QuintessArt for Android - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery


New member
Nov 28, 2010
QuintessArt for Android is a virtual museum, a virtual gallery that presents greatest masterpieces in a nice way via tab navigation (3 different activities at the same time) with slideshow,quiz, bookmarks,notes,suggestions, intuitive and speedy search for paintings (+Instant Search)+sharing of paintings/bookmarks/notes. QuintessArt is educational and is a playful activity.

QuintessArt proposes nice user experience when searching for paintings. The application provides cool search interface, making you discover new paintings via suggestions, bookmarks, notes, slideshow,sharing paintings, notes and bookmarks by email and a quiz. It enables in a cool manner to learn more about currents and great painters. For the moment more than 20 painters, 8 currents and more than 1600 paintings...more coming soon.
Want to discover Monet, Manet, Courbet, Klimt, Boticelli ...or Impressionnism, Fauvism, Realism, Romanticism, Symbolism ...QuintessArt !

Materials and complete guide are available at: QuintessArt

a PDF help resource:quintessart.pdf at https://accounts.google.com/Service...ZkMDI2Yjc4ODRm/view?usp=drive_web&hl=en&hl=en

and more screenshots at:
Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro...

New video Demo available on youtube for QuintessArt: YouTube - QuintessArt - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android and YouTube - QuintessArt - virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android

Follow us :mad:quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter)

A free version of the application with ads is also available (http://market.android.com/details?id=com.masterdevx.quintessart_ads).

QuintessArt (free with ads)

QuintessArt (1euros)

















painters,currents,museum,mus?e,galerie,gallery,diaporama,slideshow,quiz,masterpieces,oeuvres,arts,artists,paintings,tableaux,search,android,orsay,louvre,hermitage,pinacotheque,Claude Monet,Edouard Manet,Gustave Courbet,Gustav Klimt,Boticelli,Rubens,Paul Gauguin,Vincent Vangogh,Henri matisse,Caravage,Johannes Vermeer,Paul Cezanne,Tintoret,Eugene Boudin,Francisco de Goya,Diego Velasquez,Arcimboldo,Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot,Camille Pissarro,Arcimboldo,Bruegel,Gustave Caillebotte,Leonard de Vinci,Auguste Renoir,Impressionnism,Realism,Symbolism,Renaissance,Fauvism,Mannerism,Romanticism,joconde,dejeuner,canotier,ombrelle,nature morte,dessins,huile sur toile,oil on canvas


New member
Nov 28, 2010

Some changelogs for recent updates (see for details QuintessArt or @quintessart):

*App version:2.1.0
*Database version:2

*bug fix in suggestions for bookmarks
*fullscreen toggle in zoom activity

*Tags enabled for you & for each paintings for contribution to tag paintings;u can manage your Tags (add/remove/share/edit) in "1st Tab/gallery button/My Tags" or "shortcuts/My Tags"
*enhanced search with multiple query (OR and AND conditions):"gard + wom" will look for "women OR garden";"gard & wom" or "gard * wom" for "women in garden" (women AND garden);u can add refine feature:"gard & wom c.imp" for "women in garden in impressionnist paintings"
*share an annotation about a particular painting (gallery/your painting/edit note/share); the painting, if aldready downloaded will be in attachment automatically;
*download the thumbnails only for selected painters or currents (instead of whole available thumbnails) & you can download a specific thumbnail in gallery or Quiz (one or whole for played quiz)
*bug fixed in "complete list" for currents (there was a matching error)
*thumbnails download more stable (mainly no more missing thumbnails :) .. if any do another check)
*more painters & masterpieces coming soon via a 2nd OTA update, we're working on it :)
*see blog & YouTube - QuintessArt - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android


New member
Nov 28, 2010
QuintessArt Update 2.2 in the Android Market


A new version of QuintessArt is available in the Android Market.
Version 2.2

Follow us for updates and tips: @quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter)

Main changelogs:
*new sharing options for paintings/notes/tags/bookmarks pictures+text (text is copied automatically;just paste it :) ) & single or multiple pictures in attachments (mail/twitpic/twitter-like apps/picasa/facebook/ ...)
*download whole thumbnails for a gallery
*bug fix in gallery/thumbnail download
*gallery/long click on missing thumbnails for options+menu
*minor bug fixes+more stable UI

In gallery, you can long-click on a thumbnail not downloaded yet (yellow arrow); you will be able to download it or download whole thumbnails of this gallery.
The option is also available in menu/gallery/download thumnails of this gallery.
After downloading thumbnails of the gallery you can reload the gallery (follow message box or menu/gallery/reload) or just scroll on thumbnails (those that are appearing are automatically reloaded).

