Popup ad out of control - IBM Cloud Softlayer


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2012
This popup ad is taking over the entire page focus, and happens every single time when navigating this site - forums and on the main AC pages.

I didn't see a way to report this. Has been omnipresent all morning long. Please fix.
Agreed. Yesterday this site was down, now today it is out of control popups. It is also VERY slow. As I type, I see nothing then when I finish a word it starts filling in. All Part of what happened yesterday?
Yes, this IBM Cloud Softlayer ad is ridiculous. Every page, if you go back, forward or reload it is there. Clicking the X doesn't make it go away for 10 seconds. I posted in another thread in this heading yesterday that these ads are making the whole forums unacceptable, slow and unreadable. What a shame as I get a lot out of this site, but it is so slow it reminds me of dial up.....and I have Cox Gigablast fiber. This is the slowest site on the entire internet. Someone is making a lot of money off these ads!
Please kill this ad. Totally wrecks the site experience - makes it feel as though your computer just got hacked.
Agreed! This popup constantly comming up, all day yesterday and again so far today!
I downloaded AdBlock and added it to my browser and it stopped the IBM ad completely. I did this yesterday, 9/11. You might want to give it a try. It's free and rated rather well.
Just wanted to mention that I have noticed the same problem on the news portion of the AC site, and a couple of the other Mobile Nations sites.

As others have mentioned...Please fix the problem.

Thanks again to all here for reporting and discussing. Always best not to freak out, just report to me here and we can look into it :)
Always feel free to drop me a PM or contact me via social I have a pretty good ability to reach the techs, and James and such. ;) @pkcable (I'm the Q&A Team Leader, which means I volunteer and help with the answering of questions along with a team of folks, and James is our boss)

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