Random dialing beep while on phone call??

Kelly Kearns

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Jan 10, 2012
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So I went into the store today and got a new Sim and had them reset about every account setting they could and it didn't help. This is insane, how can you not solve an issue after 3 years!!!!!! I wonder why more Att customers aren't experiencing this and why their tech support people aren't informed on it? The majority off ATT tech people ive spoken too arent familiar with this issue. A tech agent is supposed to follow up with me again tomorrow. I may try a number swap. I'll keep everyone posted.

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Still reading, so don't know if you found a solution yet.

If not, call 611 and tell them you want an ICU case opened on this. If they won't do that, then go to the AT&T (not Uverse) page and paste you have a customer service issue. They will give you an email address and you give them all the info and they will assign your problem to an ICU case.


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Jul 12, 2015
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Hey everyone i have a note 4 and it beeps on calls replaced mine and my wifes phone, it still does it i also have done a factory reset still doing it, att denies that its their network and gave me three options

1 keep swaping the phones out which i get used phones even though I am paying monthly for new ones.

2 pay off the 500 dollar phone and upgrade. So two phones around $1000.00

3 add two new line and get different phones and stiil pay the note 4's off and make payments on the two new phones which will increase my bill.

So I am here today to say screw att they wont work with me on switching my phones for different ones. They have bad customer service i was on the phone with them for over 2 hours got transfered 7 times hung up on once. Just so they can say nope its not them they have never heard of this issue. That it has to be a phone issue not a network issue and that I have to deal with samsung.
I have also tunred the LTE off on my wifes phone and it still did it not as often but it still did it
Plus we are paying this company a ton of money a month to have phones that are suppose to be the best and fast and a network that is the best well we all know that isnt true.
So can somebody recommend a better phone company I had t mobile before and their signal strength wasnt the greatest.

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Jan 26, 2013
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It's never the fault of the company... whether it be phones, computers, software, automobiles, cameras, etc... you name it! To get some company to admit there's a problem on their end is like reaching for a star! They all feign ignorance and say "hmmm, that's the first I've ever heard of it!" I'm not at all surprised ATT is running from the OP! :cool:

Keva Hicks-Johnson

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Jul 31, 2015
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I have the same issue with my Note 4 that just started maybe a month and a half ago. I just got my phone in March of this year. I actually had my phone replaced with a warranty phone after they tried the factory reset first (which didn't fix the issue). Needless to say the problem still persists. I have just hung up with a very help AT&T rep who said he had the same complaint from another customer. We both went online to research it to see what we could find and he said it's a known Google issue and AT&T knows about it but it doesn't happen to everyone and I'm not sure if it's just related to Note/Note 4 users. Hopefully there will be a software update from Google but I wouldn't hold my breath for anytime soon. Ive just unchecked the Enhanced Services option since this was the fix for another user. Can't wait to see if I hear that dreaded tone anymore.

Keva Hicks-Johnson

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Jul 31, 2015
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I just tried your suggestion and unchecked Enhanced Services but left Standard Data checked. Did you leave that checked? It seemed necessary if I want my email, web browsing and push notifications to stay enabled across my cell network. I'll see what happens.

Sandi M

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Aug 2, 2015
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I have the same problem with my phone... and I don't talk to many females... it's doing it on almost every call, they cant hear it, which is weird because they can hear other beeps on my phone when im texting and stuff.
Turned off enhanced services.... fingers crossed...


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Aug 7, 2015
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I agree. It happens to me and I don't appreciate AT&T an Samsung personnel indicating that there is no such problem with my phone beeping when on a call. It is a problem - it is an ongoing problem. Just because they refuse to acknowledge it is a problem does not resolve the issue. It is very upsetting that I have to endure loud interruptive phone tones while I'm trying to speak on a cellular phone in this day and age. Mobile phones have been around for some time now and I have used dozens of cellphones throughout the last 4 decades but have never experienced such an inconveniencing tone while on a call before I spent a ridiculous amount for this phone. Someone at these firms are well aware this problem is happening and development dollars need to be allocated by these firms to ensure their products meet customer expectations. This is a blatant attempt to mislead the public. And, because this is a known problem and they are knowingly promoting the continued sale of these phones and misrepresenting the scope of the problem, they can justify this bait and switch tactic by telling you the solution is to send back your brand new phone so they can replace it with a refurbished one.

I'm not amused. The problem needs to be fixed. Obviously whoever provided the quality assurance for these phones did not do an adequate job as a competent QA would have found the issue and reported it so it could be addressed before it became an international concern. It's not acceptable to market these phones as next generation technology when the last generation's technology at least provided reliable phone service without spontaneous bursts of phone tones at irregular intervals.
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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2013
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I have the same problem with my phone... and I don't talk to many females... it's doing it on almost every call, they cant hear it, which is weird because they can hear other beeps on my phone when im texting and stuff.
Turned off enhanced services.... fingers crossed...

