Pokemon Hatched from Eggs


Well-known member
Oct 20, 2013
Is the probability of hatching a certain type of pokemon the same for all? Or are there some pokemon with a rarer hatch rate?

I've read that the location where you get the egg and where it hatches has nothing do to with what type of pokemon you get. Truth?
Pokémon hatched from eggs are random with the exception of Pokémon that hatch from 2km eggs are one group, 5km is one group, and 10km is one group.
10km eggs will have your rarer Pokémon in them. There's a chart somewhere that lays out which Pokémon are in which egg group.
Pokémon hatched from eggs are random with the exception of Pokémon that hatch from 2km eggs are one group, 5km is one group, and 10km is one group.
10km eggs will have your rarer Pokémon in them. There's a chart somewhere that lays out which Pokémon are in which egg group.

What I'm asking is in each group, are there pokemon that are harder to hatch than others? Or are they all equal?
I believe it's all randomized, but I see what you mean. It *feels* like we always get common hatches. ;)

F-ing A.... Thanks! Now I know why I never seen a clefairy or jigglypuff from an egg.... ;[

I wouldn't put much stock in that. For one, having played Pokémon 15 years, I've never heard of that site which means it's not a hugely reliable source for Pokémon information to begin with. And for two, where is their math for hatch percentages? Where did they come up with those numbers? How many eggs did they hatch to get those numbers? Do you have any other sources that verify this information? There's not enough available information to use it as a verified and trusted source.
With only 7, 10k eggs out of 151 hatched, it is not a huge group to verify the above list but all I have had so far are on it correctly. I did hatch a Pinsir but thought it was from a 5k egg. I could have easily been incorrect though, that day I had a 5k and 10k pop at the same time. I got an 82.2% Porygon and the 91.1% Pinsir. I catch a lot of Pinsirs but only one other Porygon.

The 2k and 5k eggs I really do not carefully remember which come from which so could not verify any on the list.

I also got a Pidgie from my first 10k egg. That was in the first weeks of the game though and I had heard that had been corrected. Since than I have had good hatches from them. I have not had that many so actually have them written down. All except 3 out of 7, I have received enough candies to fully power them up, for the level I was. All except one have had great scores, upper 80’s or better. The only low scoring one is Magmar: Ember/Fire Blast, 64.4%, 14-0-15.
I'm not sure it's entirely random. Eggs that I got in Marco Island, Florida seemed to hatch mostly water type, even while no longer in Florida. Then I got some eggs in Colorado and the one that I have hatched so far was a Pikachu (lots of electric and rock in Colorado). So maybe it's somewhat random but also based on where you got the egg.

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