I had been fully satisfied with my 3 XL other than a dwindling battery, and found no real motivation to move to the 4 XL when it came out. Being on T-Mobile and hence able to more readily take advantage of the (coverage) benefits of its 5G network, I looked at the 5, 4a5G, and S20 FE. With a combination of promotions I ended up being able to trade in my 3 XL for the S20 FE 5G at effectively no cost, so figure I'd give the Samsung a try.
I know that in virtually every respect the hardware is better. And I recognize it clearly in terms of display (at least compared to my 3 XL) and battery (I'm still getting 8-9h SOT!). But at 6 months, any dispensation I might have given it for needing a learning curve is gone, and I can say that - for me - it simply requires more conscious effort to do nearly anything on the phone; the Pixels are, in a word, effortless, and I sorely miss that.
Likewise, I just don't get the same never-miss results with the S20 FE that I did with the 3 XL, and while I gather that Pixels haven't improved substantially, I find it difficult to imagine that they have regressed. Yes, the S20 FE has wide angle and telephoto, but the vast majority of pictures I take involve neither, and they are routinely less pleasing than those produced even by my 3 XL.
In retrospect, I wish I had gone with the 4a 5G (definitely would have a hard time with the smaller phone), as while the battery life might not be as insanely long as the S20 FE, it would still be leaps and bounds better than that of the 3 XL.
"Grass is always greener on the other side" - I will definitely be returning back to the Pixel line unless there is something compellingly difficult to accept with them.