My P20 was working fine today, then suddenly I heard it vibrate, as if turning on. The screen was black, then it vibrated and I got the simple "Huawei - powered by android" screen, which is white letters on a black background. That screen stays on about 5 seconds, then turns black for a couple of seconds. Then this repeats. It's now been doing this for about 6 hours.
When I hold the power button down, it has no effect, no matter how long I hold it. The same for holding the power and volume up buttons at the same time.
I can't turn it off, nor can I turn it fully on. It just keeps on going through this cycle.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to how to stop the cycle?
When I hold the power button down, it has no effect, no matter how long I hold it. The same for holding the power and volume up buttons at the same time.
I can't turn it off, nor can I turn it fully on. It just keeps on going through this cycle.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to how to stop the cycle?