You might be on to something. You could try getting a friend to start speaking really high-pitched and see if this is an issue with some sort of voice filtering glitch.
Att has basically made this thing go away. They won't issue more trouble tickets and aren't following up with me as they promised. Any chance a number change would solve this issue?
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Wow, my first thought would be to boot into safe mode and see if it continues. (with phone powered off, Hold down both volume buttons as you turn on phone with Power button)Have to wonder if it's not my device. My phone also seems to dial people randomly. For example I'll jump into an app and instead it will call a contact or I'll click on a specific contact and it will call another. For whatever reason the person it always calls isn't he same contact. Thought?
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Nate, great read. I'm shocked ATT isn't up to snuff on this. They are asking to replace my phone again and tell me nobody else in my market had reported this issue so I guess the question is why am I getting it and hearing it often where others aren't. They are suggesting I try a phone alternate to my Note 4. I'm going to push for either an iPhone 6 plus or the big motion nexus 6. I'd prefer the nexus simply because I prefer android software.
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The two kinds of people who are going to know about this problem are:
1. Actual VoIP/Voice-over-data-protocol phone technicians who deal with this on a daily basis.
2. Geeks like me who don't mind scouring technical databases for days learning the relevance of various parameters to call people like #1 to have said settings adjusted on their devices where we don't have access to the settings ourselves.
Your average sales rep is not going to have a clue about the relationships between sound-based Landline protocols and the issues with voice compression over data messing up the quality of that signal.
I don't use my Note 4 for voice a lot, but I have to imagine that if this was a widespread problem it would be something that Samsung and AT&T would have fixed by now. It's a simple reduction in DTMF detection sensitivity. Unfortunately, probably not something you could access even if you rooted your phone - it's probably part of the closed-source voice protocol drivers and the parameters are likely not visible to you. I dunno, the last VoIP device I "hacked" to play with the parameters was a Linksys PAP.
You can try an experiment to see if it's something in the phone microphone or something by making some Google Hangouts calls, which use Google's VoIP code and not AT&T's/Samsung's. Since I pay by the minute for voice calls but have 5GB of included data in my plan, I rarely use AT&T's voice network to send or receive calls - I generally make and receive calls using my Google Voice number and Google Hangouts Dialler.
Thank you for posting this resolution. I ported from verizion to AT&T and was having that annoying beeping sound. My Note 4 is new and I was sent two refurbished phones. Thanks to you I still have my new phone and I sent the refurbished ones back. I turned off the enhanced voice and kept the standard data on. It tries to make the sound but fails. It is much better. I'm going to have AT&T remove the HD Voice from my service to stop it completely. It's no good to anyone unless the person your talking to is using HD Voice and has a compatible phone, which by the way there are not very many phones that work with HD Voice. Once again thank you for saving my new phone.My Note4 does the same thing. Male or female voice -makes no difference.
I almost always have my phone on wifi with mobile networks turned off. I left the box checked for Enhanced 4G LTE services. That way it was always on when I want to turn on mobile data.
Curious I unchecked the box for Enhanced services. Not one single dial beep since I did that several days ago. It used to happen several times during every phone call.
So the fix that worked for me is to not have Enhanced services turned on when not using standard data.
(settings, More networks, mobile Networks, Mobile Data, and either check or uncheck the boxes for standard data and enhanced.)
Keep in mind that if standard data is on it's ok to have enhanced on. If standard data is off then enhanced MUST be off also.