For new sharing options (with mail/twitter+twitpic+other clients like seesmic-touiteur-tweetcaster-twidroyd/Facebook/picasa/goggles/messaging/flickroid..etc); the description text or notes are automatically copied so that you have just to paste it in your message if it doesn't appear automatically (e.g. Facebook that loads only the image or twitter official app):

*from gallery: you can share paintings/notes with paintings/pictures in attachment
*from main activity:bookmarks/tags/notes with all pictures in attachment+description/notes associated to each painting automatically copied

QuintessArt (free with ads)

QuintessArt (1euros)

Some screenshots below :)

(see Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro...)

For PixelPipe app: picture is not attached=>goggle app/share + paste the text that is yet copied or you can use also mail options :)



New member
Nov 28, 2010
Some tips for QuintessArt (see QuintessArt)
(see also: 1st Tab/menu/help/Tips :) or QuintessArt: Tips for QuintessArt )

Materials and complete guide are available at: QuintessArt

a PDF help resource:quintessart.pdf at https://accounts.google.com/Service...ZkMDI2Yjc4ODRm/view?usp=drive_web&hl=en&hl=en

and more screenshots at:
Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro...

New video Demo available on youtube for QuintessArt: YouTube - QuintessArt - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android and YouTube - QuintessArt - virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android

Follow us :mad:quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter)

First run:if connected (3G+/WIFI) download the database (following the first message)+download thumbnails (menu/data/thumbnails)+enjoy :)
Shortcuts:with long click on ("gallery button" for "Notes")/("Bookmarks icon in main page" for "sharing bookmarks and retrieve top bookmarks")/("share button in gallery" for "web search")
Shortcut:long click("gallery button" 4 "Notes")/("star icon main" 4 "sharing/retrieve bookmarks")/("share button/gallery" 4 "web search")
Shortcuts:with long click on ("Edit button in gallery" for Tags add/retrieve/send)

Tags:Edit/Add/Share/manage tags in "My Tags"=>main activity/gallery button/My Tags or menu/shortcuts/My Tags
Tags:Retrieve Tags for a particular painting in Gallery/the painting you want/long click on edit button or menu/gallery/tags
Tags:you can also import your tags by modifying the file "my_tags.txt" in sdcard/quintessart/my_tags.txt";semicolon separated tags (!important)
Tags:u can search multiple tags by checking multiple entries in "My Tags" and "search selected tags"

Tips/Sharing:text or description is aldready copied to clipboard when sharing,just paste it in your message/caption/tweet :)
Share with mail/twitter+twitpic+other clients like seesmic-touiteur-tweetcaster-twidroyd/Facebook/picasa/goggles/messaging/flickroid..etc
From gallery: you can share paintings/notes with paintings/pictures in attachment and text/notes copied in body message;paste it if needed
From main activity:bookmarks/tags/notes with all pictures in attachment+description/notes associated to each painting automatically copied
For PixelPipe & like app: picture is not attached=>goggle app/share + paste the text that is yet copied or you can use also mail options :)

Tips/Ways to discover new paintings with QuintessArt:bulb light icon on main page(based on your bookmarks)(Demo YouTube - QuintessArt - Virtual Museum/Art Gallery for Android)
Tips/Ways to discover new paintings:Gallery/Related Paintings (Links button)/Suggestions (based on actual painting
Tips/Ways to discover new paintings:Gallery/long click on Edit Button (or menu/gallery/tags)/Tags/add to My Tags or "see selected"
Tips/Ways to discover new paintings:Home/My tags (gallery button or menu/shortcuts)/see selected
Tips/Ways to discover new paintings:Top Downloaded/Top Bookmarks (gallery button or menu/shortcuts)+long click or click
Tips/Ways to discover new paintings:Instant Search (lightning icon or menu/shortcuts);start typing whatever you want+long click or click or "red button"
Tips/Ways to discover new paintings:Search:"suggestions" category;long click on a row for options & send all suggested results to gallery

with long click on ("gallery button" for "Notes")/("Bookmarks icon in main page" for "sharing bookmarks and retrieve top bookmarks")/("share button in gallery" for "web search")
long click("gallery button" 4 "Notes")/("star icon main" 4 "sharing/retrieve bookmarks")/("share button/gallery" 4 "web search")
Tips/shortcuts:"1st Tab(main)/menu/shortcuts","2nd Tab(gallery)/menu/gallery",long click (star icon/gallery/search/edit/share button)
long click/ ("gallery button" for "Notes")/("Bookmarks icon,main page"=>"sharing/retrieve bookmarks")/("gallery share button"=>"web search")

