Push Gmail Through Stock Email App?


Dec 7, 2014
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I have been banging my skull all day trying to figure this one out. I am trying to set up my gmail account using the stock email app using exchange. I am trying to have a combined inbox from all three sources of my emails vs having different apps for each email provider and I want instant emails (hence using exchange). I have set up my msn and live accounts with no hitches using exchange but I keep getting the error "you do not have permission to sync with this server".

I am using \gmail address as domain/username and m.google.com as server.

Questions: first off, is what I'm trying to do even possible or do I need to use IMAP? Will IMAP get me "instant" emails since the settings only show frequencies to receive emails (i.e. every 5/10/15 mins etc.)?

Please help, I'm losing sleep....

Moto X on Verizon


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Feb 12, 2012
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Questions: first off, is what I'm trying to do even possible or do I need to use IMAP? Will IMAP get me "instant" emails since the settings only show frequencies to receive emails (i.e. every 5/10/15 mins etc.)?
Pretty much. Set the sync "time" to Push or Automatic.

And let the email app set the account up, unless it can't find the ports, server names, etc., by itself. (Email is quite sophisticated these days - an email client can query an email server for the proper setup data. The only exception I know of is an Exchange Server account set up in a totally weird way - then you need the settings to set up the account. But many Exchange admins are now setting Exchange up to accept IMAP connections, so any email app can connect.)

As a personal note, I use Email. It's not my ideal, but Mozilla hasn't come out with an Android version of Thunderbird yet, and Agent is Windows-only.


Dec 7, 2014
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When I try to set up through IMAP I am only given the options of syncing every 5/10/20 minutes etc., there is no push or automatic option. On my Samsung S3 I set it up using exchange which allowed the push option but I am getting errors trying to set up exchange on the Moto X. Any ideas? Do I need to factory wipe or maybe just clear cache on gmail and exchange?

Totally obsessed now with getting this fixed but I keep running into roadblocks, any help is appreciated.


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Jan 20, 2011
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As far as I know, the only way to get your email to push is through the gmail app. using a gmail address. If that is what you want, (Which is what I wanted) you will have to forward all your email to your Gmail address. This of course makes you have double emails because they do not sync with the other accounts.