This is a quick question. When a post is marked Solved, is that something I can do to my posts or is that restricted to the moderators.
Ok thankdI know you can mark a member for a solution but a Thread most likely by Moderator
If you ask a question and someone answers with a correct answer, you can mark their answer as a solution to your question. But no, you cannot go around marking other people's answers to other people's questions as solved. That is left to the Moderators and those with privileges to do so.This is a quick question. When a post is marked Solved, is that something I can do to my posts or is that restricted to the moderators.
LMAO...I see that would be bad. i was thinking more posts I've made.If you ask a question and someone answers with a correct answer, you can mark their answer as a solution to your question. But no, you cannot go around marking other people's answers to other people's questions as solved. That is left to the Moderators and those with privileges to do so.