Phone Crashed


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Dec 25, 2009
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So... I turned my phone off and went to turn it back on. When I did, the whole phone crashed. I tried again multiple times and it would fail to even connect to the network.

I took it to Sprint who said they received an email from HTC stating that phones with more than 50 apps would cause the phone to crash like this. I didn't have quite 50 total, but I had a few that I like to use a lot.

He did say that HTC and Sprint were working on a fix (which will probably release with 2.1).

Has anyone had this problem? Is there a way to send an app to my SD instead of the internal memory?

Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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I thought the limit was 70 apps, but if you are over memory, there isn't a fix for that except apps2sd. It is possible, but you have to root your phone (I would also install a custom rom like gumbo since its built into the rom). Copy your entire sd card to a computer, boot into recovery, format the hard drive to allow apps to be installed, select a size, reboot phone and they should automatically go to the sd card. You may have to redownload all the apps since specific pathways used by the apps may be broken by doing this, but a quick reinstall seems to fix the problem. If it seems difficult, I would just wait to see what 2.1 has in store for you. I have rooted, but haven't moved the apps to the sd card because i am planning on unrooting for 2.1

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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Another thing you could do, clear the cache. Go into settings, applications, manage applications and go through things like the browser and other apps and clear the cache. There is a program for root users to send the cache to the sd card, freeing up a few megs. There is a widget I have on my home screen to monitor internal app memory. We get 159mb. Its called internal memory widget by developer g3. That will help you know when you are approaching your limit.


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Dec 25, 2009
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I'm nervous about rooting because when my phone messed up this last time, I had a program from the market that gave me a different lockscreen (which I didn't like, but didn't uninstall it before it crashed) and Sprint thought I rooted the phone and told me it wasn't covered. I had to explain that I downloaded the app from the market for them to touch my phone.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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Problem is the limit isn't a size issue. It's a numbers issue. At 50, some Hero's crap out and can't reconnect. At 70 most Hero's crap out. If you're rooted and have removed some of the system apps you get a bit more , as it's a total number of apk files system wide that causes it. Jmanley over at Modaco's forums sat and figured it out.

And this is one case where nobody is lying. The issue disappears even with 1.6. Was something that had to be done to hack Android onto CDMA networks.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
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Wow. I have close to 90 apps installed have been noticing sense crash. I'm not sure how anyone can get down to 50 with all the default ones installed. Hopefully 2.1 comes out soon.

Andrew Ruffolo

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
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Where is this number derived? Is it 50-70 3rd party apps downloaded? Or is it total, counting things like Peep and Dialer and Browser etc.?

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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it's 50-70 3rd party apps on top of the HTC Sense apks.

IMO that's why the number varies so much. Some folks have never ran crap like footprints or nascar mobile and the apk's don't count yet, as they have no entry in /data/data/.

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