Tips/Tags:in "1st Tab/gallery button/my tags" or "/menu/shortcuts/myTags" or in gallery/long click on "edit button"
Tips/Tags:you can add to your tags/edit them/remove/share/retrieve tags from a painting/add these tags to your tags/search selected tags;

Search:"portr&186 c.im" (or replace the ampersand by *) will search fir "portraits in impressionism in 60's"
Search:"portr*186 p.mon" (ou bien remplacer l'etoile par une esperluette) vous renverra les portraits peints par Monet dans les ann?es 60
Search with refine:?p.? for ?painter? and ?c.? for ?current?;?portr? for ?portrait? or ?self-portrait?;?wom? for ?woman or women?;
Search ?portrp.m? for ?portrait from painters Monet or Manet or Vermeer";
Search with refine:?portrp.mc.im? for ?impressionnist portraits from Monet or Manet?;?gardp.mon? for ?gardens in Monet paintings?;
Search with refine:?186c.im? for ?impressionnist paintings in the 60's? (i.e. from 1860 to 1869);
Search with refine:?orsp.mon? for ?Monet's paintings at Orsay?;
Search with refine:?franc.fau? for ?fauvist paintings in France?;"francp.mon" for "Monet's paintings in France";"francc.imp" for "Impressionist paintings in France"
Tips /Search:long click on thumbnail will bring contextual informations:"informations"/"see this painting"/"see results of this category"
Tips/Instant Search(lightning icon or long click on search button in 1st Tab):long click brings contextual info;single click send to gallery
Tips/Instant Search:click on red button ("OK" button with number of results) will launch a complete search with the query you were typing

Tips for Quiz:first start, choose menu/new to start the first question
Tips for Quiz:choose your answer+push correct button+push "next button";in menu/#questions: choose your number+start new quiz to take effect
Tips for Quiz:for each question,informations are available about the painter or the current or the painting (see below choices after answer)
Tips /Quiz:the timer is paused if you've answered a question & replay only with a new question:u can do what u want between questions :)
Tips/Quiz:informations about painter/painting and other is available by clicking on the blue button below the answers :)
Tips/Quiz:more than 1500 questions about paintings and painters to learn styles/biographies/currents
Tips/Quiz:statistics of your Quiz are availbale in "quiz/menu/score" for each category of #questions
Tips/Quiz:Timer stops when u finish answer a question so that u can do what you want before the next question;"info button" available below
Tips/Quiz:Choices for the same question are re-ordered & restart option re-order also the questions to be more challenging ;-)

Tips for Slideshow: single click stop slideshow+appears nav-buttons;pause button will replay the slideshow;in menu/effects:pause button or "previous/next button" to take effect
Tips/Slideshow:single click stops+appears nav-buttons;pause button replays;in menu/effects:replay or "previous/next button" to take effect
Tips for Slideshow: automatic download of paintings via menu/download/download missing
Tips for Slideshow/gallery: better experience on Wifi or 3G+
Tips for Slideshow/gallery: with automatic download (menu/download/missing)=>better experience on Wifi or 3G+
Tips for Slideshow:toggle to enable/disable fullscreen mode within slideshow in "menu/fullscreen";to see changement push "play" or next/prev if necessary
Tips/Slideshow:toggle enable/disable fullscreen mode in slideshow in "menu/fullscreen";see changement=>"replay" or next/prev if necessary

