine. It's flat enough on the back. And no it does not rock on a flat surface.

Thanks. While there is adhesive, I never use it. Simply sandwiching it between the phone and the case works fine. But if I didn't use a case, I'd need the adhesive.

I use my phone on that magnetic vent mount daily, so it's a big deal to me if I can't use that mount for any reason.
I thought this was a good overall perspective: This guy nails my issues with most SD820 flagships (and my Samsung experience) and sounds like my thinking in general.

Right now, I'm just looking for those Pixels to come out so I can already buy something! And I'm chomping at the bit almost hoping the Pixels don't excite me so I can save some dough and get the snappy performance of the OP3. ;)

I get the impression the OP3 stays snappy in performance even after months of use as compared to the Samsung S7E/Note7 gradual slowdown over time. Is that accurate?

The ZTE Axon7 sounds very interesting too... but I've read it has some sort of connectivity issues. And probably a funky UI which doesn't excite me either.

I have the Axon 7 and I have had no connectivity issues. I get the same service wherever I go as I had with my Note 4 and my LG G4. The UI by default is "Stock Android" and o have no issues with it. I tend to use Nova as my launcher anyway. So far. I can say it is fast, and the screen is awesome. I haven't used the camera very much but the pictures I have taken have turned out fine.
I have the Axon 7 and I have had no connectivity issues. I get the same service wherever I go as I had with my Note 4 and my LG G4. The UI by default is "Stock Android" and o have no issues with it. I tend to use Nova as my launcher anyway. So far. I can say it is fast, and the screen is awesome. I haven't used the camera very much but the pictures I have taken have turned out fine.

Thanks for that perspective. Are you in the USA? I definitely like the FF speakers and the SD card. And I see that BestBuy carries it. Might be worth a looksee if ZTE does a good job on updates. Any idea?
His reasons for using the OnePlus 3 directly mirror my own. After 6+ years on Samsung Galaxy phones, the OnePlus 3 is enough to tempt me away. So long as OnePlus keep up their, so far, excellent firmware releases, I will stick with them. :)

He really spoke to my thinking. And I'm encouraged by the firmware updates. While 64GB storage is adequate, I'd feel more comfy with 128GB or the option of an SD card. But that won't stop me from buying the OP3 at this point. Right now the Pixel is likely the only thing stopping my purchase... until I see it next week. Or unless something else pops up like the Axon 7 which I'd earlier dismissed.

I'm also a long time Nova Prime user.
I liked that video and along with the HTC 10 and iPhone 7 Plus, the One Plus 3 is in consideration. I am definitely going to wait for Oct 4th though to see what Google has up their sleeve and hopefully by then I can decide which way to go.

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