Phone gradually and automatically deleting photos


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Nov 16, 2013
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Hi there - I searched pretty extensively for this problem, but was frequently inundated with the "how do I restore all these pictures I accidentally deleted" threads, instead of what I'm specifically looking for.

What's been happening is that over time, the photos in my folders (ASIDE from Camera - that one is fine, thankfully) have been gradually self-deleting (or something?). I haven't touched them, but I've noticed that after zero backups or transfers, and despite saving a few photos a week (minimum) for the past year, the number of photos in my "Tumblr" folder (auto-generated) has slowly decreased from 130 to 100 and now into the 90s. In fact, while trying to find a solution for this, I cleared the Gallery's cache and restarted my phone - this served only to drop the saved photo count in that folder from 98 to 93.

I've double-checked this with ASTRO File Manager, and the files aren't visible there either. This happens primarily with the "Tumblr" and "Downloads" folders - they're the only two with greater than 100 files each (or Tumblr was, until recently).

I have 754 MB of free space still remaining (out of 12.92 GB) // Auto-backups are (and have been) turned off // Android version 4.3

Thank you!

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