That's what worked for me.

Posted via the Android Central App via my amazing Note 4.

Chas Briggs

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Aug 15, 2015
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it definitely isn't the proximity sensor I have the same issue on my note 4 the person Im on the phone with doesn't hear the tone. It happens even when I use in car bluetooth. Im on my 3rd note and it happen just now on it as well. this started after the 5.0 update thanks lolipoop

Dyan Shane

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Aug 20, 2015
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Hello all,
i am one of those people who have posted 3 years ago on other forums. I am on a LANDLINE! Ok, it drives me CRAZY, i hear the beep tone only when i am talking to anyone on a cell phone. If i talk to someone on a landline, i dont hear it. I have a cell phone as well, but dont have the issue with that.
I am absolutely fed up with hearing this loud tone with everyone i talk to on a cell. I have been hearing this a long time and its BS that no one answers us. It is on ALL cell phone unless there older, old flip phones dont have the issue. Its the new phones, and as far as i am concerned there is a reason there not telling us. They know the answer to this, but are keeping us in the dark for a reason.
So i despise that loud tone, it interrupts my calls and i am pretty fed up with it. Why i have to listen to this talking to someone on a newer phone is beyond me!

Dyan Shane

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Aug 20, 2015
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If all this is the case, then why am i having this issue for the last 3 years on my landline when only speaking to people on a cell phone? They all hear the beep as well. No, i am not pushing buttons, and minute beeps dont even exist anymore. So outdated. and it is random. But if i speak to someone on another landline, i never hear it. Drives me nuts, there is lots of ideas, but NO ONE has nailed it. I have a comcast landline.

Dyan Shane

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I forgot to mention. Like i said, i am on a landline, dont hear the beeps when talking to other landlines. This has absolutely nothing to do with the sound of a persons voice. I am a man. I hear it when speaking to another man who has sprint, this person hears it as well. I hear it when i am talking to 2 different people who have ATT, one person hears it, the guy, the other one does not, a girl. I hear it when i am speaking to a person who has Walmart straight talk, the phone is a cellular type phone for the home, works off satellite. I dont believe my phone is doing this since it only happens when i am talking to people on cell phones, why i am the recipient is beyond me. So, i dont think the beeping you all are hearing is your phone actually making the beep, i think it is the other persons phone, you just get to hear it. All of you changing your phones is going to do absolutely nothing. Its there phone. Its random services as well. It is really bad and very frequent for me when i am talking to someone, several years ago i thought i was being tapped for some crazy reason since i am on a landline. So, personally, everyone is clueless, except for the people doing this. After 3 years of checking this out, i am ready to pitch this phone. Now i have a old flip phone, i never hear anything on that one, ever with anyone. I have wondered if because of its age, maybe, if someone could possibly be listening hacking or whatever, they cannot do it on these old phones, but for some crazy reason a person on a landline gets to hear all the beeps from everyone elses phone.


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Dec 12, 2010
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I have had:
Galaxy 2
Galaxy 3
Galaxy 4
Galaxy 5

Never had this issue until my new NOTE 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

danette batson

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Aug 30, 2015
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Thank you for the info that beep has Been driving me bezerk! I pray this works! I am glad to hear this isn't just me, I thought at first I was hitting something with my cheek or something. Never in my life have I had a problem like this with another phone. Will keep posted on the outcome!


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Aug 30, 2015
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I am on T-Mobile with a Galaxy S5 and have had the same issue. I just did a warranty replacement and the issue is still there. Luckily I haven't sent my original in yet. I'm going to harass customer care today about it when I get off work. If this issue has been around for so long, why is there no fix to it? This can't be some ghost in the machine occurring across so many carriers and hardware. It has to be an app that is very popular that is causing this. Or maybe a native app. Has anyone done a hard reset and operated a few days without apps to try and narrow this down?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2014
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Hey guys,

I recently ported my number with ATT from Verizon and activated with the new Galaxy Note 4. I love the device however I've noticed that during phone calls I get a beeping noise as if someone on the other line pressed a keypad number as if they were dialing someone. The person on the other line cannot hear the beep and there doesn't seem to be a rhyme, reason or pattern to the beep. Sometimes it happens once and other times it happens 3 or 4 times in a row.
I've called tech support with ATT and they are suggesting I replace my brand new Note 4 with their crappy "Like new" warranty device. I DO NOT want to do this especially given the fact I paid over 300 bucks for a phone I've only had 5 weeks.

I did a factory reset today and I'm not going to install any third party apps for a bit and just use the phone this way and see if that has resolved the issue but I'm not optimistic. Any help or suggestions you guys could offer would be greatly appreciated.

This happens to me a lot! I thought it was just me. It's as if someone is on the line pressing the keys.

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