Tips/Gallery:After downloading thumbnails for the gallery just reload it (message or menu/gallery/reload) or scroll to see changements
Tips/Gallery: =>(settings/the gallery)shake your phone in gallery to load 10 paintings at random !lean on right/left to automatically slide !
Tips/Gallery:eek:n Aplication start,QuintessArt loads around 30 paintings at random to discover new paintings at each start of the application :)
Tips for gallery:in menu/gallery/previous galleries/ you can retrieve previously visited galleries (limit to 50 for the moment)/useful to retrieve particular paintings
Tips for gallery:report button: you can remove the actual downloaded painting or all the downloaded paintings of the actual painter (all paintings of Monet for instance)
Tips for gallery:wallpaper button is at the bottom of the gallery :)
Tips for gallery:in menu/slideshow you will have a slideshow of the current gallery (e.g. slideshow of all Paintings of Monet from the gallery)
Tips for gallery:long click on "share button" will enable web search for the current painter or current painting (useful to retrieve more informations)
Tips for Gallery:click on thumbnail to see information or download the painting;click on the painting to see details/zoom;multitouch enabled
Tips for Gallery:you can set as wallpaper any painting downloaded within QuintessArt ("gallery/set as wallpaper button")
Tips for gallery:you can see informations about a painting without downloading it (click informations button)
Tips for Gallery:the option "shake in the gallery" will allow to shake your phone in the gallery to load 10 paintings at random
"shake in the gallery" enable also automatic slide of paintings in the gallery if you lean your phone to the right or to the left :)
Tips/Gallery:long click on thumbnails brings filtering options;you can then bookmark all the paintings of this gallery
Tips/filtering:Monet'S Gallery/filtering:what are Monet's paintings in France?in Orsay?
Tips/Gallery:u can switch from 3D effect to flat when sliding thumbnails=>"1st Tab/menu/display"
Tips/Gallery:in "gallery (2nd Tab)/menu/gallery" u have "previous galleries" that enables to visit again a previous gallery (~50 available)
Tips/Gallery:multi-touch enabled for paintings (in 2nd Tab:Gallery/click on painting)+infos in menu
Tips/Gallery:long click on "share button" in gallery brings "web search" with predefined painter/current to know more about painter/painting
Tips/Gallery:u can put as wallpaper any downloaded paintings (2nd Tab/put as wallpaper button, below info)

QuintessArt (free with ads)

QuintessArt (1euros)



New member
Nov 28, 2010

If for some reasons QuintessArt crashes while viewing a painting,you can go back to this painting with "recents" button in main activity.
You can also retrieve recently visited galleries in gallery tab, menu/gallery/previous galleries.




If a custom message invites you to "download/reload/quit" due to initialization problem,you can ignore/escape this message:mostly QuintessArt will complete the unfinished tasks itself :)

Main error that occurs in QuintessArt is "out of memory error".it is due to an optimization difficulty when managing heavy images in Android.we're working on it :)

Complete Tips are available in "1st Tab/menu/help/Tips" or QuintessArt or QuintessArt: Tips for QuintessArt

Follow us for Tips & updates: @quintessart

Enjoy with QuintessArt :)


New member
Nov 28, 2010

Some users ask for ways to download thumbnails and paintings. Below we give some hints :)

Images (paintings and thumbnails) and Database for QuintessArt are downloaded when using the application (when QuintessArt starts for first time, it asks you to download the database). Thumbnails that have not been downloaded aldready appear with an orange arrow (download invite; the choice for the user to download or not). You have several ways to download these thumbnails and so to preview paintings before downloading them.

There are more than 1600 paintings and you can download thumbnails (for paintings, painters and currents) and pictures, one-by-one (each thumbnail is around 3Ko and each painting is around 500Ko) or part of them or whole with different possibilities.

For thumbnails (see screenshots below):
*in main activity (1st Tab): menu/data management/download thumbnails/ then choose the painters or the currents you want to download (you can choose All also :)
*in gallery: if a thumbnail is not downloaded (orange arrow), you can long press on it (with newest version of QuintessArt 2.2.0 ); it will ask you to download this particular thumbnail or all the missing thumbnails of this gallery; this menu is also available in /menu/gallery/download thumbnails of this gallery; the menu is also available when you click on a thumbnail/informations or download the associated painting/ report button (most left) then download thumbnail

*in Quiz:long press the thumbnail;it will ask u to download missing thumbnail or all the thumbnails of this Quiz;also available in /menu/data

For paintings (see screenshots below):
*in gallery: one by one by clicking on the corresponding thumbnail (titles are highlighted when you scroll or when you long press on the thumbnail=>escape if message or filtering options appear)

you can see informations on a particular painting without download it (click on thumbnail/choose informations)

*in slideshow:in menu/download you can choose to automatically download missing paintings (the timer is paused when downloading and just replay when the painting is displayed)

Screenshots for thumbnails download:

Screenshots for paintings download:

( see Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro... for more screenshots)

If you have some tips/review to share, do not hesitate, you're welcome :)

Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart ( quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter )

Enjoy with QuintessArt ;)


New member
Nov 28, 2010

A new version of QuintessArt is available in the Android Market (version 2.2.1 ).

