Problem using WORD with Samsung Tablet and Wireless External Keyboard


Mar 13, 2012
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I'm using a Galaxy Tab A8, SM-X200, Android version 11.

I have wireless keyboard that works perfectly with all other applications except WORD.

When typing in Word (from Office suite), the words I type "auto-correct" or modify themselves into gibberish. (meaningless nonsense words). When I say "auto-correct", I mean that the words automatically change into an unintelligible word. When I back-space and try again, I get the same exact nonsense word(s). I ultimately have to stop typing and use the on-screen keyboard if I want the words to be written properly.

For example, often, when typing any word followed by a space, Word puts a "." (period) in place of the last letter of the word. Example: I type the word "special", followed by a space, and Word replaces it with "specia."

Another example: When typing the word "suffering", Word changed it to "ssufferin". When I typed the word "cumbersome", Word changed it to "cucumbersom".

When I correct the gibberish word with the wireless keyboard, I get the same gibberish correction from Word.
It also repeatedly replaces my commas with periods.

This only happens in Word, and it happens in almost every sentence, so I cannot use Word for long-term writing on my tablet. Using the on-screen keyboard is laborious for large documents.

I tried turning OFF the spell check feature (even though that's not really this issue), but that didn't help.
The keyboard works perfectly typing in Google Docs and in this text box. No issues. This is a Word issue.

Any advice?

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2012
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it may be useful if you paste an example of what you intend to type alongside what ends up being typed into word. it maybe the word has its own internal language settings and is changing it to a foreign language.