Just recently my S6, which I've had for about a year, has begun to register phantom presses of hte back key, making the phone almost unusable.
I've done a search and tried the following suggested fixes:
* Power saving mode on, then powering off the phone before turning power save off
* Drain power to 0% and charge from the Samsung charger with no power extensions.
* Resetting the TSP through *#2... (can't remember the number)#
* Uninstalling recent apps
Am i missing any other suggestions?
I've done a search and tried the following suggested fixes:
* Power saving mode on, then powering off the phone before turning power save off
* Drain power to 0% and charge from the Samsung charger with no power extensions.
* Resetting the TSP through *#2... (can't remember the number)#
* Uninstalling recent apps
Am i missing any other suggestions?