It fixes several bugs in gallery/slideshow/main page for thumbnails/paintings/Tags.

Some user Bug reports and their fixes are available at:QuintessArt: Log Errors


*display of missing thumbnail when downloading painting
*bug fix for Long click/Download thumbnail
*bug fix for Tags edition/import
*bug fix for sending downloaded paintings to gallery
*other minor bug fixes in slideshow/gallery


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Way to discover new paintings in Quintessart :):

  • Suggestions in main page (based on your bookmarks) / light icon in nav bar or menu/shortcuts
  • Suggestions for each painting in Gallery Tab, related paintings button (nav bar, on the right below downloaded painting, near chare button)
  • Top downloaded, by QuintessArt users, in main page/gallery button or menu/shortcuts (an update is coming for daily/weekly/monthly/all the time most downloaded)
  • Top bookmarks (identically); just send yours to QuintessArt (share button in Top bookmarks or menu/shortcuts/share bookmarks) to update these statistics
  • Tags from gallery: just retrieve Tags from a particular painting in gallery tab (long click on edit button in nav bar or menu/gallery/tags) and "see selected" or add to your tags
  • Tags from main page: in your Tags (My Tags) in "gallery button/my tags" or menu/shortcuts/my tags" from which you can "edit/add/share/import" and "see selected"

See QuintessArt for more details.

Associated screenshots in QuintessArt :):

Enjoy with QuintessArt ;)


New member
Nov 28, 2010
QuintessArt support forum is launched : http://forum.quintessart.com !

You will find all useful elements to have better experience with QuintessArt (Features/Tips/Help/Questions & Answers/Feedback/Suggestions & Feature requests/Bug-errors Reports).

You will also find topics and categories dedicated to Art Lovers such as:

*Artists dedicated forum/special board: artist can expose/present their exposition/galleries/own works (dedicated forums)

*Art in general: techniques, museums, news

*Masterpieces of Old Masters with dedicated forums to each great painters (see for instance "De Vinci" forum: http://goo.gl/QHnEG )

Several options: polls, sharing with twitter/mail, RSS web feed ...etc

Follow us on Twitter for updates: @quintessart
Our blog:http://quintessart.blogspot.com

A screenshot:

Last edited:


New member
Nov 28, 2010

QuintessArt update available in the Android Market (version 2.3.0) ;-); new features on home screen+optimization+performances;enjoy !

Blog: QuintessArt

-add 4 home random paintings+associated options in main page (randomize,see painting/painter/current/suggestions/informations...)
-bug fix for OR statement in search (see "wom+portrc.im" for "impressionist portraits or paintings representing women")
-thumbnail download in slideshow
-ui optimization & performance improvement (e.g. randomization/search speedier)
-Size of Application reduced ;-)



New member
Nov 28, 2010
Shortcuts in QuintessArt:

Long click on:

*(main) gallery button => notes
*(main) search button => Instant Search
*(gallery tab) missing thumbnail => options for download (one or all missing for this gallery)
*(gallery tab) edit button => Tags
*(gallery tab) share button => web search with painting title/painter/year query
*(quiz) missing thumbnail => options for download (one or all missing for this quiz)

Click on:
*(main) thumbnails in main page => options
*(main) QuintessArt Icon => check update (Application)



New member
Nov 28, 2010

A new update available for QuintessArt is available in the Android Market (version 2.4.0) that brings:

*Art Events, Exhibitions,galleries with location,dates,links,contacts...
with filtering options+bookmarks+sharing events via sharing services like twitter/mail/messaging...+add to your calendar options (all fiels are prefilled, including dates :) ) in QuintessArt !

*We add "Top Downloaded paintings of the week" to see more dynamic changements and discover nicely new interesting paintings pointed by QuintessArt users

*We add also a "Less downloaded paintings" to see paintings that have not yet been explored too much :)

Some screenshots below and the rest here:Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro... (QuintessArt - Picasaweb)

Details for QuintessArt on our blog: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum (QuintessArt-Blog )
Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart

Enjoy with QuintessArt !

