Pre for Hero


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Nov 6, 2009
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I have a NIB Palm Pre that I would like to trade for your HTC Hero. I am new to Android Central, I didn't see a marketplace, so I thought I would post here. I also have the Touchstone.
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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2009
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This made me LOL. Sorry, but I highly doubt you're going to find anyone in these forums that want to trade. It's pretty evident now that the Pre (or more-so WebOS) is a POS in its current state. Sorry, maybe try selling your Pre on Ebay or Craigslist then using that to buy a Hero.


Nov 9, 2009
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This made me LOL. Sorry, but I highly doubt you're going to find anyone in these forums that want to trade. It's pretty evident now that the Pre (or more-so WebOS) is a POS in its current state. Sorry, maybe try selling your Pre on Ebay or Craigslist then using that to buy a Hero.

Your ignorance is quite insulting. Seems like you know nothing about WebOS.
I have used both phones and the only reason someone would choose the Hero over the Pre is because the hardware is unreliable. I have gone through 3 pres because of it. The reason i'm sticking with it is because webOS is unbelievable and is better in many aspects than sense.


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2009
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This made me LOL. Sorry, but I highly doubt you're going to find anyone in these forums that want to trade. It's pretty evident now that the Pre (or more-so WebOS) is a POS in its current state. Sorry, maybe try selling your Pre on Ebay or Craigslist then using that to buy a Hero.

Fail. WebOS is quite possibly one of the best OS's out right now, the only reason I traded my Pre in for Hero is because of the battery life (I think I had a Chinese battery vs. the must better Japanese battery, at least this is what I've read..). In a couple years, with more development time, I think WebOS could be better than Sense (and even now, in many cases, it actually is better than Sense, especially after reading this). If there ever is a Pre 2 with WebOS and improved battery life, count me in. WebOS has a very bright future and is actually a very, very well done OS. Your comment made me "LOL".. The sky is truly the limit for WebOS.

Anyway, check out Ebay and Craigslist, or even ask around your residential community and see if anyone is willing to trade. No one on here will trade simply because it's an Android forum, so most of these people either are getting a Hero or have/love their current Hero, so I highly doubt you'll find anyone here.
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