Pixel XL Ordering Nightmare!

I am gonna call BS on their address excuse.. I, like you, have had numerous items sent from Google to my address and all were problem free..

I think this is just the BS answer they are giving out. I assume this has happened a lot with Pixel orders getting cancelled and they need a scripted excuse to give out..

When my 1st order was cancelled they said they didn't know why it happened. When my 2nd order was cancelled I was given 2 or 3 different excuses before they settled on the my address was missing the # sign before my unit...

Both of those cancelled orders were with the Play Store. Order # 3 is through Fi. I spoke with a Fi supervisor after placing order 3 and he verified my address is correct. He was nice and gave me a $30 credit on my next Fi bill for the headache..

Time will tell If order # 3 from Fi is cancelled or ships. This order has a delivery date of the 24th with one day shipping so that means it will either ship or be cancelled by Friday..
Only reason I didn't jump straight to b.s. on the address thing is because during my first call they did feed me a load of b.s. (about the payment auth thing and updating my details or trying another card), AND I had actually discovered an "address undeliverable" error under my transactions in Google Wallet (a transaction history page I found totally by random when following old FAQs).

This was prior to my second call where they arrived at the address excuse, and Google Play itself nor my cancellation email never stated a reason.... It'd be pretty silly to bury a b.s. note as an excuse on a Wallet Transaction page that most people never look at, so I'm inclined to believe it was auto generated and their order system is just being unusually awful... Who knows tho.

This would be a lot easier to swallow on a $400 Nexus, that's for sure, on a $750+ Pixel it's making me question their commitment to service and playing in the big leagues. Like I said, I still want the thing because it's the most appealing phone out there for me, but darn they're making it hard to justify it...
In my case Google is full of shiz... I've had about 12 previous orders that went through just fine. I had to laugh when the said my address was wrong because it did not have the # sign before my unit number..

I've had 2 Pixel orders cancelled and that's Google excuse? LOL.. They were full price purchases and I have plenty in the cards account to cover the charges..

I don't think Google has a clue and this was some lame excuse they gave..

Oh well, I'll take it as a sign that I am not suppose to get the phone and move on. I was already planning on getting the new MacBook Pro next week so maybe an iPhone is in my future.. I've never tried continuity between iPhone and Mac so this might be a signal for me to do so.. LOL

I just can't understand how you had previous orders go through but now because of a #sign things would go sideways.
I can't remember a time when ordering a phone from Google wasn't a pain in the ***.
Every year there's a horror story of ordering when it should be the most pain-free process since it's straight from Google.

I wonder if HTC will sell the Pixel/XL directly from their site...
Pftttttt... I can get by with 16 and since Google gives you unlimited high res video and photo storage, I assume for most 32 would be a-ok..

I wouldn't have thought that... I guess it's because I use my phone as my media player (and no, when you put your music on a microSD it does not work as well...); that does take up a lot...

Still... A $769 phone with only 32GB just doesn't seem right to me.
I can't remember a time when ordering a phone from Google wasn't a pain in the ***.
Every year there's a horror story of ordering when it should be the most pain-free process since it's straight from Google.

I wonder if HTC will sell the Pixel/XL directly from their site...

My Nexus 5 was surprisingly painless, even getting the SIM from a local Sprint store without having the phone in the hand went well... I do remember other's horror stories tho, specially as far as securing that SIM. Launches pre N5 were complete debacles, they've gotten better but not good enough IMO, specially at their current price point.

Isn't the XL sold out like everywhere? Even VZW? That just shouldn't happen, and service snafus like mine are just sloppy work IMO.
So...A supervisor called me around 3PM EST and talked to me about the issue.

So he apologized that the system never updated my order in the account and that it should have been notified as the status changed. I explained that I should be on the 1st wave of orders and the lack of info has just been frustrating. He said that unfortunately I'd have to join the wait-list and re-order but that he'd mark my account to get the DayDream headset whenever I get to order a Pixel. So yeah...Sucks. Google's retail isn't ready for PrimeTime in my book, but I still hope I can get a Pixel XL ASAP!

Sorry to hear this happened to you. IMO if the retailer made an error they should correct it and place your order right away.
I wouldn't buy the address bit either, my order went through and i mistakenly put the wrong city and zip and mine still shipped. Now its within 50 miles of me and I will not get it cause my screw up, I couldn't get anyone to hold it at a facility for me to pick up. Who knows how long it will take to be to get refunded, which is kind of okay since its on back order for who knows how long.
This thread makes no sense. I ordered from Verizon and my Pixel is at home waiting for me to get home from the hospital. But all over this site I kept reading not to order from Verizon, it makes no sense to not order from Google, you'd have to be out of your mind to order from Verizon. But the Verizon order had no problems.
I'm so confused
This thread makes no sense. I ordered from Verizon and my Pixel is at home waiting for me to get home from the hospital. But all over this site I kept reading not to order from Verizon, it makes no sense to not order from Google, you'd have to be out of your mind to order from Verizon. But the Verizon order had no problems.
I'm so confused

It looks like Verizon shipped their devices earlier, just as carriers did in other countries. Google waited until the last minute to ship their devices out from what I've been seeing. Also there were probably fewer orders through Verizon than through Google. Meaning less of a logistics mess and easier distribution of available devices.

I'm curious how this compares to an iPhone launch, anyone that previously pre-ordered an iPhone have anything to say? Is Google just really bad at this pre-order and launch thing or is this common with Apple too?
Because the Verizon version is locked down and most people don't want that. I'm a vzw customer and bought from Google because it's unlocked. Also gives it a higher resale value because it can be used anywhere. But if you don't care about any of that then vzw is definitely a completely fine option. I even considered it, but decided against it.

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