Art Events:

Top Downloaded paintings:



New member
Nov 28, 2010

A new version of QuintessArt is available inthe Android Market (version 2.5.0).

This update brings several new features:
  • A new game ! "Find the Intruder !" is a "Spot the Odd one Out " like game in which you have to identify 1 or 2 or ...8 paintings of a given master among a set of paintings from other painters; educative, informative as you can see informations/see the associated paintings in the gallery tab and shuffle through all available thumbnails (1700 available :) for this version); a new design is also proposed for the display in grid view; you can share your scores
  • real-time Top downloaded of the month/week/all the time
  • search option in Art events; filtering options according to cities/countries
  • several bug fixes in gallery/slideshow

Some screenshots below, as usual (see Quintessart on Picasaweb for more screenshots Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro... ):

First panel in which you analyse/observe/learn paintings of a selected master (you can select a master via menu or let the random choice :) ):

Second panel in which you have to find the paintings of the selected painter amon a set of other masterpieces of other painters:

If there are missing thumbnails, you can download them right there:

When the user validate a wrong painting, the background of the thumbnail becomes red, a message appears with title,painter and year of trhe associated painting with ability to see the painting in the gallery:

When a correct painting is validated, the background of the thumbnail becomes green, a little message appears with title and year of the painting:

Long click on a validated thumbnail brings ability to see the associated informations and see the painting in gallery:

When a thumbnail is missing, you always have the possibility to download it or download all missing thumbnails via long click or menu:

For Top Downloaded options:

For Art events:

Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter )
Our blog: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum

Enjoy with QuintessArt :)


New member
Nov 28, 2010

If you have any suggestions to make QuintessArt better, with art events,paintings,games,smart search,suggestions,bookmarks...etc, do not hesitate, we are "open" :)
We're working presently, besides other developments, on including details of certain paintings in order to have a deep zoom on the detail of the painting.

QuintessArt is an edutainment application and we want to make it a reference for Art Lovers and for discovering, in a playful manner, paintings of greatest masters of history !

See our blog: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum
Follow us on Twitter: @quintessart (quintessart (quintessart) on Twitter )

Enjoy with QuintessArt !


New member
Nov 28, 2010
QuintessArt is a Museum, an Art Gallery from greatest masters of history...in your hand !


For users that have problem to retrieve the thumbnails :)

Thumbnails available for QuintessArt, Virtual Museum for Android;paste "ldpi" dir in "sdcard/quintessart/" (5Mo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6...ew?usp=drive_web&num=50&sort=name&layout=list or 25Mo-higher quality: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6...ew?usp=drive_web&num=50&sort=name&layout=list )

An OTA update is upcoming with new painters/currents/museums:modigliani,seurat,bazille,ingres,signac,sisley,poussin,bouguereau...etc
We will upgrade soon the thumbnails links :)

our blog: http://quintessart.blogspot.com (http://su.pr/4OqlyO)
follow us on twitter: @quintessart

Last edited:


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Thank you all for your interest in QuintessArt ! QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Thank you all for your interests in QuintessArt ! (QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Thank you all for your interests in QuintessArt !)


You can download materials here: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Links for QuintessArt
Question and answers: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Questions & Answers
Answer to users' comments: QuintessArt - Virtual Art Gallery & Museum: Users' comments

All screenshots available on picasaweb: Picasa Web Albums - QuintessArt Andro...

We presently propose three versions of QuintessArt (Android Market https://forums.androidcentral.com/e...e/apps/developer?id=masterdevx&token=Erfbl43p and amazon appstore Amazon.com: masterdevx: Appstore for Android ):
*QuintessArt (https://forums.androidcentral.com/e...com.masterdevx.quintessart_ads&token=0riSR_Ay): complete virtual museum (notes, bookmarks,random,advanced search+refine, filters,suggestions,art events, stats...etc)
*QuintessArt Games (https://forums.androidcentral.com/e...sterdevx.quintessart_games_ads&token=av_vF2p0): dedicated to games related to art and paintings
*QuintessArt Gallery Lite (https://forums.androidcentral.com/e...devx.quintessart_galleries_ads&token=yJCAIlGL): discover in a simpler way the list of painters and paintings available in QUintessArt

If you have any suggestions or difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us: masterdevx@gmail.com or quintessart@gmail.com or on twitter @quintessart

Enjoy with QuintessArt !

Some screenshots:


QuintessArt Games

QuintessArt Gallery Lite


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