I have a few wild thoughts that spring to mind.
Initially to me it sounded like a touch display feature to save battery power from accidental touches. Like if it were in a pocket and something tried to wake the device and it only comes on dimly at first to be sure it was an intentional waking. But even after it is clear that it was no accident it still remains.
It also sounded like an app overlaying the screen with something like an ad. The screen wouldn't really be dim, it would actually have a pop-up overlaying the display making the background appear dim but really it is just a blank ad. At the moment I kind of like this one. There is an app that
@B. Diddy likes to recommend, 'toast notification' or something like that, that tells you where pop-up ads and notifications come from. What app they come from that is. I assume if this is an ad it will work on it as well even if it's blank.
How quickly do you have to try to open the screen after putting it to sleep in order to get this effect? If you close and open it without removing your finger, almost instantly then, does it happen then, if you put the phone down and pick up in 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 1 minute?
You say that you have to wait a few minutes for it to open normally after this occurs, is there a magic amount of time where you know it will wake correctly? I just turned my screen off, if I go back and check the weather it will be dim but if I wait 2 1/2 minutes it'll be OK, or I'll have to wait 5 minutes?
Does this happen in Safe Mode? If it doesn't happen in SM that more than likely points to an app being the cause. If it happens in SM that could indicate that there is a hardware or system problem. This is probably the most important question, please include the answer to this question in your reply.